How to get Github Provider User ID in keycloak? - keycloak

I configure the Github Identity Provider in my Keycloak.
And now I just allow user browser when first login and create the user account manually first by myself.
But I found I need to configure the Provider User ID for the user first.
Do you know how to get this Provider User ID?
I tried to set registeration first then get ID to configure. But for other new user, I don't know how to do that.


Keycloak registration with custom attribute

is there any way to link end-user to register with attribute somehow incorporated?
For example:
User needs attribute customerId to access the data.
I'll send him a link to register with his customer id already in it.
PS: will be using OAuth too so there is no way of creating premade account with temporary password

How to create a user from a id_token with Spring?

I am building a SPA with a spring on the backend. I am working on signing in with Google, most of it is working already: got the id_token with the implicit flow in the frontend and I sent it and verified it on the backend.
I want to have users with roles and manage that locally (so, no adding info in the oidc provider). What are the options to go from the id_token to having an authenticated user in spring? I did not find any example doing that link manually (id_token-spring_sec_user).
I have checked several sources like the Spring Security 5 presentation at SpringOne, several SO questions and posts on okta's and auth0's blogs but I am still missing the link.
You will have to create your own (application) specific roles.
Use these steps :
Get authenticated from Google
Access the profile section from google (username, name etc )
Use your own user table to store this info
Create admin APIs in your own system and assign your app-specific roles to the user.
When you login again you will authenticate against google login/password and roles specific to your application .
Create an account or session with the id_token
Check if the user is already in your user database. If so, establish an authenticated session for the user. If the user isn't yet in your user database, create a new user record with default role from the information in the ID token payload, and establish a session for the user. You can prompt the user for any additional profile information you require when you detect a newly created user in your app.

Is it possible to add more than one email per user in Keycloak?

I'm using Keycloak for Identity Brokering through Google, Microsoft, etc. But Keycloak only allows one email per user. So the user can be authenticated only through one of the social login options (Google if gmail is added as user's email address, etc.). Is there any way to include more than one email per user, or any other workaround?
EDIT: (Editing based on comments to make scenario more clear)
In my scenario, I'm using a federated user store which contains a large number of users and and I need Keycloak to access all the emails linked to a user when that user is logging in using Google,Azure,etc. because Keycloak is using the email as the unique identifier for the authentication response from the social login provider. Without having the required email as the main email, Keycloak won't allow that user to log in through social IdP
Although, Keycloak emphasises on keeping a unique email,but there are certain scenarios where you may want to keep , say, secondary email.
This can be achieved in a couple of steps:
1. Add a custom attribute for secondary email in user like this:
2. Next , in your client create attribute mapper like this:
When I generated the token after above configuration, the new attribute was avialble in token. You can use this attribute in your app as you desire.
Parsed JWT:
I figured out the best way to deal with this is through the custom user provider (federated user store). Even though we can't add multiple emails per user through the Keycloak admin console, we can write the user provider in such a way that it can get all the emails linked to a user from our database and assign them to the email attribute of each user. Once this is done, all the emails will appear on the admin console as well.
For the social login to recognize those emails, we have to get all the emails linked to a user in the provider to an array and iterate through it until the authentication is complete. This would help to create the social login link to the user through First Login Broker authentication flow.
This is a crude way to approach this, but nevertheless it works!

Keycloak: Disable username/password login for external IDP

How to disable username/password login for external IDP ?
I know that I can use custom theme to hide http form, but I want to do it properly.
As far as I know I have to create at least custom First Broker Login and Browser authentication flow, right?
After first login from IDP I have to create user in Keycloak, but do not leverage password option.
Also Browser flow must be updated to not show username/password form, right?
Can anyone provide proper example ?
You can use a custom authentication provider to achieve your goal.
Instruct Keycloak to assign a specific user attribute to all users arriving from the IDP.
Build an authentication provider which checks for that user attribute and denies access.
Add the authentication provider to the Browser login flow.
Optionally adjust templates files to hide login fields and show a user-friendly error if the user fails step 2.
Further details here:
May not be 100% suitable to this case, but found next one working fine for our case without need to compile and deploy "custom authentication provider". In our app we suppress keycloak login form and offer own custom user / password form, and for IdP integration we are using kc_hint to redirect directly to IdP login page. Once user login via IdP we want to disable user name / password login using password grant. There is a trick allows to achieve this in keycloak v15. You can assign "Update User Locale" to "Required User Actions" of the user, from that moments, direct password grant wont let user to login returning "requires action" validation error, which is not supported in our UI, while IdP login still works and skip this "required action" nor reset it after login. Of course you may need some scheduled curl script allows to set this for users automatically via users REST API : read users attributes or IdP link integration, if found specific Idp related user attribute or IdP integration link, and "requires action" array is empty, set it to "Update Locale".
Of course this all works as long as you hide keycloak login form and use your own. for all using keycloak login form, login using name / password will work and can bypass "Update locale" requirement (not sure why, perhaps because realm does not have locales configured)
Try this costum Authentication flow
By Automatically linking brokered account, the user won't have to set a password. as for the username it will be automatically imported from the identity provider.

Keycloak secure user registration

I want to secure my user registration page with keycloak but couldn't think of any approaches while reading the docs.
Use case:
The registration page for new users shouldn't be public. New user get an invitation email from the admin. The email contains a link to the registration page.
I thought about using an initial access token (like for client registration) and add it to the link to the registration page. Afaik there is nothing like that for user registration?
Are there any other ways to do it?
I think you've got two options to implement it:
You know the e-mail of the destination user before sending the invitation, so you would let the admin create a user in keycloak with the e-mail itself as the username. Then the admin should check 'Verify e-mail', 'Update profile' and 'Update password' as required actions, so keycloak will send an activation mail (you can customize the e-mail template) and user will be required to fill his data and set a password.
If you don't want the admin to access keycloak directly, you could do it via the user management API.
Implement this logic in your application. Write a user data form which is publicly accessible using a code (it might be some UUID). When admin sending the invitation mail, link a random code to the address, so when user enters the page, you can verify it. Then you'll need to save the data in keycloak as a new user, using the user management API.