Paypal Transactions in INR - paypal

How can I sent money in INR using Paypal business account (REST API)
I have created an account from India in Paypal .But when I tried to sent money using sandbox account.Got error.
"message": "You live in a country that is not allowed to send this payout.",
Then I found this answer and created a new account with country as UK.
Now I can call my payout API with
"currency": "GBP"
How can I do transactions in INR?

I have created an account from India in Paypal .But when I tried to sent money using sandbox account.Got error.
Are you referring to the live account that you used to sign in to
Or are you referring to the sandbox Business account on that list?
When testing in sandbox mode, the important thing is the country of the sandbox account on that list. You may need to create a new Indian Business account in the sandbox environment, and use that for Payouts.


Testing PayPal payouts

I've seen the requirements for the Paypal Payout. It says that accounts should be business type and that the platform account should request a payout access to PayPal. I'm from the Philippines, but my client is in Australia so they can make the business account and request payout access. My question is, once we got access to payouts, can we test the payout on sandbox mode? or the payout only works with real paypal credits/money?
Payouts always works for sandbox Business accounts of countries that support payouts. Create such accounts in the developer dashboard, logging in with any live PayPal account.

PayPal payment from Business to Personal account

I know how to send money from Personal account to Business account (by using paypal-rest-sdk). But now I want to send money from Business account to a Personal account
Is there a product to support this type of payment
by using paypal-rest-sdk
The old PayPal-Node-SDK for receiving payments is deprecated, so you'd better mean the current Checkout-NodeJS-SDK.
For sending payments to another account, you can set the purchase_unit payee to the email address of the receiving account.
If you wish to send payments from your a Business account in an automated fashion, the Business account owner can contact PayPal to inquire about enabling Payouts.

Unable to receive payment in USD using paypal button

I have created Paypal button using paypal selling tool, my business account is approved. If i try to pay in INR, my payment go through. But when i create button that receives payment in USD. The payment fails on the first page.
My Paypal Business account is registered in India. Error screenshot is as below.
Currencies will be work correctly:
To resolve your issue, please kindly follow the below link to create an Indian Sandbox business account from the PayPal developer portal, set up your integration with that new Indian account and follow as mentioned below for currencies.
USD for the Overseas customers
If an Overseas customer tries to make payment in the INR currency, it
gives an error on the PayPal checkout page. So, you've to use USD or
any other PayPal supported currency except INR for the overseas
INR for the Indian Customers.
If an Indian customer tries to make payment in a non-INR currency, it
gives an error on the PayPal checkout page. So, you've to use only INR
currency for the Indian customers.
For accepting payments in INR merchants have set primary currency is INR for the Overseas customers set primary currency is USD
I hope this will work fine for cross-currency

PayPal payments made to sandbox account instead of live account

We had a page set up to receive PayPal payments - it was still on testing/development, so we used a sandbox business account to receive payments.
Unfortunately, some users gained access to the page and successfully made payments. I logged into sandbox and found out that it successfully received the payments from non-sandbox accounts of real users.
I thought this would not be possible. So I tried it for myself - made a payment using my real PayPal account, and I was right - it did not work.
My question is: How was it possible that they were able to pay using their real account, but I couldn't? Second, since they paid to a sandbox account, was actual money deducted from their account? If yes, would refunding it from inside our sandbox business account work?
The only way I can think anybody could have completed the transaction using a "real" account is if they paid using a credit card through a Payments Pro integration. Are you using Payments Pro?
Any money paid to a sandbox account is fake, and no money would actually be transferred.

Sandbox Account for Digital Goods

I have a PayPal account lets say ''. Within the account there are two sandbox accounts one for seller and the other one for buyer. From what I have read I need to enable my account for accepting payment on digital goods.
May I know on which account I need to enable this (PayPal / Sandbox account) ? Because I believe I have enable it on my PayPal account but I still get the same error as follow
You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods.
The test sandbox seller account email is By the way, is it still safe to reuse the same email in production environment ?
You would need to enable this on the test sandbox seller account. If you can provide the email address for your test sandbox seller account, I can enable this feature on your account from my end.
I managed to change an Express Checkout sandbox account to a "PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout)" account by hitting the following URL while logged in on the sandbox account:
This is a bit reverse engineered (after visiting and following the link to enable a digital goods account put "sandbox." in front of but it looks like it works.