Mongodb aggregation match ends with using field value - mongodb

note: I'm using Mongodb 4 and I must use aggregation, because this is a step of a bigger aggregation
How to find in a collection documents that contains fields that ends with value from another field in same document ?
Let's start with this collection:
{"first":"Pizza", "second" : "Pizza"},
{"first":"Pizza", "second" : "not pizza"},
{"first":"Pizza", "second" : "not pizza"}
and an example query for exact match:
$match : { $expr: { $eq: [ "$first" ,"$second" ] } } }
I will get a single document
"_id" : ObjectId("5c49d44329ea754dc48b5ace"),
"first" : "Pizza", "second" : "Pizza"
And this is good.
But how to do the same, but with endsWith?
I've openend another question for start with here that uses indexOfBytes . But indexOf return only first match, and not last one
Edit: I've found an acceptable answer (with a lot of custom logic, my hope is Mongodb team will solve this), here the solution:
$addFields : {
"tmpContains" : { $indexOfBytes: [ "$first", { $ifNull : [ "$second" , 0] } ] }
$match: { "tmpContains" : { $gt : -1 } }
$addFields : {
"firstLen" : { $strLenBytes: "$first" }
$addFields : {
"secondLen" : { $strLenBytes: "$second" }
$addFields : {
"diffLen" : { $abs: { $subtract : [ "$firstLen", "$secondLen"] } }
$addFields : {
"res" : { $substr: [ "$first", "$diffLen", "$firstLen"] }
$match : { $expr : { $eq: [ "$res" , "$second" ] }}

As you know the length of both fields ($strLenBytes) you can use $substr to get last n characters of second field and the compare it to first field, try:
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: [
$let: {
vars: { firstLen: { $strLenBytes: "$first" }, secondLen: { $strLenBytes: "$second" } },
in: { $substr: [ "$second", { $subtract: [ "$$secondLen", "$$firstLen" ] }, "$$firstLen" ] }
Above aggregation will give you the same result as string comparison is case-sensitive in MongoDB. To fix that you can apply $toLower operator both on $first and on calculated substring of $second, try:
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: [
{ $toLower: "$first" },
$let: {
vars: { firstLen: { $strLenBytes: "$first" }, secondLen: { $strLenBytes: "$second" } },
in: { $toLower: { $substr: [ "$second", { $subtract: [ "$$secondLen", "$$firstLen" ] }, "$$firstLen" ] } }


MongoDB Add Fields Depends on Name?

{ $match : { fname : "test1" } },
{ $addFields: { email_address : "" } },
{ $match : { fname : "test2" } },
{ $addFields: { email_address : "" } }
I just want to add email address depends on fname value.
This code works only when there's no test2 so works once but don't repeat.
is there any ways I can repeat match and addfields?
You can use $switch for your case.
"$addFields": {
"email_address": {
"$switch": {
"branches": [
"case": {
$eq: [
"then": ""
"case": {
$eq: [
"then": ""
Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.
In the generalized case (in case it is applicable):
{ $addFields: { email_address : {$concat: ["$fname", ""]} }}

How to remove field conditionally mongoodb

I have a collection and its documents look like:
_id: ObjectId('111111111122222222223333'),
my_array: [
id: ObjectId('777777777788888888889999')
name: 'foo'
id: ObjectId('77777777778888888888555')
name: 'foo2'
//more attributes
However, some documents have my_array: [{}] (with one element which is an empty array).
How can I add conditionally a projection or remove it?
I have to add it to a mongo pipeline at the end of the query, and I want to get my_array only when it has at least one element which is not an empty object. If there's an empty object remove it.
I tried with $cond and $eq in a projection stage but it is not supported. Any suggestion to solve this?
Suppose you have documents like this with my_array field:
{ "my_array" : [ ] }
{ "my_array" : [ { "a" : 1 } ] } // #(1)
{ "my_array" : null }
{ "some_fld" : "some value" }
{ "my_array" : [ { } ] }
{ "my_array" : [ { "a" : 2 }, { "a" : 3 } ] } // #(2)
And, the following aggregation will filter and the result will have the two documents (1) and (2):
$match: {
$expr: {
$and: [
{ $eq: [ { $type: "$my_array" }, "array" ] },
{ $gt: [ { $size: "$my_array" }, 0 ] },
{ $ne: [ [{}], "$my_array" ] }
This also works with a find method:
$expr: {
$and: [
{ $eq: [ { $type: "$my_array" }, "array" ] },
{ $gt: [ { $size: "$my_array" }, 0 ] },
{ $ne: [ [{}], "$my_array" ] }
To remove the my_array field, from a document when its empty, then you try this aggregation:
$addFields: {
my_array: {
$cond: [
{$and: [
{ $eq: [ { $type: "$my_array" }, "array" ] },
{ $gt: [ { $size: "$my_array" }, 0 ] },
{ $ne: [ [{}], "$my_array" ] }
The result:
{ }
{ "my_array" : [ { "a" : 1 } ] }
{ }
{ "a" : 1 }
{ }
{ "my_array" : [ { "a" : 2 }, { "a" : 3 } ] }
You can't do that in a query, however in an aggregations you can add $filter to you pipeline, like so:
$project: {
my_array: {
$filter: {
input: "$my_array",
as: "elem",
cond: {
$ne: [
Mongo Playground
However unless this is "correct" behavior I suggest you clean up your database, it's much simpler to maintain "proper" structure than to update all your queries everywhere.
You can use this update to remove these objects:
"myarray": {}
"$set": {
"my_array": {
$filter: {
input: "$my_array",
as: "elem",
cond: {
$ne: [
"multi": false,
"upsert": false
Mongo Playground

Count Both Outer and Inner embedded array in a single query

_id: ObjectId("5dbdacc28cffef0b94580dbd"),
"comments" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbdacc78cffef0b94580dbf"),
"replies" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbdacd78cffef0b94580dc0")
How to count the number of element in comments and sum with number of relies
My approach is do 2 query like this:
1. total elements of replies
{$match: {_id:ObjectId("5dbdacc28cffef0b94580dbd")}},
{ $unwind: "$comments",},
{$project:{total:{$size:"$comments.replies"} , _id: 0} }
2. count total elements of comments
{$match: {_id:ObjectId("5dbdacc28cffef0b94580dbd")}},
{$project:{total:{$size:"$comments.replies"} , _id: 0} }
Then sum up both, do we have any better solution to write the query like return the sum of of total element comments + replies
You can use $reduce and $concatArrays to "merge" an inner "array of arrays" into a single list and measure the $size of that. Then simply $add the two results together:
{ "$match": { _id:ObjectId("5dbdacc28cffef0b94580dbd") } },
{ "$addFields": {
"totalBoth": {
"$add": [
{ "$size": "$comments" },
{ "$size": {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$comments.replies",
"initialValue": [],
"in": {
"$concatArrays": [ "$$value", "$$this" ]
Noting that an "array of arrays" is the effect of an expression like $comments.replies, so hence the operation to make these into a single array where you can measure all elements.
Try using the $unwind to flatten the list you get from the $project before using $count.
This is another way of getting the result.
Input documents:
{ "_id" : 1, "array1" : [ { "array2" : [ { id: "This is a test!"}, { id: "test1" } ] }, { "array2" : [ { id: "This is 2222!"}, { id: "test 222" }, { id: "222222" } ] } ] }
{ "_id" : 2, "array1" : [ { "array2" : [ { id: "aaaa" }, { id: "bbbb" } ] } ] }
The query:
db.arrsizes2.aggregate( [
{ $facet: {
array1Sizes: [
{ $project: { array1Size: { $size: "$array1" } } }
array2Sizes: [
{ $unwind: "$array1" },
{ $project: { array2Size: { $size: "$array1.array2" } } },
} },
{ $project: { result: { $concatArrays: [ "$array1Sizes", "$array2Sizes" ] } } },
{ $unwind: "$result" },
{ $group: { _id: "$result._id", total1: { $sum: "$result.array1Size" }, total2: { $sum: "$result.array2Size" } } },
{ $addFields: { total: { $add: [ "$total1", "$total2" ] } } },
] )
The output:
{ "_id" : 2, "total1" : 1, "total2" : 2, "total" : 3 }
{ "_id" : 1, "total1" : 2, "total2" : 5, "total" : 7 }

Mongodb aggregation $size inside nested array

I have a problem with a query with aggregation framework.
Given a collection with documents like:
"internalId" :1,
"first" : {
"second" : [
"value" : 1
this aggregation :
{ $addFields: { tmpSize: { $strLenCP: { $ifNull: [ { $toString: "$first.second.value" }, "" ] } } } },
return this error:
"message" : "Unsupported conversion from array to string in $convert with no onError value",
"ok" : 0,
"code" : 241,
"codeName" : "ConversionFailure",
"name" : "MongoError"
Now, the solution on this problem is to use unwind in the following way:
{ $unwind: "$first.second"},
{ $addFields: { tmpSize: { $strLenCP: { $ifNull: [ { $toString: "$first.second.value" }, "" ] } } } },
But my requirement is to create a general approach for documents with various shape and possible nested array inside array.
Due this bug seems to be impossible to unwind array inside array, so how to solve this problem ?
There is an approach ?
Some context:
I cannot change document structure before aggregation
I don't know where array will be in "field hierarchy", if first for example is an array, or is second
Thanks in advance
You can use $reduce.
====== Aggregate ======
"$addFields": {
"first.second.tmpSize": {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$first.second",
"initialValue": "",
"in": {
$strLenCP: {
$ifNull: [
$toString: "$$this.value"
====== Result ======
"_id": ObjectId("5d925bd3fabc692265f950d5"),
"first": {
"second": [
"tmpSize": 1,
"value": 1
"internalId": 1
Mongo Playground

MongoDb - Pop array element based on if condition

I am trying to update my mongo database which has following structure.
"_id" : ObjectId("5a64d076bfd103df081967ae"),
"values" : [
"date" : "2018-01-22",
"Price" : "1289.4075"
"date" : "2018-01-22",
"Price" : "1289.4075"
"date" : "2015-05-18",
"Price" : 1289.41
"Code" : 123456,
"schemeStatus" : "Inactive"
I want to compare first 2 array element's date value i.e values[0].date and values[1].date. If both matches then I want to delete values[0] so that there will be only 1 entry with that date.
You can use aggregation framework's pipeline with $out as a last stage to update your collection
$addFields: {
sameDate: {
$let: {
vars: {
fst: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$values", 0 ] },
snd: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$values", 1 ] }
in: { $cond: { if: { $eq: [ "$$", "$$" ] }, then: 1, else: 0 } }
$project: {
_id: 1,
values : { $cond: { if: { $eq: [ "$sameDate", 0 ] }, then: "$values", else: { $slice: [ "$values", 1, { $size: "$values" } ] } } },
Code: 1,
schemeStatus: 1
{ $out: "collection" }
Some more important operators used here:
$cond to handle if-else logic
$let to define some helper variables
$arrayElemAt to get first and second element
$slice to pop first element