Errbit returns '422 Unprocessable Entity' using airbrake/javabrake - airbrake

Onboarding a Kotlin App to errbit 0.6.0 using airbrake/javabrake 0.1.6 client lib. Getting a '422 Unprocessable Entity' and HTML body.
I can see that client lib is using airbrake v3 API. Does errbit 0.6.0 support that?
Is there any mapping doc on what API versions are supported for each version of Errbit?


OpenAPI npm cli is not generating spring code using v3 oas

I'm generating spring server code using the below command
openapi-generator generate -g spring -o eventspec -i pets.yaml
Pets.yaml is Petstore 3.0.0 yaml file.
Code is getting generated properly, however the springfox dependency is getting adding and API code is annotated with io.swagger.annotations not with io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations
Let me know if i'm missing some thing.
I don't think anyone has the cycle to update the template to use io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations. We welcome contributions from the community for such enhancement.

Framework method crash in nesting framework

I have my custom framework, let's call it TestFramework, and project, in which I want to include that framework, lets call it TestProject.
TestFramework use libraries, such as Alamofire, which I added to TestFramework using Carthage. When I added TestFramework to TestProject, the project wouldn't compile until I added Alamofire (and the other libraries that exist in TestFramework) using Cocoapods to TestProject. This worked until I updated Xcode to version 10. Now, when I try to access libraries methods in TestFramework, I get this:
No error description provided, and I am using latest version of Alamofire.

Why do I need to import collections in router file?

I'm building simple webs with meteor, just to get to know each other, and I'm playing with iron:router as router.
The "problem" I got is that in my meteorapp/lib/routes.js I need to import my collection file which is in meteorapp/imports/ui/reservations.js:
import { Reservations } from '../imports/api/reservations.js';
Otherwise I'm not able to reach it in the template, even though I imported it same line (different path) in the templage.js file like this:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
//collection Reservations
import { Reservations } from '../api/reservations.js';
import './roomSchedule.html';
Template.roomSchedule.onCreated(function roomScheduleOnCreated() {
allHours() {
return Reservations.find();
I don't know if this would help, meteor list output:
user#laptop:~/Documents/meteorApps/mymeteorApp$ meteor list
blaze-html-templates 1.1.2 Compile HTML templates into reactive UI with Meteor Blaze
ecmascript 0.10.3* Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
es5-shim 4.7.3 Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support
insecure 1.0.7 (For prototyping only) Allow all database writes from the client
iron:router 1.1.2 Routing specifically designed for Meteor
meteor-base 1.3.0 Packages that every Meteor app needs
mobile-experience 1.0.5 Packages for a great mobile user experience
mongo 1.4.3 Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
reactive-var 1.0.11 Reactive variable
shell-server 0.3.1 Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command.
standard-minifier-css 1.4.1 Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js 2.3.2 Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by default.
tracker 1.1.3 Dependency tracker to allow reactive callbacks
So it works... but don't know why... Thanks in advance to everyone.

JAX-RS problems when uploading excel file with POST

I'm developing a POST method that must receive an excel file, but I have some problems. This is my code
public class RestManager{
public Response uploadFile(FormDataMultiPart multipart){
When I call the API, on server side I have the following error:
ott 09, 2017 4:58:48 PM org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$TerminalReaderInterceptor aroundReadFrom
GRAVE: MessageBodyReader not found for media type=multipart/form-data, type=class com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart, genericType=class com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart.
In my web.xml, I added the following code:
I'm running on Tomcat v7.0 and I added jersey-multipart-1.18 and mimepull-1.9.3 to manage Multipart data.
My client response obtain 415 Unsupported Media Type, but in the code I use to send the request I for the request 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', accordingly with the #Consumes annotation.
Can anyone give me hint to understand where is the problem?
You're using the wrong FormDataMultiPart. The one you're using is from Jersey 1.x jar, but you should be using the one from Jersey 2.x. The jar is jersey-media-multipart. Once you add this jar and remove the 1.x jar, the package name of the FormDataMultiPart will be different. You will need to import it from org.glassfish.jersey.multipart.
Another thing, depending on what Jersey (minor) version you are using and the jersey-media-multipart version you are using, the mimepull version will also be different. Check out this link and click the version that you are using. Then scroll down to "Compile Dependencies". You will see mimepull. This is the version you will need that is compatible with the jersey-media-multipart version you are using.

Meteor package (yogiben:admin) refuses to install, seems to be picking up wrong version from github?

I'm using aldeed:autoform#5. I also want to use yogiben's autoform-file, but I had trouble getting that to work with autoform#5 so I've used a fork by abdj:autoform-file.
Now I want to use yogiben:admin. According to the discussion on github and the latest master (, yogiben:admin#1.1.0 uses aldeed:autoform#4.2.2 || 5.0.0.
So why do I get this error?
C:\Webdev\koolaid>meteor add yogiben:admin#1.1.0
=> Errors while adding packages:
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint aldeed:autoform#4.2.2 is not satisfied by aldeed:autoform 5.1.2.
Constraints on package "aldeed:autoform":
* aldeed:autoform#5.0.2 <- abdj:autoform-file 0.2.0
* aldeed:autoform#4.2.2 <- yogiben:admin 1.1.0
Looks to me like Meteor is somehow picking up the wrong version from github? BTW I'm using Meteor WindowsPREVIEW#0.3.0.
How do I get all these packages to play nice together?