How can i interchange widget's displaying data through other connected flutter apps - flutter

I am building a card game in which the card stack depends on 4 flutter friend apps which will be displayed on the screen. I know this is not a very technical question but still is for me i am learning this thing. I have searched all over the internet cannot find the solution, Just give me anything and I'll study and apply that.

It's hard to understand what you're trying to achieve, but maybe Firestore will help?
It allows you to synchronize your app's data between different devices on internet.


SWIFT: Controlling a view on another users device

This is a simple question on a (probably) complicated topic.
I'm in the process of trying to build an app in which multiple users are invited into a session by a single user.
If they accept, I would like the session admin/host's device to control the views on the devices of all the users in that session.
I have searched high and low, Google, StackOverflow, Treehouse etc. but whenever I suggest multiple users or type the question as I have here I get responses that demonstrate how to make an app capable of supporting multiple users on one device, or similar.
The question is simply: is what I want to do possible? Is it safe? Does anyone have a resource that would get me started in learning about how to code this scenario.
Thanks in advance,
Easy as pie - you use PubNub for exactly that.
demo similar to your problem:
(That demo is in-browser, but it's equally easy to do inside an app - assuming you're an experienced app developer of course!)
more demos:
I can tell you're new at mobile development. Do understand that:
A) In general programming is extremely difficult. Programming mobiles in particular has a lot of fussy knowledge needed as well as broad general engineering skills.
B) We really live in the "age of BAAS" - "platforms" such as PubNub, FireBase, Parse, Realm, Couchbase and so on. (These days you can't really be an "app programmer" .... you can't get a job "programming an iPhone". You get a job doing Firebase development, happening to be on iPhone - you know?)
I believe Apple has documentation on this very topic:
The trickier part will be how do you send back and forth data that allows the host to "control" the views of the other devices. If by "control" you want to let the host control things that are outside of your app (like a screen share) I don't believe that will be possible.

Using a CDN for a mobile Swift app

I am currently developing a mobile app using Swift and wondering if someone could give their opinion about whether or not using a CDN is a good idea for some app images?
What I mean is, in the app the user will be able to achieve milestones/badges. The designs may change over time and I was thinking instead of embedding these in the app, put them on to a CDN and allow the app to call the CDN when needed and cache the response.
My concern with this is that in the app I provide 3 different sizes for each image and the app determines which size to use based on the users device. How would this work with online/CDN images? I don't really want to be downloading the largest image if I only need the smallest one.
I will be needing to store the profile image in a CDN so I need to go through the setup regardless but just didn't know about whats best practice for other app images. Things like tab images and other basic icons I will embed in the app but what about the images a user can achieve?
I realise this could be to broad a question and come down to personal opinion but really looking for some thoughts and if someone has come across the same "problem".
Perhaps On Demand Resources is what you need.

Augmented Reality App Store Process

We have a client that has asked us to build an Augmented Reality iPhone App to be used at a show.
The experience will be location based, ie you will need to be at the show where the markers will be placed to use the app.
Does anyone know the process Apple take to test this kind of app? How will they be able to give approval if they cant test it without being on location and assess to the markers?
Is it possible to submit the markers to them as files to print out and test?!
Any info is MUCH appreciated as cant seam to find anything specific online.
Thank you,
Put them online and give your reviewer links to each image.
I've done this before with QR Codes.

Giving users access to images located in an Iphone application

First of all just let me say that this is my very first attempt at making an ios app so if everyone would treat me as a complete noob I would appreciate it.
After searching here and Google for 2 hours I decided to just ask, I realise that I've probably missed it somewhere so please don't bite my head off if it's located elsewhere.
So I was asked to design a gallery app for an artist where users could preview his work and then buy packages of high resolution images if they wanted. what I did was created one "main" free app with thumbnails of all the art organised into galleries. Each gallery has a purchase button which will link to a seperate app containing the high res images of that gallery. My problem is thus, I want to give users full access to the images. I.E. I don't want them to just be able to view them in app, I want them to be able to use the jpg's for whatever they want (wallpaper, websites, etc, etc).
What would the best way to do this? Add them to the iphone / ipad's gallery app? Just an external folder containing the images? And also how would one go about doing it, remember I built this entire thing using just the interface builder and have no idea how to code in objective c at all so please take this into account when responding.
Thank you in advance for any help, I'm getting desperate and the artist is getting impatient.
You are going to have to write some code (or find a programmer). It doesn't hurt (too much...)
Try looking at this question and see how far you get

What software can I use to create a indoor map and see it on iPhone?

I want to create a inside building map with multiple levels (building floors), directions (navigation), coordinates and statical locations (elevators, escalators, emergency exits, etc) but I don't know what software can I use for that.
Also I want to include this map on a iPhone app so other users can see it and interact with it. I don't know if it's possible to use Google Maps API to doing that.
I could use a image in Illustrator or Dreamweaver to create a image map, but I think that isn't a good option to update data (layout changes often).
Thank you very much!!!
I'll answer the question I asked three years ago, as this can help other StackOverflow users seeking answers to the same question.
Currently there are several tools that can be used to create indoor maps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) apps.
There are two tools that IMHO are the best options, and they have different approaches, as follows: - Indoor atlas detects variations to magnetic fields inside buildings to better identifies user's position. You can use smartphones (iPhone and Android) to sense and record these magnetic variations and to map indoor locations. - Using iBeacons you can develop indoor maps and guide users with routes inside small our large buildings like malls, universities, museums, etc.
Both tools have APIs that you can use on your apps.
Firstly you need to decide how you want to deliver it. You indicate that it's not just on an iPhone and given it's a building map it probably changes a lot. So I'd be suggesting you look into doing it as a web site. If you go that way there are a whole range of technologies that you can employ to construct a web site. But basically there are two pieces you would need to research and consider. That being the technologies you want to employ on the web server to generate the site, and the technologies you want to use on the client (browser) to view the site.
I'd suggest searching for other similar sites and looking at how they do them. This can tell you two things - what works and what doesn't work.
Lastly you need to consider your strengths, what programming languages do you know? Is it practical for you to learn new languages and technologies for this? What's your budget like? Can you afford to contract the work? etc.