How to find not in values in mongodb query - mongodb

Here i am having n-number of documents, below are the examples of the documents.
"_id" : "ABC",
"languagesknow" : {
"lng" : [
"_id" : "CDF",
"languagesknow" : {
"lng" : [
My question is suppose i will pass input as a one array.suppose in that array i am passing 2 & 5 & 6 means 5 & 6 not there inside lng, so want to print the values , how can achieve this?

You need $setDifference operator, try:
$match: {
"languagesknow.lng": { $type: "array" }
$project: {
languagesknow: {
$setDifference: [ [ "2", "5", "6" ], "$languagesknow.lng" ]
EDIT: you can put $match in front of $setDifference to filter out all the documents where languagesknow.lng is not an array (using $type operator).
EDIT(2): if you want to get single array for entire collection then you need to add $group with $unwind to gather all the languagesknow into single array and then run $setDifference on it, try:
$match: {
"languagesknow.lng": { $type: "array" }
$unwind: "$languagesknow.lng"
$group: {
_id: null,
languagesknow: { $addToSet: "$languagesknow.lng" }
$project: {
languagesknow: {
$setDifference: [ [ "2", "5", "6" ], "$languagesknow" ]


Querying a multi-nested array in MongoDb 3.4.2

MongoDB Version - 3.4.2
I'm trying to query within the Sitecore Analytics database, trying to retrieve all users that are associated with a given List Id.
The example dataset I have follows the default Sitecore Analytics setup:
"Tags" : {
"Entries" : {
"ContactLists" : {
"Values" : {
"0" : {
"Value" : "{1E2D1AB7-72A0-4FF7-906B-DCDC020B87D2}",
"DateTime" : ISODate("2020-10-23T17:38:13.891Z")
"1" : {
"Value" : "{28BECCD3-476B-4B1D-9A75-02E59EF21286}",
"DateTime" : ISODate("2018-04-18T14:22:41.763Z")
"2" : {
"Value" : "{2C2BB0C3-483D-490E-B93A-9155BFBBE5DC}",
"DateTime" : ISODate("2018-05-10T14:26:08.494Z")
"3" : {
"Value" : "{DBE480F6-E305-4B35-9E6D-CBED64F4E44F}",
"DateTime" : ISODate("2018-10-27T02:41:28.776Z")
I want to iterate through all the entries within Values without having to specify 0/1/2/3, avoiding the following:
db.getCollection('Contacts').find({"Tags.Entries.ContactLists.Values.1.Value": "{28BECCD3-476B-4B1D-9A75-02E59EF21286}"})
I've tried the following:
db.getCollection('Contacts').find({"Tags.Entries.ContactLists.Values": {$elemMatch : {"Value":"{28BECCD3-476B-4B1D-9A75-02E59EF21286}"}}})
db.getCollection('Contacts').find({'Tags' : {$elemMatch : {$all : ['{28BECCD3-476B-4B1D-9A75-02E59EF21286}']}}})
db.getCollection('Contacts').forEach(function (doc) {
for(var i in doc.Tags.Entries.ContactLists.Values)
doc.Tags.Entries.ContactLists.Values[i].Value = "{28BECCD3-476B-4B1D-9A75-02E59EF21286}";
And a few other variations which I cannot recall now. And none work.
Any ideas if this is possible or on how to do this?
I want the outcome to just show filter out the results showing only the entries containing the matching GUID
Many thanks!
Demo -
It can be done using aggregation pipeline
Use $objectToArray to convert array
Use $filter to filter the array
$addFields: {
filteredValue: {
$filter: {
input: {
$objectToArray: "$Tags.Entries.ContactLists.Values"
as: "val",
cond: {
$eq: [ // filter condition
Output -
"Tags": {
"Entries": {
"ContactLists": {
"Values": {
"0": {
"DateTime": ISODate("2020-10-23T17:38:13.891Z"),
"Value": "{1E2D1AB7-72A0-4FF7-906B-DCDC020B87D2}"
"1": {
"DateTime": ISODate("2018-04-18T14:22:41.763Z"),
"Value": "{28BECCD3-476B-4B1D-9A75-02E59EF21286}"
"2": {
"DateTime": ISODate("2018-05-10T14:26:08.494Z"),
"Value": "{2C2BB0C3-483D-490E-B93A-9155BFBBE5DC}"
"3": {
"DateTime": ISODate("2018-10-27T02:41:28.776Z"),
"Value": "{DBE480F6-E305-4B35-9E6D-CBED64F4E44F}"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"filteredValue": [
"k": "1",
"v": {
"DateTime": ISODate("2018-04-18T14:22:41.763Z"),
"Value": "{28BECCD3-476B-4B1D-9A75-02E59EF21286}"
You can not use $elemMatch because Values is not array, but object. You can solve the problem with Aggregation Pipeline:
$addFields to add new field Values_Array that will be array representation of Values object.
$objectToArray to transform Values object to array
$match to find all documents that has requested value in new Values_Array field
$project to specify which properties to return from the result
"$addFields": {
"Values_Array": {
"$objectToArray": "$Tags.Entries.ContactLists.Values"
"$match": {
"Values_Array.v.Value": "{28BECCD3-476B-4B1D-9A75-02E59EF21286}"
"$project": {
"Tags": 1
Here is the working example:

MongoDB $cond with embedded document array

I am trying to generate a new collection with a field 'desc' having into account a condition in field in a documment array. To do so, I am using $cond statement
The origin collection example is the next one:
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8ef9a23e4f255bb41b9b40"),
"Brand" : {
"models" : [
"name" : "AA"
"name" : "BB"
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8ef9a83e4f255bb41b9b41"),
"Brand" : {
"models" : [
"name" : "AG"
"name" : "AA"
The query is the next:
aggregate: 'cars',
'pipeline': [
'$project': {
'desc': {
'$cond': {
if: {
$in: ['$',['BB','TC','TS']]
then: 'Good',
else: 'Bad'
'$project': {
'desc': 1
$out: 'cars_stg'
'allowDiskUse': true,
The problem is that the $cond statement is always returning the "else" value. I also have tried $or statement with $eq or the $and with $ne, but is always returning "else".
What am I doing wrong, or how should I fix this?
Since $ returns an array, we cannot use $in operator.
Instead, we can use $setIntersection which returns an array that contains the elements that appear in every input array[
"$project": {
"desc": {
"$cond": [
$gt: [
$size: {
$setIntersection: [
"$project": {
"desc": 1
$out: 'cars_stg'
MongoPlayground | Alternative $reduce

Mongodb aggregation $size inside nested array

I have a problem with a query with aggregation framework.
Given a collection with documents like:
"internalId" :1,
"first" : {
"second" : [
"value" : 1
this aggregation :
{ $addFields: { tmpSize: { $strLenCP: { $ifNull: [ { $toString: "$first.second.value" }, "" ] } } } },
return this error:
"message" : "Unsupported conversion from array to string in $convert with no onError value",
"ok" : 0,
"code" : 241,
"codeName" : "ConversionFailure",
"name" : "MongoError"
Now, the solution on this problem is to use unwind in the following way:
{ $unwind: "$first.second"},
{ $addFields: { tmpSize: { $strLenCP: { $ifNull: [ { $toString: "$first.second.value" }, "" ] } } } },
But my requirement is to create a general approach for documents with various shape and possible nested array inside array.
Due this bug seems to be impossible to unwind array inside array, so how to solve this problem ?
There is an approach ?
Some context:
I cannot change document structure before aggregation
I don't know where array will be in "field hierarchy", if first for example is an array, or is second
Thanks in advance
You can use $reduce.
====== Aggregate ======
"$addFields": {
"first.second.tmpSize": {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$first.second",
"initialValue": "",
"in": {
$strLenCP: {
$ifNull: [
$toString: "$$this.value"
====== Result ======
"_id": ObjectId("5d925bd3fabc692265f950d5"),
"first": {
"second": [
"tmpSize": 1,
"value": 1
"internalId": 1
Mongo Playground

Count and apply condition to slice the mongodb array document

My document structure looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5aeeda07f3a664c55e830a08"),
"profileId" : ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a543"),
"list" : [
"content" : "answered your post",
"createdBy" : ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a540")
"content" : "answered your post",
"createdBy" : ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a540")
"content" : "answered your post",
"createdBy" : ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a540")
I want to count array of
list field. And apply condition before slicing that
if the list<=10 then slice all the elements of list
else 10 elements.
P.S I used this query but is returning null.
Your first $project stage effectively wipes out all result fields but the one(s) that it explicitly projects (only notifs in your case). That's why the second $project stage cannot $slice the list field anymore (it has been removed by the first $project stage).
Also, I think your $cond/$slice combination can be more elegantly expressed using the $min operator. So there's at least the following two fixes for your problem:
Using $addFields:
{ $match: { profileId: ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a543") } },
{ $addFields: { notifs: { $size: "$list" } } },
{ $project: {
notifications: {
$slice: [ "$list", { $min: [ "$notifs", 10 ] } ]
Using a calculation inside the $project - this avoids a stage so should be preferable.
{ $match: { profileId: ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a543") } },
{ $project: {
notifications: {
$slice: [ "$list", { $min: [ { $size: "$list" }, 10 ] } ]

How to write a custom function to split a document into multiple documents of same Id

I am trying to split a document which has the following fields of string type:
"_id" : "17121",
"firstName": "Jello",
"lastName" : "New",
"bio" :"He is a nice person."
I want to split the above document into three new documents For Example:
"_id": "17121-1",
"firstName": "Jello"
"_id": "17121-2",
"firstName": "New"
"_id": "17121-3",
"bio": "He is a nice person."
Can anyone suggest how to proceed?
// I want to extract every single field. How to iterate on the field within this Bson object(obj) to collect every field.?
or any suggestion to do with aggregation pipeline in MongoDB.
You can use the below aggregation query.
The below query will convert each document fields into key value document array followed by $unwind while keeping the index and $replaceRoot with merge to produce the desired output.
$objectToArray to produce array (keyvalarr) with key (name of the array field)-value (array field) pair.
$match to remove the _id key value document.
$arrayToObject to produce the named key value while adding new _id key value pair and flatten array key values.
"$project": {
"keyvalarr": {
"$objectToArray": "$$ROOT"
"$unwind": {
"path": "$keyvalarr",
"includeArrayIndex": "index"
"$match": {
"keyvalarr.k": {
"$ne": "_id"
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": {
"$arrayToObject": [
"k": "_id",
"v": {
"$concat": [
"$substr": [
"$substr": [
Anu. Here are two options you can use.
The first option is pretty straightforward, but it requires you to hardcode _id' indexes yourself.
$project: {
pairs : [
{ firstName: '$firstName', _id : { $concat : [ { $substr : [ '$_id', 0, 50 ] }, '-1' ] } },
{ lastName: '$lastName', _id : { $concat : [ '$_id', '-2' ] } },
{ bio: '$bio', _id : { $concat : [ { $substr : [ '$_id', 0, 50 ] }, '-3' ] } }
$unwind : '$pairs'
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: '$pairs' }
The second option does a little bit more job and is somewhat more tricky. But it is probably easier to extend if you ever need to add another field.
$project: {
pairs : [
{ firstName: '$firstName' },
{ lastName: '$lastName' },
{ bio: '$bio' }
$addFields: {
pairsReference : '$pairs'
$unwind: '$pairs'
$addFields: {
'pairs._id' : { $concat: [ { $substr : [ '$_id', 0, 50 ] }, '-', { $substr: [ { $indexOfArray : [ '$pairsReference', '$pairs' ] }, 0, 2 ] } ] }
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: '$pairs' }
You can redirect results of both queries into another collection by using $out stage.
The only reason you get the error is that one of the _ids is not a string.
Replace the first parameter of $concat ($_id) with the following expression:
{ $substr : [ '$_id', 0, 50 ] }