Swedish text Localization on iphone - iphone

I want to know about localization.The exact requirement is copy/paste text should be changed to swedish text accordingly while entering the text in UITextField.Can any one have source code or example link for this?
I meant the copy/paste tip text appears when editing the UITextfied.How to change this to swdish text?

I'm not sure if you can have dynamic text in localization, i guess you should call google translator so it translates the copied text, you'll get a json response for that.
Take a look here for example:


Vscode extension: insert some meta text on a certain position?

I think it should be possible.
I want to make an extension that will add a specific meta text content on specific positions in the source file (depending on its content), but this content should be just visible to the user not inserted into the source of course.
Can someone point to the VSCode API which I should use for this?
I think I found it:
This extensions also uses it:

How do I select text from a scanned photo?

I'm in the process of writing an app with which you can take a picture of a text and then the text is scanned and transferred to a variable. I've done that with the plugin firebase_ml_vision and everything works.
The problem I have is that I want to decide for myself which text is scanned from the photo. For example, this could work in such a way that each word and number is automatically given a frame and the user then taps the words that are transferred to the variable. This also works with Google translator (see screenshot) but unfortunately I haven't found anything yet how to do it... Do you know how it works?
The firebase-mlkit's text recognition API returns a frame as well as cornerPoints for each of the VisionTextBlock, VisionTextLine, and VisionTextElement:
They should help you to select the words, lines, or text blocks.

Underlined text in iPhone TextView

I have the following text in my RTF file..
"The possibility of an attack on Indian Point, a nuclear power plant, has caused local governmental officials to plan evaluation routes, build shelters, and offering citizens potassium pills so there will be fewer casualties in case of a leak."
In that text "plan evaluation routes, build shelters, and offering citizens potassium pills so there will be" is underlined text. When I am copying this text into sqlite database and displaying on Simulator using TextView, I am Not Getting UnderLine... How to get it in iPhone..? From Which Format (word,pdf..) of documents i want to copy to get the exact text...
UITextView does not support any text attributes. You could use a UIWebview with some html to do that (the easy way) or write your own text field using Coretext and NSAttributedString. This site has quite some info about the later: http://www.raywenderlich.com/4147/how-to-create-a-simple-magazine-app-with-core-text
TextView does not support underline text because its have single font behavior and does not support multiFont and text attributes. You can use web view inside text view for RTF File.
Try this link,it have lot of HTMl,which is easily understand.

get PDF page title

Is it possible to get page title via iText?
The PdfTextExtractor returns all text from the page but I don't know what line is title. Also, title may contain more than one line
I don't know coordinates of title thus I can't use RegionTextRenderFilter
I can try to analyze the font size and take the line(s) with biggest font but TextRenderInfo doesn't provide public access to gs (private final GraphicsState gs)
Any other ideas?
Pages within a PDF don't have titles, they just have text that happens to be bold or in a large font and appears in an area you consider to be "more top" than other pieces of text. It sounds like you know this already, I just needed to be clear on this.
See my post here which shows how to get font information by subclassing ITextExtractionStrategy. My sample targets iTextSharp which is the .Net port of iText but they match pretty much feature-to-feature. The biggest differences is that Java uses getXXX and setXXX whereas .Net just uses XXX for both. Otherwise everything should port just fine.
The moral of the story is that you are going to have to write some arbitrary rules defining what you think of as a "title" and then parse based on those rules.

Conversion of a character to asterisk

i had been to an interview for the post of webdeveloper/HTML developer . There he asked me a question, the ques was.... there is a textbox and a button when i enter any character into the textbox it must be converted into a asterisk sign(i.e "*")once the characters are entered now on clicking the button all the signs must be converted back into characters in a pop up.i was unable to answer this question,but i really want to know the solution for this. i think u can use javascript ,html or jquery for this i am not sure about which language is exactly used .plzzzzz suggest me the solution.
Most text boxes have a "password" mode in which you can't see the text that is entered. Just toggle the mode by clicking on the button.
Try using a textbox with a Password option, or a Password input box. Of course it would be easier to give you more specific help if you were more specific about the language and platform you are using.
In Swing you have a JpasswordField for such cases. If you are using Swing then you can use it. When the user clicks in the button just do jpassfld.setEchoChar(0) which will show the original text.
But depends on what GUI toolkit you are using. Above ws an example with Swing
Can you not just use the PasswordChar of the TextBox?
In C#, to set the PasswordChar:
TextBox1.PasswordChar = '*';
To remove the PasswordChar on the button click:
TextBox1.PasswordChar = (char)0;
Depending on the programming language and editor, usually a text box has a property that makes it behave like a password entry field. Simply connect your button to toggle that property.
Sorry for that generic answer, but your question is very vague.