Can you tell me more about global configuration - flutter

I have read in about global_configuration it is:
"A flutter package for managing different configurations by merging them together and making them available everythere inside the app via a singleton."
this link of global_configuration library
but honestly i didn't understand much about what the library dose i searched in youtube and google didn't find much about it if you can tell me where to use it and what its benefit i would very glad and thank you..


In flutter,How to design an app walkthrough using flutter_intro package?

I’m new in flutter. Recently I wanted to add app walkthrough for new users in the first log in in app. After many research, I find a package called flutter_intro( But reading the documentation, I find it difficult to understand it properly.but I want to do exact feature in my app what flutter_intro package do. You can suggest me any other packages like this.
It would be appreciated if anyone could help me regarding this by example.
You can use showcaseview package which is easy to use and has very good documentation

is there any way to deploy custom ML models in flutter?

I am trying to create a flutter app using the ML model from the below link.
I haven't played with Flutter but there are some promising articles article 1 article 2 article 3 that gives code snippets to insert tensorflow lite dependencies, to make assets folder and load models. You can check them and I hope you get a first idea how to proceed. Style transfer is a medium to hard coding project though. I suggest to start from simpler tasks as classification problems.
Happy coding
I have used this style_transfer model in flutter app before. unfortunately, I've lost that code (I did not use git). But I can give suggestions on that.
For using this custom model you will have to use
The trick here is you will have to see model's input shape (image_shape=(384,384,3), style_shape=(256,256,3) and output size (shape=(384,384,3) and also shape of bottleneck). You can resize image using
with these two, you are good to go. Sorry for bad english and I know I am too much late but maybe someone else will find it useful.
Happy coding!
Edited: So I have found the code. I stored a copy of it in my google drive. I have uploaded it on github Please do read Readme file. Thanks
There is a recently published flutter plugin for integrating an arbitrary TFLite model.
Please see the README of the pub package and see how you can bundle the .tflite models and how to load / run them in flutter.
There is a blog post on how to use this flutter plugin, but it uses a different model (text classification) as an example.
You can upload custom tensorwflow model to firebase ML KIT (custom tab), and integrate with firebase API in your flutter project.

Render openCTM files on android (especially flutter)

I'm currently developing an App in Flutter which i need to display 3D models. I know. Flutter is, at least at the moment, not the best choice (or shouldn't be even a choice) to build 3d apps but unfortunately i didn't know this when i started developing. I managed to render a simple '.obj' file with a simple engine I found on the internet:
Now my problem:
My app needs to contain multiple hundred 3D models so I need to reduce the app's size. I experimented with openCTM to compress my '.obj' models and got a good result.
Now i want to display these '.ctm' files in my app. And thats the point where I got stuck.
I've researched for days if there's a sample or a tutorial to solve my problem but I haven't found one.
I've read the official openCTM documents and found openCtm reader ported to javascript ( and dart ( And now I dont know where to begin.
I guess I need to, if my problem is solvable in flutter, modify the engine im currently using and add the openCTM reading part to it.
I hope that anyone of you can help me with my problem. Maybe even solved it already. Furthermore I hope I explained my problem clear enough.
If you can provide a native solution it would helpful, too.
Thank you in advance!

How to use GPGS in a web-libgdx game?

sorry for my English.
How to use GPGS in a web-libgdx game?
If I understand correctly, I need to use RestAPI and javascript(I do not have enough skills in JS) with GWT in libgdx. But I don`t know how to relate everything.
I have not find examples or articles on this topic so I will be grateful for any help.
REST API is an option for this though, but there are various other options to choose from. One of the easiest way is to use the platform specific code via interfacing
Everything that doesn't get integrated directly with libGDX won't work the "write once, run anywhere" way - this applies for achievements, leaderboards.
So what you do is to add the library dependencies to the projects you generate. Then implement a generic interface, AchievementHandler with methods like unlockAchievement(String achievementId). You can then implement this via AndroidAchievementHandler which in-turn uses GPGS.
A sample application demonstrating how this can be achieved is available on github here.
Hope this helps!

Where to start to learning Mojolicious?

I am new to the Mojo framework... I went through some of the wiki pages on the Mojolicious website, however couldn't comprehend many things. The documentation seemed to be for someone who already has a background with the Mojo framework.
So, I'm wondering whether there is any place for a newbie to start?
Thanks in advance.
The wiki isn't necessarily trustworthy, since anyone can change it, and it isn't always up to date.
Start with the mojocasts at; then move on to the docs.
The docs are accessible for new users; just make sure you read the guides in the order they are listed on
the mojocasts cited by tempire are a good start, I find the docs a bit fragmentary, and prefer
to dig the code of other projects...
Here you can find some code to read here
This one is pretty good: