Is it possible to remove column from the GetTableSql() in BIML - biml

I use the GetTableSql() function in BIML a lot, but I often need to remove some columns from this function before it executes. Is this possible?

You'd have to write your own Extension method to do so. Looking through the code, you might be better off just scrubbing the column(s) from results of the method call - it just depends on what you're looking to do.
The current GetTableSql method is an extension method that chains a call to EmitTableScript which in turn calls a number of methods to build out the returning SQL. At least in the BimlStudio product, EmitTableScript is in Varigence.Biml.CoreLowerer.Capabilities.TableToPackageLowerer class in BimlExtensions.dll
After a bit more thinking, what might be an even better, less support headache would be to create a clone of the table node and then remove the columns you don't want.
Code approximately
var table0 = this.RootNode.Tables[0];
var tablePrime = table0;
// I don't have a biml project handy so this section is a guess
// Might be AddRange if this method exists
// Remove all the columns that start with ignore, as an example of filtering columns
tablePrime.Columns.Add(table0.Columns.Where(x => !"ignore"));
// end guess block
var sql = tablePrime.GetTableSql();


How to write a function that can be executed in LinqToEntities without loading the object

I have a design problem, but don't know how to fix it. I have a Policy object, with a boolean property like so:
public bool IsCancelled
return (CancellationDate != null && Convert.ToDateTime(CancellationDate) < DateTime.Today);
The problem with this approach is that if I want to get...
context.Policies.where(q => q.IsCancelled)
...LinqToEntities can't execute this against the database; I must load every policy object into memory, like this statement below, which kills performance and is completely unnecessary:
context.policies.ToList().where(q => q.IsCancelled)
A colleague tells me I should be able to use a Func or Expression to do this, but I'm at a loss as to what phrase to even Google for this. Can someone recommend a link or two that explains how to do this?
Keep in mind, I want this to be available to queries like the one above, and to an instance of a Policy object in memory, without having to code the logic twice (DRY and all that).
The problem is your Convert method. I assume CancelationDate is a string. The real problem here is that SQL doesn't do date comparisons as strings, they need to be in date format. This can't be translated to SQL, and thus won't work in the database.
You really should be storing dates as the date type, not as strings. Then it would be trivial. If you can change this, then do it, then no conversion is necessary.
Your other option is to futz with the EntityFunctions, SqlFunctions, DbFunctions to try to make it work.
Comparing date with string Entity Framework

Using LuaJ with Scala

I am attempting to use LuaJ with Scala. Most things work (actually all things work if you do them correctly!) but the simple task of setting object values has become incredibly complicated thanks to Scala's setter implementation.
class TestObject {
var x: Int = 0
function myTestFunction(testObject)
testObject.x = 3
If I execute the script or line containing this Lua function and pass a coerced instance of TestObject to myTestFunction this causes an error in LuaJ. LuaJ is trying to direct-write the value, and Scala requires you to go through the implicitly-defined setter (with the horrible name x_=, which is not valid Lua so even attempting to call that as a function makes your Lua not parse).
As I said, there are workarounds for this, such as defining your own setter or using the #BeanProperty markup. They just make code that should be easy to write much more complicated:
function myTestFunction(testObject)
testObject.setX(testObject, 3)
Does anybody know of a way to get luaj to implicitly call the setter for such assignments? Or where I might look in the luaj source code to perhaps implement such a thing?
I must admit that I'm not too familiar with LuaJ, but the first thing that comes to my mind regarding your issue is to wrap the objects within proxy tables to ease interaction with the API. Depending upon what sort of needs you have, this solution may or may not be the best, but it could be a good temporary fix.
local mt = {}
function mt:__index(k)
return self.o[k] -- Define how your getters work here.
function mt:__newindex(k, v)
return self.o[k .. '_='](v) -- "object.k_=(v)"
local function proxy(o)
return setmetatable({o = o}, mt)
-- ...
function myTestFunction(testObject)
testObject = proxy(testObject)
testObject.x = 3
I believe this may be the least invasive way to solve your problem. As for modifying LuaJ's source code to better suit your needs, I had a quick look through the documentation and source code and found this, this, and this. My best guess says that line 71 of is where you'll find what you need to change, if Scala requires a different way of setting values.
f.set(m_instance, CoerceLuaToJava.coerce(value, f.getType()));
Perhaps you should use the method syntax:
Note the colon ':' instead of the dot '.' which can be hard to distinguish in some editors.
This has the same effect as the function call:
testObject.setX(testObject, 3)
but is more readable.
It can also be used to call static methods on classes:
The part to the left of the ':' is evaluated once, so a statement such as
x = abc[d+e+f]:foo()
will be evaluated as if it were
local tmp = abc[d+e+f]
x =

reduce array efficiently in coffeescript

If I have an array of objects in a var. I want to reduce this so that they are grouped by particular property. This is my code
array = tracks.reduce (x,y,i) ->
x[y.album] = []
, {}
albums = tracks.reduce (x,y,i) ->
array[y.album].push {'name', 'mp3':y.mp3}
, {}
It outputs what I want, however I want to know if there a better way to write this, without having to do the first loop, to create the empty arrays for the groups.
Yes, you can use the or= or ?= operator to assign array[y.ambum] only if it hasn't been initialized; therefore using only one loop. BTW, i think it's a bit confusing that the array variable is an object. Another way of coding this using a CoffeeScript loop instead of reduce is:
albums = {}
for {album, name, mp3} in tracks
(albums[album] or= []).push {name, mp3}
Notice that i'm using destructuring to get the track properties all at once.
Or, if you want to use a reduce:
albums = tracks.reduce (albums, {album, name, mp3}) ->
(albums[album] or= []).push {name, mp3}
, {}
But i think the CS-loop version reads a bit better :)
Bonus track (pun intended): if you happen to have Underscore.js, i'd strongly recommend to use groupBy, which does exactly this kind of grouping job:
albums = _.groupBy tracks, (track) -> track.album
Notice that the tracks for each album name in albums will be "complete" tracks (not just the name and mp3 properties).
Update: A comment about performance: when asked to do something "efficiently" i interpret it as doing in the most direct and clean way possible (i'm thinking about the programmers' efficiency when reading the code); but many will unequivocally relate efficiency to performance.
About performance, all these three solutions are O(n), n being the number of tracks, in complexity; so neither is horribly worse than others.
It seems raw for loops run faster on modern JS engines than their equivalent higher order brothers: forEach, reduce, etc (which is quite saddening IMO :(...). So the first version should run faster than the second one.
In the case of the Underscore version, i won't do any prediction, as Underscore is known for using the higher order functions a lot instead of raw for loops, but at the same time, that version does not create a new object for each track.
In any case, you should always profile your code before changing your solution to one that might be more performant but is less readable. If you notice that that particular loop is a bottleneck, and you have a good set of data to benchmark it, jsPerf can be really useful :)

In javascript, what are the trade-offs for defining a function inline versus passing it as a reference?

So, let's say I have a large set of elements to which I want to attach event listeners. E.g. a table where I want each row to turn red when clicked.
So my question is which of these is the fastest, and which uses the least memory. I understand that it's (usually) a tradeoff, so I would like to know my best options for each.
Using the table example, let's say there's a list of all the row elements, "rowList":
Option 1:
for(var r in rowList){
rowList[r].onclick = function(){ = "red" };
My gut feeling is that this is the fastest, since there is one less pointer call, but the most memory intensive, since each rowlist will have its own copy of the function, which might get serious if the onclick function is large.
Option 2:
function turnRed(){ = "red";
for(var r in rowList){
rowList[r].onclick = turnRed;
I'm guessing this is going to be only a teensy bit slower than the one above (oh no, one more pointer dereference!) but a lot less memory intensive, since the browser only needs to keep track of one copy of the function.
Option 3:
var turnRed = function(){ = "red";
for(var r in rowList){
rowList[r].onclick = turnRed;
I assume this is the same as option 2, but I just wanted to throw it out there. For those wondering what the difference between this and option 2 is: JavaScript differences defining a function
Bonus Section: Jquery
Same question with:
$('tr').click(function(){ = "red"});
function turnRed(){ = "red"};
var turnRed = function(){ = "red"};
Here's your answer:
Option 2 is way faster and uses less memory. The reason is that Option 1 creates a new function object for every iteration of the loop.
In terms of memory usage, your Option 1 is creating a distinct function closure for each row in your array. This approach will therefore use more memory than Option 2 and Option 3, which only create a single function and then pass around a reference to it.
For this same reason I would also expect Option 1 to be the slowest of the three. Of course, the difference in terms of real-world performance and memory usage will probably be quite small, but if you want the most efficient one then pick either Option 2 or Option 3 (they are both pretty much the same, the only real difference between the two is the scope at which turnRed is visible).
As for jQuery, all three options will have the same memory usage and performance characteristics. In every case you are creating and passing a single function reference to jQuery, whether you define it inline or not.
And one important note that is not brought up in your question is that using lots of inline functions can quickly turn your code into an unreadable mess and make it more difficult to maintain. It's not a big deal here since you only have a single line of code in your function, but as a general rule if your function contains more than 2-3 lines it is a good idea to avoid defining it inline. Instead define it as in Option 2 or Option 3 and then pass around a reference to it.

How to delete elements from a transformed collection using a predicate?

If I have an ArrayList<Double> dblList and a Predicate<Double> IS_EVEN I am able to remove all even elements from dblList using:
Collections2.filter(dblList, IS_EVEN).clear()
if dblList however is a result of a transformation like
dblList = Lists.transform(intList, TO_DOUBLE)
this does not work any more as the transformed list is immutable :-)
Any solution?
Lists.transform() accepts a List and helpfully returns a result that is RandomAccess list. Iterables.transform() only accepts an Iterable, and the result is not RandomAccess. Finally, Iterables.removeIf (and as far as I see, this is the only one in Iterables) has an optimization in case that the given argument is RandomAccess, the point of which is to make the algorithm linear instead of quadratic, e.g. think what would happen if you had a big ArrayList (and not an ArrayDeque - that should be more popular) and kept removing elements from its start till its empty.
But the optimization depends not on iterator remove(), but on List.set(), which is cannot be possibly supported in a transformed list. If this were to be fixed, we would need another marker interface, to denote that "the optional set() actually works".
So the options you have are:
Call Iterables.removeIf() version, and run a quadratic algorithm (it won't matter if your list is small or you remove few elements)
Copy the List into another List that supports all optional operations, then call Iterables.removeIf().
The following approach should work, though I haven't tried it yet.
Collection<Double> dblCollection =
Collections.checkedCollection(dblList, Double.class);
Collections2.filter(dblCollection, IS_EVEN).clear();
The checkCollection() method generates a view of the list that doesn't implement List. [It would be cleaner, but more verbose, to create a ForwardingCollection instead.] Then Collections2.filter() won't call the unsupported set() method.
The library code could be made more robust. Iterables.removeIf() could generate a composed Predicate, as Michael D suggested, when passed a transformed list. However, we previously decided not to complicate the code by adding special-case logic of that sort.
Collection<Double> odds = Collections2.filter(dblList, Predicates.not(IS_EVEN));
dblList = Lists.newArrayList(Lists.transform(intList, TO_DOUBLE));
Collections2.filter(dblList, IS_EVEN).clear();
As long as you have no need for the intermediate collection, then you can just use Predicates.compose() to create a predicate that first transforms the item, then evaluates a predicate on the transformed item.
For example, suppose I have a List<Double> from which I want to remove all items where the Integer part is even. I already have a Function<Double,Integer> that gives me the Integer part, and a Predicate<Integer> that tells me if it is even.
I can use these to get a new predicate, INTEGER_PART_IS_EVEN
Predicate<Double> INTEGER_PART_IS_EVEN = Predicates.compose(IS_EVEN, DOUBLE_TO_INTEGER);
Collections2.filter(dblList, INTEGER_PART_IS_EVEN).clear();
After some tries, I think I've found it :)
final ArrayList<Integer> ints = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Iterables.removeIf(Iterables.transform(ints, intoDouble()), even());
I don't have a solution, instead I found some kind of a problem with Iterables.removeIf() in combination with Lists.TransformingRandomAccessList.
The transformed list implements RandomAccess, thus Iterables.removeIf() delegates to Iterables.removeIfFromRandomAccessList() which depends on an unsupported List.set() operation.
Calling Iterators.removeIf() however would be successful, as the remove() operation IS supported by Lists.TransformingRandomAccessList.
see: Iterables: 147
Conclusion: instanceof RandomAccess does not guarantee List.set().
In special situations calling removeIfFromRandomAccessList() even works:
if and only if the elements to erase form a compact group at the tail of the List or all elements are covered by the Predicate.