Using LuaJ with Scala - scala

I am attempting to use LuaJ with Scala. Most things work (actually all things work if you do them correctly!) but the simple task of setting object values has become incredibly complicated thanks to Scala's setter implementation.
class TestObject {
var x: Int = 0
function myTestFunction(testObject)
testObject.x = 3
If I execute the script or line containing this Lua function and pass a coerced instance of TestObject to myTestFunction this causes an error in LuaJ. LuaJ is trying to direct-write the value, and Scala requires you to go through the implicitly-defined setter (with the horrible name x_=, which is not valid Lua so even attempting to call that as a function makes your Lua not parse).
As I said, there are workarounds for this, such as defining your own setter or using the #BeanProperty markup. They just make code that should be easy to write much more complicated:
function myTestFunction(testObject)
testObject.setX(testObject, 3)
Does anybody know of a way to get luaj to implicitly call the setter for such assignments? Or where I might look in the luaj source code to perhaps implement such a thing?

I must admit that I'm not too familiar with LuaJ, but the first thing that comes to my mind regarding your issue is to wrap the objects within proxy tables to ease interaction with the API. Depending upon what sort of needs you have, this solution may or may not be the best, but it could be a good temporary fix.
local mt = {}
function mt:__index(k)
return self.o[k] -- Define how your getters work here.
function mt:__newindex(k, v)
return self.o[k .. '_='](v) -- "object.k_=(v)"
local function proxy(o)
return setmetatable({o = o}, mt)
-- ...
function myTestFunction(testObject)
testObject = proxy(testObject)
testObject.x = 3
I believe this may be the least invasive way to solve your problem. As for modifying LuaJ's source code to better suit your needs, I had a quick look through the documentation and source code and found this, this, and this. My best guess says that line 71 of is where you'll find what you need to change, if Scala requires a different way of setting values.
f.set(m_instance, CoerceLuaToJava.coerce(value, f.getType()));

Perhaps you should use the method syntax:
Note the colon ':' instead of the dot '.' which can be hard to distinguish in some editors.
This has the same effect as the function call:
testObject.setX(testObject, 3)
but is more readable.
It can also be used to call static methods on classes:
The part to the left of the ':' is evaluated once, so a statement such as
x = abc[d+e+f]:foo()
will be evaluated as if it were
local tmp = abc[d+e+f]
x =


How are methods evaluated in Scala?

Method types have no value. How do we evaluate a method?
Using SML as an example, I have
fun myFunc(x) = x + 5
val b = myFunc(2)
In the second expression, myFun has a type and a value, we use its type to do type checking and use its value together with its argument to evaluate value for b
But in Scala methods without a value how do we evaluate? I am pretty new to Scala so it may not be very clear.
def myFunc(x) = x + 5
val b = myFunc(2)
From val b = myFunc(2) to val b = 2 + 5, what happened in between? From where or what object do we know that myFunc(x) is x + 5?
The simple answer is: just because a method is not a value in the sense of "a thing that can be manipulated by you" doesn't mean that it is not a value in the sense of "a thing that can be manipulated by the author of the compiler".
Of course, a method will have an object representing it inside of the compiler. In fact, that object will probably look very similar to the object representing a function inside, say, the MLTon SML compiler or SML/NJ.
In SML, syntax is not a value, but you are not questioning how it is possible to write a function call either, aren't you? After all, in order to call a function in SML, I need to write a function call using function call syntax, so how can I do that when syntax is not a value?
Well, the answer is the same: just because syntax is not a value that the programmer can manipulate, the compiler (or more precisely the parser) obviously does know about syntax.
I can't tell you why the decision was made to have functions be values in Scala but not methods, but I can make a guess. Scala is an object-oriented language. In an object-oriented language, every value is an object, and every object has methods that are bound to that object. So, if methods are objects, they need to have methods, which are objects, which have methods, which are objects, and so on.
There are ways to deal with this, of course, but it makes the language more complex. For a similar reason, classes aren't objects (unlike, say, in Smalltalk, Python, and Ruby). Note that even in highly reflective, introspective, dynamic languages like Ruby, methods are not objects. Classes are, but not methods.
It is possible using reflection to get a proxy object that represents a method, but that object is not the method itself. And you can actually do the same in Scala as well.
And of course it is possible to turn a method into a function value by η-expansion.
I'm assuming that you're compiling to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bytecode, such as with scalac, which is probably the most common way to use Scala. Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on the JVM, so some parts of this answer might be a bit wrong, but the general idea is right.
Essentially, a method is a set of instructions for the runtime to execute. It exists as part of the compiled code on disk (e.g. a .class file). When the JVM loads the class, it pulls the entire class file into memory, including the methods. When the JVM encounters a method call, it looks up the method and starts executing the instructions in it. If the method returns a result, the JVM makes that result available in the calling code, then does whatever you wanted to do with it there, such as assigning to a variable.
With that knowledge, we can answer some of your questions:
From val b = myFunc(2) to val b = 2 + 5, what happened in between?
This isn't quite how it works, as the JVM doesn't "expand" myFunc in place, but instead looks up myFunc and executes the instructions in it.
From where or what object do we know that myFunc(x) is x + 5?
Not from any object. While myFunc is in memory, it's in an area of memory that you can't access directly (but the JVM can).
why can't it be a value since it is a chunk of memory?
Not all memory fits into the nice abstractions of types and values.

How can I allow the caller to call method of field of case class?

I am not sure the keywords for this pattern, sorry if the question is not clear.
If you have:
case class MyFancyWrapper(
somethingElse: Any,
heavyComplexObject: CrazyThing
val w = MyFancyWrapper(???, complexThing)
I want to be able to call w.method with the method coming from complexThing. I tried to extends CrazyThing but it is a trait and I don't want to implement all the method that would be very tedious. I also don't want to have to do:
def method1 = heavyComplexObject.method1
for all of them.
Any solution ?
You can do this with macros but I agree with Luis that this is an overkill. Macros are intended to repetitive boring things, not one time boring things. Also this is not as trivial as it sounds, because you probably don't want to pass through all the methods (you probably still want your own hashCode and equals). Finally macros have bad IDE support so most probably no auto-completion for all those methods. On the other hand if you do use a good IDE (like IDEA) there is most probably an action like "Delegate methods" that will generate most of the code for you. You still will have to change the return type from Unit to MyFancyWrapper and add returning this at the end of each method but this can easily be done with mass replace operations (hint: replace "}" with "this }" and the automatically re-formatting code should do the trick)
Here are some screenshots of the process from JetBrains IDEA:
You can use an implicit conversion to make all the methods of heavyComplexThing directly available on MyFancyWrapper:
implicit def toHeavy(fancy: MyFancyWrapper): CrazyThing = fancy.heavyComplexObject
This needs to be in scope when the method is called.
In the comments you indicate that you want to return this so that you can chain multiple calls on the same object:
Don't do this
While this is a common pattern in non-functional languages, it is bad practice is Scala for two reasons:
This pattern inherently relies on side-effects, which is the antithesis of functional programming.
It is confusing, because in Scala chaining calls in this way is used to implement a data pipeline, where the output of one function is passed as the input to the next.
It is much clearer to write separate statements so that it is obvious that the methods are being called on the same object:
(It is also conventional to use () when calling methods with side effects)

how single and double type variables work in the same copy of code in Matlab like template in C++

I am writing a signal processing program using matlab. I know there are two types of float-pointing variables, single and double. Considering the memory usage, I want my code to work with only single type variable when the system's memory is not large, while it can also be adapted to work with double type variables when necessary, without significant modification (simple and light modification before running is OK, i.e., I don't need runtime-check technique). I know this can be done by macro in C and by template in C++. I don't find practical techniques which can do this in matlab. Do you have any experience with this?
I have a simple idea that I define a global string containing "single" or "double", then I pass this string to any memory allocation method called in my code to indicate what type I need. I think this can work, I just want to know which technique you guys use and is widely accepted.
I cannot see how a template would help here. The type of c++ templates are still determined in compile time (std::vector vec ...). Also note that Matlab defines all variables as double by default unless something else is stated. You basically want runtime checks for your code. I can think of one solution as using a function with a persistent variable. The variable is set once per run. When you generate variables you would then have to generate all variables you want to have as float through this function. This will slow down assignment though, since you have to call a function to assign variables.
This example is somehow an implementation of the singleton pattern (but not exactly). The persistent variable type is set at the first use and cannot change later in the program (assuming that you do not do anything stupid as clearing the variable explicitly). I would recommend to go for hardcoding single in case performance is an issue, instead of having runtime checks or assignment functions or classes or what you can come up with.
function c = assignFloat(a,b)
persistent type;
if (isempty(type) & nargin==2)
type = b;
elseif (isempty(type))
type = 'single';
% elseif(nargin==2), error('Do not set twice!') % Optional code, imo unnecessary.
if (strcmp(type,'single'))
c = single(a);
c = double(a);

Parenthesis for not pure functions

I know that that I should use () by convention if a method has side effects
def method1(a: String): Unit = {
def method2(): Unit = {
Do I have to do the same thing if a method doesn't have side effects but it's not pure, doesn't have any parameters and, of course, it returns the different results each time it's being called?
def method3() = getRemoteSessionId("login", "password")
Edit: After reviewing Luigi Plinge's comment, I came to think that I should rewrite the answer. This is also not a clear yes/no answer, but some suggestions.
First: The case regarding var is an interesting one. Declaring a var foo gives you a getter foo without parentheses. Obviously it is an impure call, but it does not have a side effect (it does not change anything unobserved by the caller).
Second, regarding your question: I now would not argue that the problem with getRemoteSessionId is that it is impure, but that it actually makes the server maintain some session login for you, so clearly you interfere destructively with the environment. Then method3() should be written with parentheses because of this side-effect nature.
A third example: Getting the contents of a directory should thus be written file.children and not file.children(), because again it is an impure function but should not have side effects (other than perhaps a read-only access to your file system).
A fourth example: Given the above, you should write System.currentTimeMillis. I do tend to write System.currentTimeMillis() however...
Using this forth case, my tentative answer would be: Parentheses are preferable when the function has either a side-effect; or if it is impure and depending on state not under the control of your program.
With this definition, it would not matter whether getRemoteSessionId has known side-effects or not. On the other hand, it implies to revert to writing file.children()...
The Scala style guide recommends:
Methods which act as accessors of any sort (either encapsulating a field or a logical property) should be declared without parentheses except if they have side effects.
It doesn't mention any other use case besides accessors. So the question boils down to whether you regard this method as an accessor, which in turns depends on how the rest of the class is set up and perhaps also on the (intended) call sites.

Python: outside function applying changes to a class object's unique namespace

My question is how to program in Python (2.6) a function that uses a namespace of an object, while the function is defined outside the object/class. In addition, that function should only change the variables in the object's namespace; it should not take over the namespace (because with multiple objects they will all use the same namespace).
My reason for pursuing this, is because I wish to write a very small class, where during construction all necessary functions for future use are already given and subsequent function calls (self.__call__) on the object itself can be directly applied.
I realize that this idea is not very pythonic (as they say), and I have thought of various other solutions (such as putting the functions in another class and connecting them), but I can't help but feel that each of these solutions is a lot more work than I would think makes sense.
One simple way that accomplishes what I want is the following:
class A:
def __init__(self, some_dict, func_a):
self.memory = some_dict
self.__call__ = func_a
def test_func(obj, some_input):
if some_input in obj.memory :
return obj.memory[some_input]
else :
obj.memory[some_input] = 0. # some default value
return 0.
first_object = A({}, test_func)
print first_object(first_object, '3')
This will work fine, but what aches me is that when I make function calls to the object, I will also have to give the object itself (see the last line). I hope to be able make calls as such:
print first_object('3')
So far, my ideas were unsuccesful to avoid this (e.g. copying the function method and link its namespace by self.__call__.memory = self.memory). I wish to find something to change the def __init__ part to 'adopt' a function and link their namespaces.
I have rigorously searched for an answer on the internet, but a definite solution has not yet been found. The following seeks the same, but is also not succesfull.
Anyone have a solution to tackle this?