How to create a user from a id_token with Spring? - rest

I am building a SPA with a spring on the backend. I am working on signing in with Google, most of it is working already: got the id_token with the implicit flow in the frontend and I sent it and verified it on the backend.
I want to have users with roles and manage that locally (so, no adding info in the oidc provider). What are the options to go from the id_token to having an authenticated user in spring? I did not find any example doing that link manually (id_token-spring_sec_user).
I have checked several sources like the Spring Security 5 presentation at SpringOne, several SO questions and posts on okta's and auth0's blogs but I am still missing the link.

You will have to create your own (application) specific roles.
Use these steps :
Get authenticated from Google
Access the profile section from google (username, name etc )
Use your own user table to store this info
Create admin APIs in your own system and assign your app-specific roles to the user.
When you login again you will authenticate against google login/password and roles specific to your application .

Create an account or session with the id_token
Check if the user is already in your user database. If so, establish an authenticated session for the user. If the user isn't yet in your user database, create a new user record with default role from the information in the ID token payload, and establish a session for the user. You can prompt the user for any additional profile information you require when you detect a newly created user in your app.


How can I create a new social User on KeyCloak via REST APIs?

I have a working KeyCloak installation, and a Laravel backend that uses this to authenticate Users.
The KeyCloack server is already configured with some external ("social") identity providers.
Now I want to create, from PHP backend, new "social" Users on KeyCloak via REST API before they attempt to login the first time.
My goal is to create new Users on backend database with their all profile data, in order to have all the user set-up already done once the user will first login on my app.
Is there a way to do this?
Have I to create the user firsty on KeyCloak and then link it to a social provider in some way?
Or something other?
There are essentially two steps required:
You have to create a login-flow, that maps the SAML-User to the local user.
This must contain the "Detect Existing Broker User" and the "Automatically Set Existing User" Execution as Required.
Your Identity Providermust use this as login flow.
Then you have to configure your SAML Identity-Provider to identify the SANL-Atrribute to match the user. Feal free to ask if you need further help for this.

How can I add roles from an external db after a user has been loggedin successfully

We want to integrate Keycloak 18 in our platform to replace a self-implemented solution in the future. The first step was to implement an own user provider to keep our existing tables where users, roles and permissions are stored. This was pretty easy. So the old and new way can co-exist for a step-by-step replacement.
Now we also want to provide integrations for other user providers, like LDAP, Kerberos etc.
Is there a way to load the roles from our external db table after a user was authenticated by a random user provider?
User sends auth request to keycloak
User has been successfully authenticated by the ldap user provider
lookup external db to get the roles for the username and add them to the user model
thank you for your help

Options for creating a Grafana API Token

My organization runs a grafana 7.0 instance that only allows SSO logins. I would like to create an API token for my user account but based on these instruction it seems like doing so is not possible without supplying a password. Is this understanding accurate?
As #Amal.Touzani mentioned, API key is created per organisation, not per user.
Instruction, mentioned by you, needs admin password to authenticate the admin user during API token creation. Later on access level will be defined by role specified in request, in example it is "role": "Admin". Role could be Viewer, Editor or Admin (as mentioned here)
Of course, all these steps could be done from Grafana Administration UI:
I think your user should have the permission to create API token but you don't supply the
Based on the documentation , the Admin API needs (username , password ) to authenticate .
But API Tokens are currently only linked to an organization and an organization role , please see these links :

Is there any REST API present on keycloak to manage account details of individual user without admin api/account?

From Keycloak UI, I am able to edit the account information of the user using {keycloak_server_address}/auth/realms/NTC/account/ link.
I am aware of update user admin API to edit user information. Is there any way to edit user information by the user itself with manage-account privilege?
We required this functionality and we ended up creating our own REST api. We have Keycloak admin credentials in configuration file and when user calls our method we create request to KeyCloak api with admin credentials. We use jwt token authentication in our api and check prefered_username claim.
It is not a simple solution, but if you realy need it I guess it is only way to do it.

KEYCLOAK: Obtaining Access token by 'user name' only (without password)

I have a question regarding Keycloak and obtaining an Access Token.
Our setup is as follows:
· users are created and maintained in Keycloak
· resources, policies and permissions are also maintained in Keycloak
Our use case is:
As a third party application, I want to obtain authorization information (e.g. resource- and scope-based permissions) for a specific user by only providing the username to Keycloak, so I can allow or prohibit further actions.
To be more specific:
In our application the need to validate each request to other services based on the access token.But we have only the user name with us.
The question is now:
> How can we obtain an access token for the user by only knowing the username ?
Is there a solution to obtain an access token for such a user?
You don't specify in your question if the current user is logged in. Are you validating user specific actions, or you want to retrieve user roles for the application instead?
The user is logged in and he is performing some action
I suppose you're using some keycloak adapter. Then just retrieve the session object and you should have the extra info somewhere in there.
If not, you can just parse the request yourself. When using OpenId Connect, the access token is always sent for each of the requests, in the Authorization header. The token is base64 encoded, you can decode the token yourself.
The application is performing some action for some registered user, without him logged in
User access tokens are meant to provide permissions for users. As you say in your question: As a third party application, I want... so here you are not acting as a logged user, but as an application, so you need to go with client credentials instead. Just give the client permissions to list all the users and their roles (probably it's enough with the view-users role, see the link below) and log in with client credentials grant. Then you can handle fine grained permissions in your application business logic.
See also:
Keycloak Client Credentials Flow Clarification
Keycloak spring security client credential grant
How to get Keycloak users via REST without admin account
For those who really needs to impersonate a user from a client, there is a new RFC for this : token-echange.
Keycloak loosely implement it at the time of this answer
See particularly