unable to fetch users from AD into keycloak - keycloak

I have configured keycloak user federation for ldap integration but i am not able to fetch user from AD.
my Users DN attribute is CN=gce_engage_users_qa,OU=RegularSecGroups,OU=Security,OU=AG_Groups,DC=affinionDS,DC=com
please suggest if this dn is correct or not. my AD users are enter image description here


How to get Github Provider User ID in keycloak?

I configure the Github Identity Provider in my Keycloak.
And now I just allow user browser when first login and create the user account manually first by myself.
But I found I need to configure the Provider User ID for the user first.
Do you know how to get this Provider User ID?
I tried to set registeration first then get ID to configure. But for other new user, I don't know how to do that.

How to create a user from a id_token with Spring?

I am building a SPA with a spring on the backend. I am working on signing in with Google, most of it is working already: got the id_token with the implicit flow in the frontend and I sent it and verified it on the backend.
I want to have users with roles and manage that locally (so, no adding info in the oidc provider). What are the options to go from the id_token to having an authenticated user in spring? I did not find any example doing that link manually (id_token-spring_sec_user).
I have checked several sources like the Spring Security 5 presentation at SpringOne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhrOCurxFWU, several SO questions and posts on okta's and auth0's blogs but I am still missing the link.
You will have to create your own (application) specific roles.
Use these steps :
Get authenticated from Google
Access the profile section from google (username, name etc )
Use your own user table to store this info
Create admin APIs in your own system and assign your app-specific roles to the user.
When you login again you will authenticate against google login/password and roles specific to your application .
Create an account or session with the id_token
Check if the user is already in your user database. If so, establish an authenticated session for the user. If the user isn't yet in your user database, create a new user record with default role from the information in the ID token payload, and establish a session for the user. You can prompt the user for any additional profile information you require when you detect a newly created user in your app.

Retrieve membership information of a GitHub user

I try to retrieve the membership details of a GitHub user using the GitHub API and the endpoint /user/memberships/orgs.
I'm member of multiple organizations but all I get as a response is:
200 OK
So there's no membership information shown for my user. I have an access token with scope user. Did I miss something? I also can't find any information regarding this in the official API documentation: https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#list-your-organization-memberships
If you want to get information about an organization membership the OAuth app has to be trusted by each company the user has a membership. If it's not a trusted OAuth app you don't get any information about a membership of the user for this organization.
See: https://help.github.com/articles/authorizing-oauth-apps/#oauth-apps-and-organizations

AD FS SSO Force Login for certain users or OU

Can an application have SSO only for users of a particular AD group and force users to manually enter their credentials for users not in that AD group?
ADFS provides the ability to authenticate.
You can restrict this ability in a number of ways e.g. have to be a member of a group, have to be an internal user etc.
But that is authenticate or not authenticate.
SSO is different. IE has IWA set by default. Users inside the domain get SSO. Users outside the domain don't. But that's a browser function, not an ADFS one.

Password for Azure AD User

I am using Graph API to read user information from Azure AD. I am getting all the user information in the response except the password. Is there anyway I can get that?
I am calling this API. (Reference)
As noted in the Graph API References:
The passwordProfile property always returns null. This is to prevent the user’s password from being displayed. You can reset the user’s password by updating the passwordProfile property.
If you are looking to have someone authenticate to your service using their AAD Account, you should either use Federation to have your authentication provider trust the AAD authentication provider, or you can even register your application in our system, and use AAD as your authentication provider.
I hope this helps!