Change the position of microphone button in BigBlueBotton - bigbluebutton

I want to customize the default big blue button layout so that I can change the position of the microphone button.

I got it. The easiest way is to install the development option of bigbluebutton


Flutter keyboard animation background

I have a popup box and once you click it so you can type in it. The background of the keyboard in animation turns gray and it doesn't look nice on the way up.
This is how it looks before:
And this is how it looks on the way up.
Do you have any ideas why it would do this? (The popup box is just a showDialog)
Have you tried to run your app on a real device to see what happens ? Sometimes that could be just an emulator miss display

How to change a unity UI Button's state in code?

I'm now using unity 4.6,the new UI system , since i won't use mouse to control my game,could anyone tell me how can i change a button's state in script ?
I would recommend you to start by trying to make your system work with keyboard, using the UI navigation system.
You could manually set a button to selected state by using EventSystem.Current.SetCurrentlySelectedGameobject(yourGameObject);
If this button has an onLeft/OnRight etc. value setted, you will be able to interact with it with input Horizontal vertical axis, and to press it with a "Submit" value in input manager.
Once you're happy with it, you should try to catch your kinnect gestures and use them to send correct events I guess.

How to show number small custom icon like mail, iphone

I have a social networking app. I have a button and based on the click on the button I need to show a small icon on the top right corner of the button. it is a custom color and text.
I know to show the default system number icon for like the one for unread mail you can get it from the shared application badge count. But I am trying to do something custom here.
I am thinking of building my own imageview (its background will be a custom png) and then within it a small text to show the number.
Anyone has experience with this and can recommend a better way?
You can add a imageView with badge image as the subvie of that button.
There is a lot of custom badge controls available.
Please check the following links.
You cannot change anything on the home screen besides for the app icon, name, and badge value. Do you mean on the home screen or on a tab bar?
If you mean a badge in the app, not on the homescreen, checkout #MidhunMP's answer to find links on how to do this. I have used before successfully.

Using radio buttons in iPhone app

How do I a use radio button in an iPhone app? Should I load any image instead of button image?
A fairly standard replacement for radio buttons on iOS is a "picker". An alternative, if you have a large number of potential choices, is to use a static list under a button, and allow only one of the items to be selected and checkmarked.
You can use a custom button & change its image on button click
Take a look at the UISegmentedControl. It functions basically as a radio button for up to ~4 options. There's no maximum limit AFAIK, but any more than 4 is somewhat difficult visually.
Try DLRadioButton, the best Radio Button control for iOS. It is highly customizable, you can also use you own image as selection indicator. It is available through Cocoapods pod 'DLRadioButton', '~> 1.4' and at GitHub.
Screenshot for your reference.

What is the iPhone ringer alert popup name?

what is the iPhone ringer alert popup name? and could implement that ? i mean like this :
alt text
It's not a built-in control, but there is an open source project ( which creates a rounded translucent view. Although used for showing progress, it can be adapted.
It will take some tinkering with, but hopefully it's a push in the right direction.