MongoDB $cond with embedded document array - mongodb

I am trying to generate a new collection with a field 'desc' having into account a condition in field in a documment array. To do so, I am using $cond statement
The origin collection example is the next one:
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8ef9a23e4f255bb41b9b40"),
"Brand" : {
"models" : [
"name" : "AA"
"name" : "BB"
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8ef9a83e4f255bb41b9b41"),
"Brand" : {
"models" : [
"name" : "AG"
"name" : "AA"
The query is the next:
aggregate: 'cars',
'pipeline': [
'$project': {
'desc': {
'$cond': {
if: {
$in: ['$',['BB','TC','TS']]
then: 'Good',
else: 'Bad'
'$project': {
'desc': 1
$out: 'cars_stg'
'allowDiskUse': true,
The problem is that the $cond statement is always returning the "else" value. I also have tried $or statement with $eq or the $and with $ne, but is always returning "else".
What am I doing wrong, or how should I fix this?

Since $ returns an array, we cannot use $in operator.
Instead, we can use $setIntersection which returns an array that contains the elements that appear in every input array[
"$project": {
"desc": {
"$cond": [
$gt: [
$size: {
$setIntersection: [
"$project": {
"desc": 1
$out: 'cars_stg'
MongoPlayground | Alternative $reduce


Query nested array from document

Given the following document data in collection called 'blah'...
"_id" : ObjectId("60913f55987438922d5f0db6"),
"procedureCode" : "code1",
"description" : "Description 1",
"coding" : [
"system" : "ABC",
"code" : "L111"
"system" : "DEFG",
"code" : "S222"
"_id" : ObjectId("60913f55987438922d5f0dbc"),
"procedureCode" : "code2",
"description" : "Description 2",
"coding" : [
"system" : "ABC",
"code" : "L999"
"system" : "DEFG",
"code" : "X3333"
What I want to get is all of the coding elements where system is ABC for all parents, and an array of codes like so.
{ "code": "L111" },
{ "code": "L999" },
If I use db.getCollection('blah').find({"coding.system": "ABC"}) I get the parent document with any child in the coding array of ICD.
If I use...
.find({ "coding.system": "ABC" })
.projection({ "coding.code": 1 })
I do get the parent documents which have a child with a system of "ABC", but the coding for "DEFG" seems to come along for the ride too.
"_id" : ObjectId("60913f55987438922d5f0db6"),
"coding" : [
"code" : "L989"
"code" : "S102"
"_id" : ObjectId("60913f55987438922d5f0dbc"),
"coding" : [
"code" : "L989"
"code" : "X382"
I have also tried experimenting with:
{ $unwind: "$coding" },
{ $match: { "system": "ICD" } }
.. as per this page: mongoDB query to find the document in nested array
... but go no where fast with that approach. i.e. no records at all.
What query do I need, please, to achieve something like this..?
{ "code": "L111" },
{ "code": "L999" },
or even better, this..?
$match: { "coding.system": "ABC" }
$unwind: "$coding"
$match: { "coding.system": "ABC" }
$project: { code: "$coding.code" }
$match: { "coding.system": "ABC" }
$unwind: "$coding"
$match: { "coding.system": "ABC" }
$group: {
_id: null,
coding: { $push: "$coding.code" }
Instead of $unwind, $match you can also use $filter:
{ $match: { "coding.system": "ABC" } },
$project: {
coding: {
$filter: {
input: "$coding",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$this.system", "ABC" ] }

Mongodb aggregation match ends with using field value

note: I'm using Mongodb 4 and I must use aggregation, because this is a step of a bigger aggregation
How to find in a collection documents that contains fields that ends with value from another field in same document ?
Let's start with this collection:
{"first":"Pizza", "second" : "Pizza"},
{"first":"Pizza", "second" : "not pizza"},
{"first":"Pizza", "second" : "not pizza"}
and an example query for exact match:
$match : { $expr: { $eq: [ "$first" ,"$second" ] } } }
I will get a single document
"_id" : ObjectId("5c49d44329ea754dc48b5ace"),
"first" : "Pizza", "second" : "Pizza"
And this is good.
But how to do the same, but with endsWith?
I've openend another question for start with here that uses indexOfBytes . But indexOf return only first match, and not last one
Edit: I've found an acceptable answer (with a lot of custom logic, my hope is Mongodb team will solve this), here the solution:
$addFields : {
"tmpContains" : { $indexOfBytes: [ "$first", { $ifNull : [ "$second" , 0] } ] }
$match: { "tmpContains" : { $gt : -1 } }
$addFields : {
"firstLen" : { $strLenBytes: "$first" }
$addFields : {
"secondLen" : { $strLenBytes: "$second" }
$addFields : {
"diffLen" : { $abs: { $subtract : [ "$firstLen", "$secondLen"] } }
$addFields : {
"res" : { $substr: [ "$first", "$diffLen", "$firstLen"] }
$match : { $expr : { $eq: [ "$res" , "$second" ] }}
As you know the length of both fields ($strLenBytes) you can use $substr to get last n characters of second field and the compare it to first field, try:
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: [
$let: {
vars: { firstLen: { $strLenBytes: "$first" }, secondLen: { $strLenBytes: "$second" } },
in: { $substr: [ "$second", { $subtract: [ "$$secondLen", "$$firstLen" ] }, "$$firstLen" ] }
Above aggregation will give you the same result as string comparison is case-sensitive in MongoDB. To fix that you can apply $toLower operator both on $first and on calculated substring of $second, try:
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: [
{ $toLower: "$first" },
$let: {
vars: { firstLen: { $strLenBytes: "$first" }, secondLen: { $strLenBytes: "$second" } },
in: { $toLower: { $substr: [ "$second", { $subtract: [ "$$secondLen", "$$firstLen" ] }, "$$firstLen" ] } }

How to find not in values in mongodb query

Here i am having n-number of documents, below are the examples of the documents.
"_id" : "ABC",
"languagesknow" : {
"lng" : [
"_id" : "CDF",
"languagesknow" : {
"lng" : [
My question is suppose i will pass input as a one array.suppose in that array i am passing 2 & 5 & 6 means 5 & 6 not there inside lng, so want to print the values , how can achieve this?
You need $setDifference operator, try:
$match: {
"languagesknow.lng": { $type: "array" }
$project: {
languagesknow: {
$setDifference: [ [ "2", "5", "6" ], "$languagesknow.lng" ]
EDIT: you can put $match in front of $setDifference to filter out all the documents where languagesknow.lng is not an array (using $type operator).
EDIT(2): if you want to get single array for entire collection then you need to add $group with $unwind to gather all the languagesknow into single array and then run $setDifference on it, try:
$match: {
"languagesknow.lng": { $type: "array" }
$unwind: "$languagesknow.lng"
$group: {
_id: null,
languagesknow: { $addToSet: "$languagesknow.lng" }
$project: {
languagesknow: {
$setDifference: [ [ "2", "5", "6" ], "$languagesknow" ]

MongoDb - Pop array element based on if condition

I am trying to update my mongo database which has following structure.
"_id" : ObjectId("5a64d076bfd103df081967ae"),
"values" : [
"date" : "2018-01-22",
"Price" : "1289.4075"
"date" : "2018-01-22",
"Price" : "1289.4075"
"date" : "2015-05-18",
"Price" : 1289.41
"Code" : 123456,
"schemeStatus" : "Inactive"
I want to compare first 2 array element's date value i.e values[0].date and values[1].date. If both matches then I want to delete values[0] so that there will be only 1 entry with that date.
You can use aggregation framework's pipeline with $out as a last stage to update your collection
$addFields: {
sameDate: {
$let: {
vars: {
fst: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$values", 0 ] },
snd: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$values", 1 ] }
in: { $cond: { if: { $eq: [ "$$", "$$" ] }, then: 1, else: 0 } }
$project: {
_id: 1,
values : { $cond: { if: { $eq: [ "$sameDate", 0 ] }, then: "$values", else: { $slice: [ "$values", 1, { $size: "$values" } ] } } },
Code: 1,
schemeStatus: 1
{ $out: "collection" }
Some more important operators used here:
$cond to handle if-else logic
$let to define some helper variables
$arrayElemAt to get first and second element
$slice to pop first element

MongoDb aggregate and group by two fields depending on values

I want to aggregate over a collection where a type is given. If the type is foo I want to group by the field author, if the type is bar I want to group by user.
All this should happen in one query.
Example Data:
"_id": 1,
"author": {
"someField": "abc",
"type": "foo"
"_id": 2,
"author": {
"someField": "abc",
"type": "foo"
"_id": 3,
"user": {
"someField": "abc",
"type": "bar"
This user field is only existing if the type is bar.
So basically something like that... tried to express it with an $or.
function () {
var results = [
{ $or: [ {
{ $match : { type : "foo" } },
{ $group : { _id : "$author", sumAuthor : {$sum : 1} } } },
{ { $match : { type : "bar" } },
{ $group : { _id : "$user", sumUser : {$sum : 1} } }
} ] }
] );
return results;
Does someone have a good solution for this?
I think it can be done by
$group : {
_id : {
$cond : [{
$eq : [ "$type", "foo"]
}, "author", "user"]
sum : {
$sum : 1
The solution below can be cleaned up a bit...
For "bar" (note: for "foo", you have to change a bit)
user:{ $ifNull: ["$user", "notbar"]},
Also note: In you final answer, anything that is not of type "bar" will have an _id=null
What you want here is the $cond operator, which is a ternary operator returning a specific value where the condition is true or false.[
{ "$group": {
"_id": null,
"sumUser": {
"$sum": {
"$cond": [ { "$eq": [ "$type", "user" ] }, 1, 0 ]
"sumAuhtor": {
"$sum": {
"$cond": [ { "$eq": [ "$type", "auhtor" ] }, 1, 0 ]
This basically tests the "type" of the current document and decides whether to pass either 1 or 0 to the $sum operation.
This also avoids errant grouping should the "user" and "author" fields contain the same values as they do in your example. The end result is a single document with the count of both types.