How to format post title text in 2 lines using css - posts

I have babynames website and my post titles are very large.
Post Title: Abdal-lafif – عبد الطیف Meaning in English and Urdu
I want Meaning in English and Urdu will display with line break i.e 2nd line
This is my current post screenshot
If i add line break in post title it will effect my seo. Can someone please suggest how can I achieve this like the screenshot below with CSS ?

Add line break in post title and set CSS rule white-space: pre-wrap; for it.


How do I post the property content with umbraco?

Our website has been made so that the meta title only changes very little, and the meta description doesn't change at all on the different pages.
I'm very much a noob with Umbraco, so I don't know how to handle this problem:
This is the current template code:
#Model.Content.Name - Højskolen på Kalø
In each page, there is a tab called Meta Data
, where I can add Meta Title, but the content is not displayed anywhere.
How can I pull that content and display in in the code above?
Do I need some info from the document type?
You'll have to decode the special characters:
#HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Model.Content.HasValue("metaTitle") ? Model.Content.GetPropertyValue("metaTitle") : Model.Content.Name) - slutning ÆØÅ
You may or may not have to wrap the above with Html.Raw, but that should work.

Exporting org-mode to HTML: Include custom sitemap above the title

I would like to include a short sitemap like
[[./]] [[./]] [[./]]
which I have contained in a file called, but I would like for this to appear at the top of the page, above the title. When I start an org-mode document with
#+TITLE: pagetitle
and export as HTML, the title still appears above this banner. Is there a way to change this behavior, or are there any other suggestions for including such a sitemap?
I guess this must be solved through CSS placement rules.

get PDF page title

Is it possible to get page title via iText?
The PdfTextExtractor returns all text from the page but I don't know what line is title. Also, title may contain more than one line
I don't know coordinates of title thus I can't use RegionTextRenderFilter
I can try to analyze the font size and take the line(s) with biggest font but TextRenderInfo doesn't provide public access to gs (private final GraphicsState gs)
Any other ideas?
Pages within a PDF don't have titles, they just have text that happens to be bold or in a large font and appears in an area you consider to be "more top" than other pieces of text. It sounds like you know this already, I just needed to be clear on this.
See my post here which shows how to get font information by subclassing ITextExtractionStrategy. My sample targets iTextSharp which is the .Net port of iText but they match pretty much feature-to-feature. The biggest differences is that Java uses getXXX and setXXX whereas .Net just uses XXX for both. Otherwise everything should port just fine.
The moral of the story is that you are going to have to write some arbitrary rules defining what you think of as a "title" and then parse based on those rules.

Swedish text Localization on iphone

I want to know about localization.The exact requirement is copy/paste text should be changed to swedish text accordingly while entering the text in UITextField.Can any one have source code or example link for this?
I meant the copy/paste tip text appears when editing the UITextfied.How to change this to swdish text?
I'm not sure if you can have dynamic text in localization, i guess you should call google translator so it translates the copied text, you'll get a json response for that.
Take a look here for example:

html code appears in my text view in RSS feed app

i got an rss feed app. All is working ok apart from the fact that in my "description" textView
(detail of the rss) the text appears in html!
any ideas in what is going on?
i have found the solution using a wbview with loadHTMLString.
however i would like to ask what is the difference between these two rss feeds:
and this for example:
in the first one i can get the textview to display the contents as they should appear while in the second one i get html code in the textview!
my code remains the same in both cases...
The key difference between them is that the latter contains prefix tags
e.g. and
Do you use NSXMLParser or libxml2 ? are you doing a strcmp with the element name ?