Scala cast to generic type - scala

I'm confused about the generic type. I expect that 2.asInstanceOf[A] is cast to the type A, meanwhile, it's cast to Int.
Besides that, the input is java.lang.Long whereas the output is a list of Int (according to the definition the input and the output should be the same type). Why is that?
def whatever[A](x: A): List[A] = {
val two = 2.asInstanceOf[A]
val l = List(1.asInstanceOf[A],2.asInstanceOf[A])
println(f"Input type inside the function for 15L: ${x.getClass}")
println(f"The class of two: ${two.getClass}, the value of two: $two")
println(f"The class of the first element of l: ${l.head.getClass}, first element value: ${l.head}")
println(f"Returned from whatever function: ${whatever(15L)}")
the outupt:
Input type inside the function for 15L: class java.lang.Long
The class of two: class java.lang.Integer, the value of two: 2
The class of the first element of l: class java.lang.Integer, first element value: 1
Returned from whatever function: List(1, 2)

a.asInstanceOf[B] means:
Dear compiler;
Please forget what you think the type of a is. I know better. I know that if a isn't actually type B then my program could blow up, but I'm really very smart and that's not going to happen.
Sincerely yours, Super Programmer
In other words val b:B = a.asInstanceOf[B] won't create a new variable of type B, it will create a new variable that will be treated as if it were type B. If the actual underlying type of a is compatible with type B then everything is fine. If a's real type is incompatible with B then things blow up.

Type erasure. For the purposes of type checking 2 is cast to A; but at a later compilation stage A is erased to Object, so your code becomes equivalent to
def whatever(x: Object): List[Object] = {
val two = 2.asInstanceOf[Object]
val l = List(1.asInstanceOf[Object],2.asInstanceOf[Object])
println(f"Input type inside the function for 15L: ${x.getClass}")
println(f"The class of two: ${two.getClass}, the value of two: $two")
println(f"The class of the first element of l: ${l.head.getClass}, first element value: ${l.head}")
2.asInstanceOf[Object] is a boxing operation returning a java.lang.Integer.
If you try to actually use the return value as a List[Long] you'll eventually get a ClassCastException, e.g.
val list = whatever(15L)
val x = list(0)
x will be inferred to be Long and a cast inserted to unbox the expected java.lang.Long.

The answer from #jwvh is on point. Here I'll only add a solution in case you want to fix the problem of safely converting an Int to an A in whatever, without knowing what A is. This is of course only possible if you provide a way to build a particular A from an Int. We can do this in using a type-class:
trait BuildableFromInt[+A] {
def fromInt(i: Int): A
Now you only have to implicitly provide BuildableFromInt for any type A you wish to use in whatever:
object BuildableFromInt {
implicit val longFromInt: BuildableFromInt[Long] =
and now define whatever to only accept compliant types A:
def whatever[A : BuildableFromInt](x: A): List[A] = {
val two = implicitly[BuildableFromInt[A]].fromInt(2)
// Use two like any other "A"
// ...
Now whatever can be used with any type for which a BuildableFromInt is available.


Scala: value class X is added to the return type of its methods as X#

I'd like to enrich a 'graph for scala' graph. For this purpose i've created an implicit value class:
import scalax.collection.mutable
import scalax.collection.edge.DiEdge
type Graph = mutable.Graph[Int, DiEdge]
implicit class EnrichGraph(val G: Graph) extends AnyVal {
def roots = G.nodes.filter(!_.hasPredecessors)
The problem lies with the return type of its methods, e.g.:
import ....EnrichGraph
val H: Graph = mutable.Graph[Int,DiEdge]()
val roots1 = H.nodes.filter(!_.hasPredecessors) // type Iterable[H.NodeT]
val roots2 = H.roots // type Iterable[RichGraph#G.NodeT] !!
val subgraph1 = H.filter(H.having(roots1)) // works!
val subgraph2 = H.filter(H.having(roots2)) // type mismatch!
Does the cause lie with fact that 'Graph' has dependent subtypes, e.g. NodeT? Is there a way to make this enrichment work?
What usually works is propagating the singleton type as a type parameter to EnrichGraph. That means a little bit of extra boilerplate since you have to split the implicit class into a class and an implicit def.
class EnrichGraph[G <: Graph](val G: G) extends AnyVal {
def roots: Iterable[G#NodeT] = G.nodes.filter(!_.hasPredecessors)
implicit def EnrichGraph(g: Graph): EnrichGraph[g.type] = new EnrichGraph[g.type](g)
The gist here being that G#NodeT =:= H.NodeT if G =:= H.type, or in other words (H.type)#NodeT =:= H.NodeT. (=:= is the type equality operator)
The reason you got that weird type, is that roots has a path type dependent type. And that path contains the value G. So then the type of val roots2 in your program would need to contain a path to G. But since G is bound to an instance of EnrichGraph which is not referenced by any variable, the compiler cannot construct such a path. The "best" thing the compiler can do is construct a type with that part of the path left out: Set[_1.G.NodeT] forSome { val _1: EnrichGraph }. This is the type I actually got with your code; I assume you're using Intellij which is printing this type differently.
As pointed out by #DmytroMitin a version which might work better for you is:
import scala.collection.mutable.Set
class EnrichGraph[G <: Graph](val G: G) extends AnyVal {
def roots: Set[G.NodeT] = G.nodes.filter(!_.hasPredecessors)
implicit def EnrichGraph(g: Graph): EnrichGraph[g.type] = new EnrichGraph[g.type](g)
Since the rest of your code actually requires a Set instead of an Iterable.
The reason why this still works despite reintroducing the path dependent type is quite tricky. Actually now roots2 will receive the type Set[_1.G.NodeT] forSome { val _1: EnrichGraph[H.type] } which looks pretty complex. But the important part is that this type still contains the knowledge that the G in _1.G.NodeT has type H.type because that information is stored in val _1: EnrichGraph[H.type].
With Set you can't use G#NodeT to give you the simpler type signatures, because G.NodeT is a subtype of G#NodeT and Set is unfortunately invariant. In our usage those type will actually always be equivalent (as I explained above), but the compiler cannot know that.

Scala - how to go resolve "Value is not a member of Nothing" error

This example code is based on Atmosphere classes, but if someone could give me some insights into what the error means in general, I think I can figure out any Atmosphere-specific solution...
val bc = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookup(_broadcasterId)
After the first line, bc should contain a handle to an object whose class definition includes the method broadcast() -- in fact, it contains several overloaded variations. However, the compiler chokes on the second line of code with the following: "value broadcast is not a member of Nothing"
Any ideas/suggestions on what would be causing this?
EDIT: signature for [BroadcasterFactor].lookup :
abstract Broadcaster lookup(Object id)
Note: 1) that is the signature version that I've used in the example, 2) it is the java Inteface signature - whereas the getDefault() hands back an instantiated object that implements that interface.
Solution: force type cast on value:
val bc: Broadcaster = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookup(_broadcasterId)
Nothing is the type name. It's the subtype of all other types. You can't call methods from Nothing itself, you have to specify exact type ((bc: ExactType).broadcast(message)). Nothing has no instances. Method, that returns Nothing will, actually, never return value. It will throw an exception eventually.
Type inference
Definition of lookup:
abstract public <T extends Broadcaster> T lookup(Object id);
in scala this definition looks this way:
def lookup[T <: Broadcaster](Object id): T
There is not specified type parameter in lookup method. In this case compiler will infer this type parameter as the most specific type - Nothing:
scala> def test[T](i: Int): T = ???
test: [T](i: Int)T
scala> lazy val x = test(1)
x: Nothing = <lazy>
scala> lazy val x = test[String](1)
x: String = <lazy>
You could specify type parameter like this:
val bc = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookup[Broadcaster](_broadcasterId)
Draft implementation
In development process lookup can be "implemented" like this:
def lookup(...) = ???
??? returns Nothing.
You should specify either result type of lookup method like this: def lookup(...): <TypeHere> = ... or type of bc: val bc: <TypeHere> =.

covariant type T occurs in invariant position

I'm moving my first steps in Scala and I would like to make the following code works:
trait Gene[+T] {
val gene: Array[T]
The error that the compiler gives is: covariant type T occurs in invariant position in type => Array[T] of value gene
I know I could do something like:
trait Gene[+T] {
def gene[U >: T]: Array[U]
but this doesn't solve the problem because I need a value: pratically what I'm trying to say is "I don't care of the inside type, I know that genes will have a gene field that return its content". (the +T here is because I wanna do something like type Genome = Array[Gene[Any]] and then use it as a wrapper against the single gene classes so I can have a heterogeneous array type)
Is it possible to do it in Scala or I'm simply taking a wrong approach? Would it be better to use a different structure, like a Scala native covariant class?
Thanks in advance!
P.S.: I've also tried with class and abstract class instead than trait but always same results!
EDIT: with kind suggestion by Didier Dupont I came to this code:
package object ga {
class Gene[+T](val gene: Vector[T]){
def apply(idx: Int) = gene(idx)
override def toString() = gene.toString
implicit def toGene[T](a: Vector[T]) = new Gene(a)
type Genome = Array[Gene[Any]]
package test
import ga._
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val g = Vector(1, 3, 4)
val g2 = Vector("a", "b")
val genome1: Genome = Array(g, g2)
for(gene <- genome1) println(gene.gene)
So I now think I can put and retrieve data in different types and use them with all type checking goodies!
Array is invariant because you can write in it.
Suppose you do
val typed = new Gene[String]
val untyped : Gene[Any] = typed // covariance would allow that
untyped.gene(0) = new Date(...)
this would crash (the array in your instance is an Array[String] and will not accept a Date). Which is why the compiler prevents that.
From there, it depends very much on what you intend to do with Gene. You could use a covariant type instead of Array (you may consider Vector), but that will prevent user to mutate the content, if this was what you intended. You may also have an Array inside the class, provided it is decladed private [this] (which will make it quite hard to mutate the content too). If you want the client to be allowed to mutate the content of a Gene, it will probably not be possible to make Gene covariant.
The type of gene needs to be covariant in its type parameter. For that to be possible, you have to choose an immutable data structure, for example list. But you can use any data structure from the scala.collection.immutable package.

Scala compiler not recognizing a view bound

I've tried this line of code
def **[A <% Numeric[A]](l:List[A],m:List[A]){t=>t._1*t._2})
However on compilation, I get this error
error: value * is not a member of type parameter A
def **[A <% Numeric[A]](l:List[A],m:List[A]){t=>t._1*t._2})
When I look at the source for the Numeric trait, I see a * op defined.
What am I doing wrong?
The instance of Numeric is not a number itself, but it is an object that offers operations to do the arithmetic. For example, an object num of type Numeric[Int] can add two integers like this:, 5) The result of this operation is the integer 7.
For integers, this is very trivial. However, for all basic numerical types, there is one implicit instance of Numeric available. And if you define your own numeric types, you can provide one.
Therefore, you should leave the bounds for A open and add an implicit parameter of type Numeric[A], with which you do the calculations. Like this:
def **[A](l:List[A],m:List[A])(implicit num:Numeric[A]){t=>num.times(t._1, t._2)})
Of course, num.times(a,b) looks less elegant than a*b. In most of the cases, one can live with that. However, you can wrap the value a in an object of type Ops that supports operators, like this:
// given are: num:Numeric[A], a:A and b:A
val a_ops = num.mkNumericOps(a)
val product = a_ops * b
Since the method mkNumericOps is declared implicit, you can also import it and use it implicitly:
// given are: num:Numeric[A], a:A and b:A
import num._
val product = a * b
You can also solve this with a context bound. Using the context method from this answer, you can write:
def **[A : Numeric](l:List[A],m:List[A]) =
l zip m map { t => context[A]().times(t._1, t._2) }
def **[A : Numeric](l:List[A],m:List[A]) = {
val num = context[A]()
import num._
l zip m map { t => t._1 * t._2 }

Scala anonymous class type mismatch

I am creating a list holding Comparable objects and wish to create one object that serves as the minimum of the list, such that it always returns -1 for its compareTo method. Other methods in the list, like print here requires an input of type A. If I compile the code I get the following error:
error: type mismatch;
found : java.lang.Object with java.lang.Comparable[String]
required: String
Anyone have any idea about how can a create such a minimum element so that it is always smaller than any other elements in the list?
class MyList[A <: Comparable[A]] {
val min = new Comparable[A] {
def compareTo(other: A) = -1
def print(a: A) = {
class Run extends Application {
val l = new MyList[String]
Well, the input passed is not equal to the input provided, right? print needs an A:
def print(a: A) = {
And min does not return an A:
val min = new Comparable[A] {
As to creating such an A as you want it... how could you possibly go about it? You don't know anything about A -- you don't know what its toString returns, you don't know what methods it implements, etc.
So, basically, change your algorithm.
You are getting a compile error because you're trying to use a Comparable where the compiler is expecting a A, what you really want to do is:
val min: A = new A {
def compareTo(other: A) = -1
but you can't do this in Scala (or Java), because you're trying to create an object of an unknown type (A). You could do this using reflection, but you would still have the problem of creating an object which was less than any other object in the list.
Also, be aware that your implementation of compareTo will have problems with almost any sorting algorithm you choose, because you can't guarantee compareTo is always called from min. For example, you could get:
min.compareTo(list(0)) // returns -1
list(0).compareTo(min) // could be anything really
If you want a list that returns a specific object as the 'minimum' then you could just prepend a specific value to the sorted list:
class MyList2[A <: Comparable[A]] {
val min: A; // somehow create an instance of the class A
val list: List[A]
def sort(fn: (A, A) => Boolean) = {
min :: list.sort(fn)
but as Daniel says, this is probably the wrong way to go about it.