Postgres Date Compare with ISO timestamp - postgresql

When I perform a > than query on a timestampz field it seems to include dates that are equal to the date I'm querying with. At least when I'm comparing to an ISO date string?
to_char(created, 'MI:SS:MS')
created > '2020-03-24T05:14:08.082Z'
created |to_char |
2020-03-24 18:14:08|14:08:082|
2020-03-24 18:14:08|14:08:180|
I'm not expecting the first row in that result.
FYI if I adjust the query so that I compare with '2020-03-24T05:14:08.083Z' it goes away.
Does anyone know whats going on here ?

Postgres timestamps have microsecond resolution even if they're displayed with millisecond resolution. So you're effectively searching for >'2020-03-24T05:14:08.082000Z' while that first result is probably non-zero in one or more of those last three hidden digits.


Google Sheets - IF Statement - Null date (1/1/2500) workaround

I am working on a large nested IF statement that checks several validation points for each row of my sheet. There are several date validations, including chronological order and certain fields not being future dates. However, our system requires that if we must null any dates for processing, that date becomes 1/1/2500, and no matter what I do I cannot seem to get the formula to ignore this date when accounting for future dates or chronology.
//The date cannot be later than the current date - I want this to ignore 1/1/2500
IF(K1<>1/1/2500,"",IF(AND(K1>TODAY()),"Date A cannot be future date",""))
//The two dates must be in chronological order, also ignoring 1/1/2500
IF(U1<>1/1/2500,"",IF(AND(U1>AA1,AA1),"Date A, Date B should be in chronological order",""))
The above approach does not seem to recognize 1/1/2500, even though I got it to work with other dates.
I also tried going with >12/31/2099 (ignore any date greater than 12/31/2099) but it just ignores every date.
Any help would be appreciated.
It looks as though it is failing because K1 is compared to 12/31/2099.
If you use an expression like this in a formula, it will interpret it as an arithmetic expression 12 divided by 31 divided by 2099, which is a very small number, so the greater than test will always be true.
Try starting the formula with Date to convert a year, month, and day into a date.
and you should get the right answer.
See my previous answer for Excel.

postgreSQL sorting with timestamps

I have the following SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM schema."table"
WHERE "TimeStamp"::timestamp >= '2016-03-09 03:00:05'
ORDER BY "TimeStamp"::date asc
What do I expect it to do? Giving out 15 rows of the table, where the timestamp is the same and bigger than that date, in ascending order. But postgres sends the rows in the wrong order. The first item is on the last position.
So has anyone an idea why the result is this strange?
Use simply ORDER BY "TimeStamp" (without casting to date).
By casting "TimeStamp" to date you throw away the time part of the timestamp, so all values within one day will be considered equal and are returned in random order. It is by accident that the first rows appear in the order you desire.
Don't cast to date in the ORDER BY clause if the time part is relevant for sorting.
Perhaps you are confused because Oracle's DATE type has a time part, which PostgreSQL's doesn't.

CMIS Query : how to get result of one date only

I want to get data from one date only, example: 2014-06-16
in CMIS reference I know that we can use = (equal) operator that I think the time must be precised.
The alternative that i thought is to do like below :
SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE cmis:creationDate >= TIMESTAMP '2014-06-16T00:00:00.000Z' AND cmis:creationDate< TIMESTAMP '2014-06-17T00:00:00.000Z'
SELECT P.tsi:DATENUM as date_traitement, L.tsi:type as type, P.tsi:statut as statut
FROM tsi:lot AS L JOIN tsi:pli AS P ON L.cmis:name = P.tsi:lot
(P.tsi:DATENUM >= TIMESTAMP '2014-06-16T00:00:00.000Z' AND P.tsi:DATENUM < TIMESTAMP '2014-06-17T00:00:00.000Z')
The first one is running perfectly, I've got data from the 16 june BUT in the seconde I don't know WHY but I still got data from 2014-06-17
Note: tsi:DATENUM type is datetime
So could you say what's wrong OR how to get data from ONE date only?
The second one should work. The timestamps you are using are in GMT. If your timestamps are stored with a time zone offset it could be the reason why you are seeing times from 6/17 when you expect to only see times from 6/16.

Filter data by different time intervals

I need to filter my query with different time intervals like that:
date >= '2011-07-01' and date <='2011-09-30'
and date >='2012-07-01' and date >='2012-09-30'
I suppose such code is not good, because these dates conflicts with each other. But how to filter only these two intervals, skipping everything else? Is it even possible? Because if I query like this, I don't get any results.I tried to use BETWEEN, but it does same thing.
I bypassed this by extracting quarters from years and calculating only third quarter. But then other quarters sum is showed as zero and I can't ignore these rows that have sum column with zero value. I tried to filter where price > 0 (column where sum goes), but it says that column do not exist. So I put it whole FROM under '('')' brackets to make it calculate sum before where clause, but it still does give me error that such column do not exist.
Also if you need to see query I have now, I can post it, just tell me if it is needed.
I want to do this, because I need to compare third quarter of two different years (maybe I should use another approach).
You're not going to get any results because you can't have a date that's both within 7/1/2011 through 9/30/11 and after 7/1/2012 and after 9/30/12.
You can have a date that is either between 7/1/20122 and 9/30/2011 or between 7/1/2012 and 9/30/2012.
SELECT col1 FROM table1
WHERE date BETWEEN '7/1/2011' AND '9/30/2011' OR date BETWEEN '7/1/2012' AND '9/30/2012';

Selecting records between two timestamps

I am converting an Unix script with a SQL transact command to a PostgreSQL command.
I have a table with records that have a field last_update_time(xtime) and I want to select every record in the table that has been updated within a selected period.
Say, the current time it 05/01/2012 10:00:00 and the selected time is 04/01/2012 23:55:00. How do I select all the records from a table that have been updated between these dates. I have converted the 2 times to seconds in the Unix script prior to issuing the psql command, and have calculated the interval in seconds between the 2 periods.
I thought something like
WHERE xtime BETWEEN now() - interval '$selectedtimeParm(in secs)' AND now();
I am having trouble evaluating the Parm for the selectedtimeParm - it doesn't resolve properly.
Editor's note: I did not change the inaccurate use of the terms period, time frame, time and date for the datetime type timestamp because I discuss that in my answer.
What's wrong with:
SELECT a,b,c
FROM table
WHERE xtime BETWEEN '2012-04-01 23:55:00'::timestamp
AND now()::timestamp;
If you want to operate with a count of seconds as interval:
WHERE xtime BETWEEN now()::timestamp - (interval '1s') * $selectedtimeParm
AND now()::timestamp;
Note the standard ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD h24:mi:ss which is unambiguous with any locale or DateStyle setting.
The first value for the BETWEEN construct must be the smaller one. If you don't know which value is smaller use BETWEEN SYMMETRIC instead.
In your question you refer to the datetime type timestamp as "date", "time" and "period". In the title you used the term "time frames", which I changed to "timestamps". All of these terms are wrong. Freely interchanging them makes the question even harder to understand.
That, and the fact that you only tagged the question psql (the problem hardly concerns the command line terminal) might help to explain why nobody answered for days. Normally, it's a matter of minutes around here. I had a hard time understanding your question.
Understand the data types date, interval, time and timestamp - with or without time zone. Start by reading the chapter "Date/Time Types" in the manual.
Error message would have gone a long way, too.
For anyone who is looking for the fix to this. You need to remove timestamp from the where clause and use BETWEEN!