How to write a function that can be executed in LinqToEntities without loading the object - entity-framework

I have a design problem, but don't know how to fix it. I have a Policy object, with a boolean property like so:
public bool IsCancelled
return (CancellationDate != null && Convert.ToDateTime(CancellationDate) < DateTime.Today);
The problem with this approach is that if I want to get...
context.Policies.where(q => q.IsCancelled)
...LinqToEntities can't execute this against the database; I must load every policy object into memory, like this statement below, which kills performance and is completely unnecessary:
context.policies.ToList().where(q => q.IsCancelled)
A colleague tells me I should be able to use a Func or Expression to do this, but I'm at a loss as to what phrase to even Google for this. Can someone recommend a link or two that explains how to do this?
Keep in mind, I want this to be available to queries like the one above, and to an instance of a Policy object in memory, without having to code the logic twice (DRY and all that).

The problem is your Convert method. I assume CancelationDate is a string. The real problem here is that SQL doesn't do date comparisons as strings, they need to be in date format. This can't be translated to SQL, and thus won't work in the database.
You really should be storing dates as the date type, not as strings. Then it would be trivial. If you can change this, then do it, then no conversion is necessary.
Your other option is to futz with the EntityFunctions, SqlFunctions, DbFunctions to try to make it work.
Comparing date with string Entity Framework


Working with Entity Framework client vs server evaluation changes

I have the following exceprt of my query. I am using ASP.NET Core 3.1 project with EF Core.
I read that the server vs client has changed, so how I used to perform the WHERE part in Core 2.1 (using variables from elsewhere in my code) doesn't seem to work anymore.
So as below I have changed (as per something I read) to use ToList() in each part, but now is it not hitting the database more (in my Core 2.1 I would of only had the ToList on the final part as per the code comment below).
So now for Core 3.1 I need to have a dynamic where in the initial "// Load data" part - how do I do a dynamic Where in the initial part, or is there a way, now the server vs client changes are in EF Core to work around that (note it is the final "// Search" part that fails in EF under Core 3.1 (prior to adding the ToList 's)
public List<KBEntryListVM> lstKBEntry;
// Load data
var q = await (from _k in _context.KBEntry
join _kc in _context.KBCategory on _k.CategoryId equals _kc.Id
into _kc2
from _kc3 in _kc2.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new KBEntryListVM()
Id = _k.Id,
DateCreated = DateTime.Parse(_k.DateCreated.ToString()),
CategoryId = _k.CategoryId,
CategoryTitle = _kc3.Title.ToString().Trim(),
Text = _k.Text.ToString().Trim(),
Title = _k.Title.ToString().Trim()
// KBCategory
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c) && Guid.TryParse(c.ToString().Trim(), out var newGuid))
q = q.Where(w => w.CategoryId == Guid.Parse($"{c.ToString()}")).ToList();
// Search
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
q = q.Where(w => w.Title.ToLower().Contains($"{s.ToLower()}") || w.CategoryTitle.ToLower().Contains($"{s.ToLower()}") || w.Text.ToLower().Contains($"{s.ToLower()}")).ToList();
lstKBEntry = q; //.ToList(); this would of been the only place in Core 2.1 I would of had ToList()
So as below I have changed (as per something I read) to use ToList() in each part
EF Core 3.x+ client evaluation exception message suggests to either (1)
rewrite the query in a form that can be translated
or (2)
switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync()
So you are taking the option (2) which is easier, but you should try utilizing the option (1) which is harder, but better from performance perspective and the main reason implicit client evaluation have been removed by EFC 3.0. Option (2) should be your last resort only in case there is no way to apply option (1).
The exception message also contains the failed expression. Unfortunately it is not the exact part, but the whole expression (the whole Where predicate for instance), so you need to analyze it, find the failing part(s) and try to replace them with translatable constructs.
One of the general rules for simple data expressions is to avoid explicit conversions (ToString(), Parse). Store dates and numbers in database as such rather than strings, or utilize value conversions when using old existing database and aren't allowed to change it.
In this particular query, the unsupported (non translatable) construct most likely are ToString() calls of string type properties (e.g. Title, Text). EF Core still supports implicit client evaluation of the final Select, so you won't notice it if there is no Where (or other) clause after that referencing such expressions. But as being said at the beginning, you should avoid them regardless - query the raw data and let the usages (UI) do the desired formatting.
Anyway, I can't tell exactly because you haven't show your model, but removing ToString() should make the query translatable, hence no need of intermediate ToList() or similar client materialization:
CategoryTitle = _kc3.Title.Trim(),
Text = _k.Text.Trim(),
Title = _k.Title.Trim()
You should probably also replace
DateCreated = DateTime.Parse(_k.DateCreated.ToString())
with just
DateCreated = _k.DateCreated
because it seems that DateCreated is already DateTime, so the double conversion through string doesn't make sense and would cause similar troubles. And even if the database type is string, still remove Parse / ToString and setup value converter which does that.

Auto-complete a Single created from another Observable

I have a long-running operation that returns a value in code I don't control. I need that value to be published to things that ask for it. For this purpose I am using a BehaviorSubject:
var subject: Subject<Value>? = null
fun retrieveValue(): Single<Value> {
if (subject == null) {
subject = BehaviorSubject.create<Value>()
someOtherThing.retrieveValueAsync { value ->
return subject.singleOrError()
This lets me perform the operation only once and send the result as a single to all future interested parties. However, it does not work. The single will not emit a value until I call:
But this is a problem because once the subject is completed future things can no longer subscribe to it.
What is the appropriate way to cache a value from another observable and pass it to a Single? If there was a way to have a subject automatically complete once its source observable emitted a value that would work. Single.cache() also looks promising, but I'm unsure how I would handle the fact that my value comes in asynchronously in that case.
It feels like I'm missing something silly.
There is a SingleSubject for this case.
If you don't want experimental code in your codebase, you can use ReplaySubject.createWithSize(1) and call onComplete without losing the last value, then convert it to Single.

Best way to implement behavior based in type in scala

In a friendly chat that I was having with a friend during a code review we notice that in the code there was a lot of:
unknownTypeVal match {
case asStr: String => //DO SOMETHING FOR STRING
case asInt: Integer => //DO SOMETHING FOR Integer
case asMyOwnClass: MyOwnClass => //DO SOMETHING FOR MyOwnClass
problem that was initially generated by methods that return Any or Option and there is no way to remove that because we are using libraries as XPath, and JSONPath, which return instances of Any or Option for a provided path.
I don't want to get into discussions of "preference", this is not an opinion question, I want to know either by standard defined preferably by Scala, or any other organization of impact, to do this kind of "type checking" in code in a more organized way, we think that this functionality can be reduced to a single function call to a method which contains a map of function and based on "something" (name of the class or something else that I do not know right now) determine how to process such parameter:
process(myAnnonimusVal: Any) = myMapOfFunct(myAnnonimusVal.getClass) //and based on the function that this will return execute such function pasing myAnnonimusVal
what is encouraged to do by Scala devs or Scala community
In principle, match is the cleanest way to execute code conditional on matching the Any type to something else. Any chain of if-else, instanceOf, etc is bound to turn out to be even more cumbersome and less elegant. A possible exception is a case where you know what the actual type is and can act accordingly, where a direct cast might be permissible.
That said, if you find yourself making the same matches many times, you might as well encapsulate the match in order to avoid code repetition. A partial function might be exactly what you have in mind here.

Can we say that using "pass by reference" is always better than "pass by value"?

In C# or php or other languages, there are 2 ways to pass a value to a function, pass it by value and pass it by referece.
Pass parameter by value make the value copied in the function, so this need a extra memory space although the memory space will be reclaimed after running outside the function.
But passing parameter by reference no need to copy a value, it's save the memory. From this perspective, can we say that using "pass by reference" is always better than "pass by value"?
Pass by reference and pass by value are semantically different and sometimes one is correct approach and sometimes the other one is. In many cases the task at hand already prescribes which approach is needed and in contexts where only one option is supported you often need to manually work around it (e.g., if you need a copy in Java you'll need to clone() the object).
In the context of generic functions the answer is rather the opposite way of your proposed preference: pass arguments of deduced type by value! The reason is that you can use something like std::ref() to obtain reference semantics but there is no way to get value semantics if the functions use reference semantics.
There are tons of cases where you'd want to pass by value.
An example might be when you need both const Type& and Type&& overloads. Passing by value just handles both cases without having to duplicate any code:
void function(Object o) { do_something_with(std::move(o)); }
As opposed to:
void function(Object&& o) { do_something_with(std::move(o)); }
void function(const Object& o) { do_something_with(Object(o)); }
Of course there is much more to the subject, but since you're only asking for "is it always better?" I feel a single disproving example is enough. ;)
Edit: the question was originally tagged c++ hence my very specific answer.
Another, more language-agnostic example would be when you need to make a copy of your parameter because you don't want to modify the original object:
void function(int& val) { int v2 = val; modify(v2); use(v2); }
// vs
void function(int val) { modify(val); use(val); }
You get the idea...
Pass by reference requires copying a reference to the object. If that reference is comparable in cost to the object itself, then the benefit is illusory. Also, sometimes you need a copy of the object, and passing by value provides you one.
Also, there's a key error in the reasoning in the question. If passing by value, and there is no need to copy the value, nothing requires that the value actually be copied. Most languages have an "as-if" rule that states that the program only has to act as if the compiler did what you ask for. So if the copy can be avoided, the compiler is free to avoid it. If the copy can't be avoided, then you needed the copy.

Does SqlDataReader have an equivalent to Get*(int index) with a string key?

I'm trying to use a SqlDataReader (I'm quite aware of the beauty of Linq, etc, but the application I'm building is partly a Sql Generator, so Linq doesn't fit my needs). Unfortunately, I'm not sure what the best practices are when using SqlDataReader. I use code like the following in several places in my code:
using (SqlDataReader reader = ...)
int ID = reader.GetInt32(0);
int tableID = reader.GetInt32(1);
string fieldName = reader[2] as string;
...//More, similar code
But it feels very unstable. If the database changes (which is actually extremely unlikely in this case) the code breaks. Is there an equivalent to SqlDataReader's GetInt32, GetString, GetDecimal, that takes a column name instead of an index? What's considered best practice in this case? What's fastest? These parts of my code are the most time intensive portions of my code (I've profiled it a few times) and so speed is important.
I'm aware of using the indexer with a string, I misworded the above. I'm running into slow runtime. My code works fine, but I am looking for any way I can steal back a few seconds inside these loops. Would accessing by string slow me down? I know that the db-access is the primary time intensive operation, there's nothing I can do about that, so I want to cut back the processing time for each element accessed.
I've decided to just run with GetOrdinal unless someone has more concrete examples. I'll run efficiency test later. I'll try to remember to post them when I actually run the tests.
The indexer property takes a string key, so you can do the following.
reader["text_column"] as string;
Additional suggestion
If you're concerned about the string lookup being slow, and assuming numeric lookup is quicker, you could try using GetOrdinal to find the column indices before looping through a large result set.
int textColumnIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("text_column");
int numericColumnIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("numeric_column");
while (reader.Read())
string text = reader[textColumnIndex] as string;
int number = Convert.ToInt32(reader[numericColumnIndex]);