showing popupMenu menu on top of everything else - flutter

I am trying to create a popup menu that can be shown on top of all the other widgets I have on the screen, not something like the dialog but, I need the menu to show on top of a bottom panel of a sliding panel widget.
right now it shows underneath it and clearly is the right beaver from a code perspective, but from a UI perspective that is not good and it does hide some menu options rendering them unTappable, here is pic (a third option in the menu is being blocked) :
The menu is spawn from the three dots and is positioned exactly on top of them, it usually has 3 options. Right now, since the red bar on the bottom is a slide panel, it is positioned on top of everything and can be slides up from any page, only 2 options appear. my question is how do I make the menu go on top of the red bar, or at least maybe make it open upward instead of downward like it does here.

To make widget at the top of everything you can use Overlay, but I am not sure it is the best solution for you

I found how to do it.
The trick is to use the rootNavigation. rootNavigation is available on the showMenu method.
var Choice = await showMenu<ContextMenuOptions>(context: context, position: position,
items: items, useRootNavigator: true);


Flutter nested menu flying left and right

How to implement the flying left or right animation for nested menu in flutter? I have a bottom sheet like the below one. I want the bottom sheet content (not the bottom sheet itself) to flying left, and new content will fly in from the right side when clicking the item "select your address type". This is common behaviour in web for nested menu.
I found a working solution by using stack and AnimatedPositioned. The tricky part is to calculate all nested menu's left position(you may use the right position as well). It's similar to how a image carousel works.

Flutter expand bottom navbar to show more options

I wish to make a bottom navbar which initially shows 5 options, out of which last option is 'more' and when user taps on it, navbar expands vertically and then show couple of more options. So, exactly what happens is that initial navbar shifts upward, and similar kind of navbar comes below it to show rest of the options. Note: I am not talking about sub-category or sub-menu kind of thing, its just that initially last few options are hidden, and becomes visible when user tap on 'more'.
I also thought to use bottomsheet through kind of show/hide on click functionality, but saw that bottomsheet comes above navbar.
Here are the images for more clarity:

Moving Fancybox navigation into or next to toolbar

Is there an easy way to move the Fancybox navigation arrows into or next to the toolbar? Ideally, I would like to have them all above my gallery items with the left arrow, then the right arrow, then the close button. I can figure out how to reposition everything using CSS, but I was wondering if there was a quicker/easier way to get the layout I want. Thanks!
Simply use buttons option to specify what buttons and in what order you need:
buttons: ['arrowLeft', 'arrowRight', 'close']

How to drag / re-center the displayed Tableau worksheet?

Suppose I wish to focus on the state of Colorado in the following chloropeth map:
The typical mechanism is to use the operating-system dependent means of dragging the picture. I am on OS/X so that involves using two fingers to drag the image to the desired new centering location.
However the actual result of that operation is a bounding box is displayed on the image (I can not get a screenshot of it since it disappears)
So then .. how to drag /re-center the Tableau display?
Click onto the small 'play' arrow button on the chart menu in the top left hand corner. A sub menu will pop up where you can select the scroll method you'd like - click and drag is one of these. You can also disable this through the chart options (the small drop down menu on the top right hand corner of the chart).

Drag/Slide div inside overflow:hidden container on iPhone

I am creating a wepapp, that has a horizontal menu. The menu is limited to 320px and has overflow set to hidden. Inside the links are wrapped in a div which has a width set to it. The list overflows on the x axis. I have applied a jquery plugin called OverScroll so you can drag this list left and right to reveal the hidden menu items.
It works great on a desktop browser but I am having difficulty on getting this to work on the iphone.
I have set up a demo at
Any ideas?
Apart from general usability issues (will people know it's slidable? I could see how this can be annoying if you use that menu often and have to slide it a lot), dragging doesn't work on most touch interfaces. You could try adding left and right buttons that scroll the menu when they click them maybe?
Also your demo doesn't work in Chrome on my desktop. Is the menu supposed to slide? It won't.