Where to start to learning Mojolicious? - perl

I am new to the Mojo framework... I went through some of the wiki pages on the Mojolicious website, however couldn't comprehend many things. The documentation seemed to be for someone who already has a background with the Mojo framework.
So, I'm wondering whether there is any place for a newbie to start?
Thanks in advance.

The wiki isn't necessarily trustworthy, since anyone can change it, and it isn't always up to date.
Start with the mojocasts at http://mojocasts.com; then move on to the docs.
The docs are accessible for new users; just make sure you read the guides in the order they are listed on http://mojolicio.us/perldoc.

the mojocasts cited by tempire are a good start, I find the docs a bit fragmentary, and prefer
to dig the code of other projects...
Here you can find some code to read here
This one is pretty good:


AEM classic UI how to and good readings

I am working on AEM 6.2 and I am interested is there any good blogs, tutorials or anything else you can recommend to read about it.
In more detail, I was looking something more detailed about using listeners in the dialog files, and cant find anything that would be a good read about it.
1) ClassicUI
If you looking specifically for the Classic UI, you'll need to focus on tutorials around CQ tutorials to give you the 101.
2) General Reading
Here are some links, that could get you started:
Quick Video
AEM Learning from Tech Up
Adobe's Master Reference
I find this super useful and well structured.
Best of luck.. and enjoy the journey.

How to use GWT's editor framework?

I'm trying to learn how to use Google's Web Toolkit (GWT) editor framework. I haven't been able to understand how I can use it through the documentation. The examples I've found online were not helpful for me to begin with. I would like to ask if someone can provide a simple working example.
The book GWT in Action, second edition has a chapter about the EditorFramework.
The sample code is free to download:
You should find working examples in chapter 9.
You can also look at the following sites for further reference, good examples to get your hands dirty with! Might not be a full blown examples, but definitely a good read to understand the concepts!

Tab UI in Android

I am an Android newbie and I really require your help.
I'd like to develop an app , which its UI is persisted of three Tabs, and the first one a WebView.
since I am not familiar with all the required building blocks, can anyone give me a sample? a guide how to do so?
thanks a lot!
The Android API Demos include several (Tabs1 to Tabs2 sample files) examples. Install, try and have a look at them.
Regarding specifying the content of Tabs you have the possibilities to use Views or Activities. If you check some "Tab" related discussion here you will find that established users prefer to use Views (e.g. here). I took the 'Activity' way so far and feel quite comfortable - but did not go to deep into pros and cons. My current point of view is that you have to decide on each special case and can't give a general recommendation.
there is some tutorials on this page : http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/index.html

creating an address textfield like in apple's sms-app

I'm writing an app, where I the user has to be able to select multiple adresses. I wanted to solve this in the same way, apple does when you send an SMS to someone.
You can enter text and it gets surrounded by a blue bubble for each adress selected.
I've already found facebook's tree20-kit, but I can't get it to work because of some linker error I cannot solve.
Is there any other kit out there, that's capable of doing this, or do you have any suggestions on how to create such a textField?
Interesting. I don't know of any other open source solutions for this, and I think writing from scratch would be much more time consuming than trying to resolve the linker error. I would recommend spending a few hours and do the following:
Create a new empty application.
Download Three20 and follow the detailed instructions on GitHub for linking the framework.
You should be able to get this to link as many others, including myself, have been able to use this framework.
Sorry this isn't a straight forward answer to your question. I hope it was helpful just the same. Andrew.

Is there a good iphone sdk documentation site that provides good examples / common usage?

The problem? I look up stuff in the xcode documentation and find very useful lists of objects, methods, etc... But then I still have to go somewhere else to find useful example code of how to use that object. For example, I looked up NSNumber yesterday and found all of the neat stuff it can do, but I still had no clue how to use it. That's just an example. I'm sure I could read the objective c pdf front to back and learn something there (which I plan on doing) but what about later? When I'm looking up some UIKit object? Do I have to go find a tutorial each time (or lately, I just ask StackOverflow and you guys take care of me).
Is there a part of the apple website / xcode documentation that shows the example code I'm looking for?
Is there a wiki site out there or something that has what I'm looking for? (I just tried a simple google search "iphone sdk wiki". this site could be good. iphone sdk wiki . I'll check it out. Anyone else have one they like? )
This is also sort of a mild complaint to Apple. Why not a section on each code definition page that shows usage?
I've found the sample code section on Apple's iPhone Developer Connection be extremely useful not only for samples of complete applications but also a best practices source. Going through the code of The Elements, for example, will expose you to how to use particular classes as well as how to structure your code. It is a wonderful example of how to create a non-trivial iPhone app.
Look in developer.apple.com/iphone they have pretty good documentation (you can use the search bar there) on all the classes and have a lot of good sample code..
I really would emphasize the "Related sample code" section on many, if not most, of the documented classes.
But, IMHO, there isn't any easy way of acquiring the knowledge to develop in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch. The API's are so numerous that it simply takes a lot of time and experience. You just have to work on it, look at a lot of books and study the sample source code where available.
I've tried to take a purposeful approach by carving out some time every week to learning a new API/class irrespective of whether my current project needs it or not.
Alternatively, search Joe Hewitt. He's the developer for iPhone facebook. He has a project you can download that demonstrates all the features of facebook. It's an awesome open source project!
When you look something up in Xcode Developer Documentation, you sometimes get a Related Sample Code: text that tells you what Sample the method or property is used in. Too bad you can't click on it to see the code, but if you do click it takes you to the page to download the sample. – mahboudz 0 secs ago
Apple Developer site has all kinds of code examples. Try searching google for a UICatalog project, it will show you all the basic UI stuff you can do, like adding buttons and progressbars through using only code.