OpenAPI npm cli is not generating spring code using v3 oas - openapi

I'm generating spring server code using the below command
openapi-generator generate -g spring -o eventspec -i pets.yaml
Pets.yaml is Petstore 3.0.0 yaml file.
Code is getting generated properly, however the springfox dependency is getting adding and API code is annotated with io.swagger.annotations not with io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations
Let me know if i'm missing some thing.

I don't think anyone has the cycle to update the template to use io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations. We welcome contributions from the community for such enhancement.


is it possible to upload the flutter source maps or source code to sentry for better debugging?

I would like to have better stacktrace information when I get some error information over sentry. At the moment, flutter sentry only gives you a stacktrace where it appears as "Compiled" code and it makes debugging more difficult.
Is there a way to upload the source maps or the source code to have a more accurate idea when an error comes ?
thank you!
Here an example (It is not really useful) :
there is a new flag you can set when building
the following script might help you
export SENTRY_RELEASE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)
export OUTPUT_FOLDER_WEB=./build/web/
flutter build web --dart-define=SENTRY_RELEASE=$SENTRY_RELEASE --source-maps
echo -e "[\033[92mrun\033[0m] Uploading sourcemaps for $SENTRY_RELEASE"
sentry-cli releases new $SENTRY_RELEASE
sentry-cli releases files $SENTRY_RELEASE upload-sourcemaps . \
--ext dart \
sentry-cli releases files $SENTRY_RELEASE upload-sourcemaps ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_WEB}
sentry-cli releases finalize $SENTRY_RELEASE
Sentry also provides an example without the --source-maps

How to expose an Objective-C Module properly using Bazel?

I'm trying to build RxSwift using Bazel in order to be able to use it in a dummy project as a dependency, for the sake of getting to know it a bit.
We don't use the latest RxSwift version at the moment, but version 4.4.2.
After reading through the docs, I've come to the point where I successfully add the specific release to my workspace as an http_archive, and supply my own BUILD file to build that external dependency RxSwift.
You can check out the BUILD file and WORKSPACE file here:
bazel build #rx_swift//:RxSwift
yields a Swift compilation error:
No such module: RxAtomic
So, this shows that my I'm missing something with regards to exposing the Objective-C module to a Swift library.
I currently supply these options to the objc_framework:
enable_modules = 1,
alwayslink = 1,
module_name = "RxAtomic"
Thanks in advance for any thoughts/pointers!
You should call bazel build with --experimental_objc_enable_module_maps option

How can I use the bx ml generate-manifest libraries in watson machine learning

I've built a deep learning model that uses for pre-processing purposes a custom library called Augmentor and I would like to include it when running on Watson Machine learning service on the cloud.
For now I am using a workaround in my code which uses pip to install the library:
import pip
def install(package):
if hasattr(pip, 'main'):
pip.main(['install', package])
pip._internal.main(['install', package])
import Augmentor
import Augmentor
I've been looking at the command line interface bx ml and I noticed that there is a command line bx ml generate-manifest libraries which generates libraries.yml:
name: libraries_custom
description: custom libraries for scoring
version: '1.0'
name: python
- '3.5'
I would like to know if this is the right why to declare custom libraries required to run my code on WML ?
I can't find any documentation on this anywhere.
As for as, I am aware of you can create custom components using generate-manifest of ibmcloud CLI
bx ml store libraries library.json
You can find the complete instructions here
If you want to install additional libraries to support your work, you must create a wheel (.whl) file and include this with the .zip file that you submit as part of your training run or experiment. You can then execute them by running the pip install /.whl command.
Complete instructions here
Hope this is helpful

Linux command line tool validating XSD 1.1?

Is there any command line tool that validates XML against a XSD version 1.1?
Xmllint does not validate version 1.1.
I found a handy wrapper around Xerces-J:
java -jar xsd11-validator.jar -sf my.xsd -if my.xml
You can update the Xerces-J lib by unzipping the jar, dropping the new Xerces-J in it, then rezipping it to a jar
Edit: Updated download link
XSD 1.1 is currently supported by Saxon and by Xerces J. Both should run without trouble under Linux.
xmllint unfortunately could not support XML Schema 1.1 but alternatively it supports RelaxNG based Schema (including all the advancements similar to the XML Schema 1.1).
Following is the procedure could be used to overcome xmllint limitations:
implement your validation XML Schema version 1.1 based on Oxygen Editor reverse generator (based on already existing XML files).
it could be downloaded from here with the 1 month license free
resulting XSD 1.1 file will not be accepted by xmllint with the following error messages:
xmllint --schema user.xsd --noout user.xml
user.xsd:565: element element: Schemas parser error : Element '{}element': Invalid value for maxOccurs (must be 0 or 1).
user.xsd:741: element element: Schemas parser error : Element '{}element': Invalid value for maxOccurs (must be 0 or 1).
WXS schema user.xsd failed to compile
however the xml schema could be converted into relaxng schema with the help of RNGConv tool which is a part of the Kohsuke Kawaguchi's MSV project by
applying following conversion command:
java -jar rngconv-20060319/rngconv.jar user.xsd > user.rng
resulting relaxng schema file could be used with the xmllint:
xmllint --relaxng user.rng --noout user.xml
user.xml validates
I answered this question over here at AskUbuntu.
It includes working links to the Xerces-J wrapper xsd11-validator.jar and a comfortable bash script for easy usage.

EventStore build.cmd Errors

Just getting started with JOlivers event store library and having issues with some of the Nuget commands in the build.cmd. here's the log, perhaps you're already aware of the issue but i thought i'd put it up here.
Compiling / Target: v4.0 / Config: Release
S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\bin\nuget\NuGet.targets(6,9): error : Input string was not in a correct format. [S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\proj\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence.csproj]
S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\bin\nuget\NuGet.targets(6,9): error MSB3073: The command ""S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\..\bin\nuget\nuget.exe" install "S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\proj\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence\packages.config" -source "" -o "S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\..\bin"" exited with code 1. [S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\proj\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence.csproj]
The master branch of EventStore appears to be broken at the moment. The 3.0 branch is in better shape but is also slightly broken. To fix the 3.0 branch so that it builds, you need to upgrade the 1.5 version of nuget.exe to 1.6. The easiest way to do that is to execute \bin\nuget\NuGet.exe update -self in the repository. I already submitted a pull request to JOliver with that change.
(I also submitted a pull request with a few minor fixes for the example project.)