Sandbox Account for Digital Goods - paypal

I have a PayPal account lets say ''. Within the account there are two sandbox accounts one for seller and the other one for buyer. From what I have read I need to enable my account for accepting payment on digital goods.
May I know on which account I need to enable this (PayPal / Sandbox account) ? Because I believe I have enable it on my PayPal account but I still get the same error as follow
You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods.
The test sandbox seller account email is By the way, is it still safe to reuse the same email in production environment ?

You would need to enable this on the test sandbox seller account. If you can provide the email address for your test sandbox seller account, I can enable this feature on your account from my end.

I managed to change an Express Checkout sandbox account to a "PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout)" account by hitting the following URL while logged in on the sandbox account:
This is a bit reverse engineered (after visiting and following the link to enable a digital goods account put "sandbox." in front of but it looks like it works.


paypal sandbox - verify identity

I am testing my payment integration using PayPal Sandbox
When I go to make payment using a sandbox account, the following message displays on the payment page
To use your balance next time, go to your PayPal account for an
identity check.
If I log into the sandbox account, I am not seeing any way to do this.
How do I set up the sandbox account so that it can use PayPal funds for the payment rather than the credit card option?
It doesn't matter how you are funding the payment in sandbox. There's no actual reason for you to be bothering to care about this issue, since the result of a completed PayPal payment on the receiver end will be identical.
But since you ask, you can create a bank verified account via

How can I test paypal micropayments in the paypal sandbox?

Is there a way to test paypal micropayments in the sandbox? I can see where to upgrade the test account to paypal payments pro. But i don't see one for micropayments. I am trying to verify smaller transactions.
While it does not make much sense to see the pricing of sandbox transactions change, you can contact MTS under
give them the e-mail address of the sandbox merchant account you want to enable Micro Payments for and they should be able to activate it for that account.

Paypal where to set accept digital goods payment in sandbox

I've been trying this for few days. I've created some seller accounts, one of them I created early this year and it was working fine. Then when I return for this project this March, Paypal changed the API from to The old seller accounts were still working fine and can still accept the digital goods payments from the payer accounts that I created recently, however the new seller accounts, with BUSINESS type, suppose to be able to pay and accept payments got some issues. These newly created seller accounts receive the following warning:
You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods.
Doing some research with google, I released I have to set the paypal business account for digital goods. But I can't find where to set it from the new paypal developer control panel. Even when I tried to log in to the sandbox version of, using the seller accounts I created in the sandbox, I still can't find where I can set it. In my business setup, there are only two options for me, one is Paypal payments pro and other other is "Virtual Terminal". Any idea? Please help....
I've found the way to add express checkout for digital goods in sandbox, but I think Paypal should pay attention to this because the way I used was very clumsy.
First sign in to sandbox and choose a business account to log in to the sandbox by using the url provided in the Application/Sanbox Accounts. Then use the account that you want to set to accept digital goods checkout to log into the sandbox url, it should be
After logged in, go to my business setup and pay attention to the setup my payment solution. Click the view all products and you will be redirected to a new page. Please note the url now, the "sandbox" is missing. Now click on the express checkout button, or whatever you want to add to the payment solution, you will be redirected again. Now pay attention to the url, insert "sandbox" to the url, e.g you have to replace it with, the rest of the url remain the same. Then press enter you will be redirected back to the business setup page. Now you can see your payment solution has become express checkout. It is stupid and I hope paypal can let us choose this directly from the control panel in the near future.
An alternative hides in Profile > My selling tools > API access > Update > At the bottom - Enable Express Checkout.
When I later go to My Account > My Business Setup I see: "Your payment solution: PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout)"

how to login in personal test account

i have made an account on and after that create a personal account and a business account now i want to test these account to make a transaction on sandbox but on sandbox there is a problem that i can't get access to login as personal account and as business account i used the email address and password of my personal account and business account . how i can do test on paypal sandbox ?
I am also passing through these phases, anyway after just logged in at with your paypal acount that you created at, you will found an an application menu there, and on the left side you will found sandbox_accounts, paypal will automatically create your merchant account, this merchant account will be used as a seller in paypal api, and you personal account will be used for transaction like payment.

Paypay website payments standard API: pay without paypal account

we have set up Paypal as a hook into an e-commerce application, where users just enter their paypal account, and we link their clients through to their Paypal account when buying products.
This works great, and paypal asks you to login to pay for your purchases.
But we don't want clients to be forced to create a paypal account, just to make a purchase.
Does website payments standard API actually support paying without a paypal account?
At the moment this is a real showstopper for us.
Check out PayPal Adaptive Accounts. You can create PP accounts for your users. The only step they'll have to complete at PayPal is creating a password. Once the account is created you might need send the user back through a checkout flow.
Adaptive Accounts
Use the Adaptive Accounts API to build applications that create and manage PayPal accounts. Merchants and developers can use the API to create PayPal accounts, add payment methods to accounts, and verify a PayPal account status.
Paypal is a very useful payment service gateway, exactly because the customer does not need to enter a credit-card number.
What we do, is offer Paypal as an option. We allow credit-card entry as well. In order to evaluate the credit-card for validity etc., we interface with the bank that supports our account and let their system do the checks. Another option would be "Cash on Delivery".