Is there a way to hide content elements on content add that aren't being used anyway?
what kind of users should not see them?
Usual users solution
Create a backend user group an remove all the unwanted elements from their rights
Find the official manual for that in TYPO3 Documentation
Global solution
Remove them by editing Page-TSConfig like this:
TCEFORM.tt_content.CType {
removeItems = header, text, textpic, image, bullets, table, uploads, media, mailform, search, login, menu, shortcut, html, script, splash, div, list
see documentation, how to set TSConfig
see documentation how to change the View of the TYPO3-backend with TSConfig
To prevent configuration-conflicts with other extensions use the TSConfig-function addToList in Page-TSCsconfig. List of Content-Elements in TYPO3 11:
TCEFORM.tt_content.CType {
# dont remove contentelement 'textmedia'
# remove the other Contentelements in TYPO3 11
removeItems := addToList(header, text, textpic, image, bullets, table, uploads, menu_abstract, menu_categorized_content, menu_categorized_pages, menu_pages, menu_subpages, menu_recently_updated, menu_related_pages, menu_section, menu_section_pages, menu_sitemap, menu_sitemap_pages, form_formframework, felogin_login, shortcut, list, div, html)
I want to show only the column options from the grid elements tab to the editors group when they create a new content element. So I tried to edit the groups TSconfig.
tx_gridelements.setup.tabs4 >
tx_gridelements.setup.tabs6 >
This has no effect. How do I remove all but the column options?
Update: With your help I figured out that my problem is not about the text in the TSconfig but that it is not loaded from the backend user group nor the beuser.
The elements you want to disable are located in Page TSconfig under mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems. You can see them in the "Info" module under "Page TSconfig" :
You can simply disable them by adding
# example for the given screenshot
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common.elements.header >
I don't think that the answer from #statix will work with grid elements.
But in the settings of your backend layout, you can define what type of content elements are allowed within a specific content area:
And within the settings of each grid element you can define again, which content elements are available, e.g. to prevent nesting of grid elements.
Put this code in root page tscPage TSConfig
tx_gridelements.excludeLayoutIds=your grid id
May It helps you!!
Is there a way to get the Log In Form for Frontend User on every page? I would prefer the footer.
And if someone is logged in you can see the Log Out Button.
Is this possible without an extension?
You can copy the default felogin output to wherever you want on your template. For example use lib.login, copy the plugin.tx_felogin_pi1 into it, change the template and you're fine.
lib.login < plugin.tx_felogin_pi1
lib.login.templateFile = path/to/your/template/file
More you can see in the official documentation:
In general there are three options to include a CE (e.g. the Login-form) on all pages:
use typoscript to generate the CE. Normally the CEs are defined in tt_content, from where you could copy the base configuration and adapt it. For some plugins you also find a complete configuration beyond lib (for newer extensions there you only find the settings). All the configuration must be done in typoscript.
use typoscript to render the content of a special page/ column. In this variant you have a special page only for content referenced somewhere else. Advantage: you could configure the CE in the usual way. Try to avoid referencing CEs by uid as an editor might disable or delete the current element(s) and insert a new one which would not be rendered.
use a special column in your root page and inherit the content to all subpages. Advantage: you could change the inherited content easily on each page (if this column is available in the current backend layout).
example for 3:
variables {
footer_content < styles.content.get = colPos = 15
footer_content.slide = -1
I want to add custom content elements on the container "Inhaltselemente".
The textmedia element and several other elements works.
But if i add a custom comtent eleemnt from my own extension, or from mask export i get the following error:
"Wert ist nicht erlaubt"
the HTML CE also does'nt work.
see also screen
Check your rights configuration and your PageTS settings on the news folder.
Look for something like:
TCEFORM.tt_content.CType {
removeItems := addToList(html)
This will at least trigger the message you see above.
I want to disable certain fields in the backend, e.g. many fields of gridelements and other content elements. I know about the possibilities of TCEFORM but it allowes only to disable a field in all cTypes. I need a way to disable certain field only for certain cTypes.
Is there a way to achieve this?
You have full control over which field are shown, if you adapt TCA for tt_content. You can override TCA with your customer extensions (sitepackage).
The following file contains fields, which are shown for CType header (TYPO3 CMS 7.6)
defined('TYPO3_MODE') or die();
call_user_func(function () {
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['header']['showitem'] = '--palette--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.general;general,--palette--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.headers;headers,rowDescription,--div--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.appearance,--palette--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.frames;frames,--div--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.access,--palette--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.visibility;visibility,--palette--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.access;access,--div--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.extended,--div--;LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_tca.xlf:sys_category.tabs.category,categories';
Remove or add any fields after your needs and do so for any CType you wish to change.
See also
Meanwhile (since 9 LTS) it is possible via TsConfig:
TCEFORM.tt_content.subheader.types.text.disabled = 1
… disables the subheader field for all text content elements.
You can even disable a field for all cTypes and define an exception:
disabled = 1
types.text.disabled = 0
As long as you don't need additional conditions like i.e. a certain user or group or a particular branch of the page tree to disable these fields, you should not go for PageTSconfig and TCEFORM but pure TCA types instead.
Just create a site package extension, which would be recommended anyway, and make sure to provide the desired setup for the tt_content table within Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php so it will be applied automatically.
You can find some slides about the "Anatomy of Sitepackages" here:
Additional information about the TCA types can be found here:
As Gridelements just provides mandatory fields for layout, children, container and column, you should not disable these fields though, since it might break the functionality.
I need a content element that cointains apsects from the "Textpic" and the "Media" content elements.
Basically I need the whole palette of input masks of the textpic CE (headline, rte text, images) plus the media tab (swf, mp4, mov) from the media content element.
This special requirements for our project comes from the need that we can only use one content element for our specific javascript content slieder. So I can not use like a Textpic and underneath a media CE. No it really has to be just one CE which can handle the textpic + the media CE stuff.
Generally I ask you: Is there already a extension, trick, modification or a framework which I can/should be use to achive that i can "fusionate" content elements? Like an "all-in-one"-content element, a multi content element?
Ps: I do not use Templavoila. My Typo3 version is 4.5
I think this is the tutorial you're looking for:
Follow step 2 and 3.
You'll also need to add a specific rendering config in Typoscript ie: tt_content._your-ce_
But it can be copied from out of tt_content.textpic and You can find the expample typoscript of before mentioned CE's in: typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/static/setup.txt. Just don't alter it there, but make a copy and alter in your own file.
As you seem to only talk about reusing already exisiting fields, you really only need to change the backend interface (big keyword: "showitem"). You'll need the database names of the fields (peek into the tt_content table of some records where you know the contents), alternatively visit the module Admin Tools / Configuration, select TCA in top dropdown menu, open tt_content and columns.
Try, you'll of course have to substitue tt_content for tt_news etc.
You might also want to make a new type (the above recipe is for changing a preexisitent), but I'm sorry, I'm currently out of time for explaining that. It's not very hard, though, and the castiron link by Koopa will help you on your way.
Perhaps you can wrap the content column in another div? You can use that outer div for your content slider. Now you actually use all content elements seperately, but combine then for usage.