Filter data by different time intervals - postgresql

I need to filter my query with different time intervals like that:
date >= '2011-07-01' and date <='2011-09-30'
and date >='2012-07-01' and date >='2012-09-30'
I suppose such code is not good, because these dates conflicts with each other. But how to filter only these two intervals, skipping everything else? Is it even possible? Because if I query like this, I don't get any results.I tried to use BETWEEN, but it does same thing.
I bypassed this by extracting quarters from years and calculating only third quarter. But then other quarters sum is showed as zero and I can't ignore these rows that have sum column with zero value. I tried to filter where price > 0 (column where sum goes), but it says that column do not exist. So I put it whole FROM under '('')' brackets to make it calculate sum before where clause, but it still does give me error that such column do not exist.
Also if you need to see query I have now, I can post it, just tell me if it is needed.
I want to do this, because I need to compare third quarter of two different years (maybe I should use another approach).

You're not going to get any results because you can't have a date that's both within 7/1/2011 through 9/30/11 and after 7/1/2012 and after 9/30/12.
You can have a date that is either between 7/1/20122 and 9/30/2011 or between 7/1/2012 and 9/30/2012.
SELECT col1 FROM table1
WHERE date BETWEEN '7/1/2011' AND '9/30/2011' OR date BETWEEN '7/1/2012' AND '9/30/2012';


Google Sheets - IF Statement - Null date (1/1/2500) workaround

I am working on a large nested IF statement that checks several validation points for each row of my sheet. There are several date validations, including chronological order and certain fields not being future dates. However, our system requires that if we must null any dates for processing, that date becomes 1/1/2500, and no matter what I do I cannot seem to get the formula to ignore this date when accounting for future dates or chronology.
//The date cannot be later than the current date - I want this to ignore 1/1/2500
IF(K1<>1/1/2500,"",IF(AND(K1>TODAY()),"Date A cannot be future date",""))
//The two dates must be in chronological order, also ignoring 1/1/2500
IF(U1<>1/1/2500,"",IF(AND(U1>AA1,AA1),"Date A, Date B should be in chronological order",""))
The above approach does not seem to recognize 1/1/2500, even though I got it to work with other dates.
I also tried going with >12/31/2099 (ignore any date greater than 12/31/2099) but it just ignores every date.
Any help would be appreciated.
It looks as though it is failing because K1 is compared to 12/31/2099.
If you use an expression like this in a formula, it will interpret it as an arithmetic expression 12 divided by 31 divided by 2099, which is a very small number, so the greater than test will always be true.
Try starting the formula with Date to convert a year, month, and day into a date.
and you should get the right answer.
See my previous answer for Excel.

How do we calculate difference and percent difference between two columns in tableau

]Difference and percent Difference must be calculated.
I cannot do Apr20-MAy20 because it is not always the same. I need to show the current month and previous month
So I did a relative filter to just show the current month and previous month.
So the difference of two columns should automatically change when the month changes.
Now how do I get the same month of prior year, how do I filter ?
I also need to calculate the difference of current year same month and previous year same month.
Thank you in advance for any help!
When I do table across difference, the difference value is overwriting the existing May and Apr month values as the below screen shot, how to show the difference in another column
Below is Expected:
Sounds like you should create a custom filter for the dates. You want:
This month this year
This month last year
Last month this year
There are a number of ways you could do this. I'll give one example and will assume there aren't any future dates in your data set.
[DateFilter]: DATETRUNC('month',[YourDateField])>=DATETRUNC('month',DATEADD('month',-1,TODAY())) OR DATETRUNC('month',[YourDateField])=DATETRUNC('month',DATEADD('year',-1,TODAY()))
Put the to the filters shelf, set to True, and it should keep the months you want.
Then you can just use the standard table calculations to calculate Difference and Percent Difference.
Note, the formula isn't tested, just typed directly into here, let me know if it doesn't work
Based on your comments look at creating separate calculations for to YoY / MoM / etc calculation. That also means creating calculated fields to isolate the Current Month, Previous Month, etc.
For example, the current month:
[isCM]: DATETRUNC('month',[YourDateField]) = DATETRUNC('month',TODAY())
The previous month:
[isPM]: DATETRUNC('month',[YourDateField]) = DATETRUNC('month',DATEADD('month',-1,TODAY()))
Then month on month, something like:
[MoM]: (SUM([Measure])*INT([isCM]))/(SUM([Measure])*INT([isPM]))
To make your table check this article about using the placeholder technique to create tables in Tableau

Show values of measure names from previous week and make difference?

My sheet has measure names divided by ops managers and managers filtered to show values only for current week. What I need is to make new column for each of the measures to show values for previous week and then make %diff. I have seen solutions by putting week in row but is it possible this way somehow?
What I tried:
LOOKUP(sum([missed hours]),-1) (shows values from previous row)
{ FIXED DATEPART('week',[metric_date]),[ops_login_name],[supervisor_login_name]:sum([missed hours])} does nothing, same values as normal
I even tried separate calc field DATEPART('week',[metric_date])-1 that shows previous week number and then { FIXED [previous_week],[ops_login_name],[supervisor_login_name]:sum([missed hours])}
You can do this by filtering for the desired week in the Measure Value and not in the filter shelf. Create two boolean expressions that isolate your week.
Is this week? : datetrunc('week',{max([metric_date])}) = datetrunc('week',([metric_date]))
Is last week? : dateadd('week',-1,datetrunc('week',{max([metric_date])})) = datetrunc('week',([metric_date]))
Then create week specific measure values with sum(if [Is this week?] then [total_miss_cnt] end)
Repeat for previous week and then you can do a % diff. Make sure to remove and date filtering from the filter shelf.

Postgres - Convert Date Range to Individual Month

I have found similar help, but the issue was more complex, I am only good with the basics of SQL and am striking out here. I get a handful of columns a,b,c,startdate,enddate and i need to parse that data out into multiple rows depending on how many months are within the range.
Eg: a,b,c,1/1/2015, 3/15,2015 would become:
Does not matter if the start date or end date is on a specific day, the only thing that matters is month and year. So if the range included any day in a given month, I'd want to output start days for each month in the range, with the 1st as a default day.
Could I have any advice on which direction to begin? I'm attempting generate_series, but am unsure if this is the right approach or how to make it work with keeping the data in the first few arbitrary columns consistent.
I think generate_series is the way to go. Without knowing what the rest of your data looks like, I would start with something like this:
a, b, c, generate_series(startdate, enddate, interval '1 month')::date

Creating Bins in Tableau for Days in a Week

Could someone please explain me creating BINS based on Weekdays in Tableau? I tried creating different Calculation Fields but it won't work
You're working too hard.
Tableau already knows how to bin values by dates at many levels of granualarity: such as year, month, day, weekday, hour etc. So you don't need to create a new field to bin dates by the day of the week. (creating bins is not difficult, it's just already available in this case)
Just put a discrete (blue) date or datetime field on a shelf. You'll see the date level of granularity displayed like, say, YEAR(MyDateField) with a leading plus sign.
You can either
click on the plus sign to drill down by adding a second level, say MONTH(MyDateField)
right click on the field to select the date level of granularity you want
Alex's Answer is exactly correct, Tableau will perform the operation automatically. What is great about is that you can select various formats (Full day name, number, 1 letter or 3 letter day etc.).
However if you absolutely need to you can used this formula:
to give you the 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday) value if you need it for something other reason, say another calculation.