Using radio buttons in iPhone app - iphone

How do I a use radio button in an iPhone app? Should I load any image instead of button image?

A fairly standard replacement for radio buttons on iOS is a "picker". An alternative, if you have a large number of potential choices, is to use a static list under a button, and allow only one of the items to be selected and checkmarked.

You can use a custom button & change its image on button click

Take a look at the UISegmentedControl. It functions basically as a radio button for up to ~4 options. There's no maximum limit AFAIK, but any more than 4 is somewhat difficult visually.

Try DLRadioButton, the best Radio Button control for iOS. It is highly customizable, you can also use you own image as selection indicator. It is available through Cocoapods pod 'DLRadioButton', '~> 1.4' and at GitHub.
Screenshot for your reference.


How to show number small custom icon like mail, iphone

I have a social networking app. I have a button and based on the click on the button I need to show a small icon on the top right corner of the button. it is a custom color and text.
I know to show the default system number icon for like the one for unread mail you can get it from the shared application badge count. But I am trying to do something custom here.
I am thinking of building my own imageview (its background will be a custom png) and then within it a small text to show the number.
Anyone has experience with this and can recommend a better way?
You can add a imageView with badge image as the subvie of that button.
There is a lot of custom badge controls available.
Please check the following links.
You cannot change anything on the home screen besides for the app icon, name, and badge value. Do you mean on the home screen or on a tab bar?
If you mean a badge in the app, not on the homescreen, checkout #MidhunMP's answer to find links on how to do this. I have used before successfully.

how to create ios 5 safari like tabs

I want create tab display like safari for iPad. Is there any control which i can use directly to get tabs? or a way to design this will be helpful.
Thanx in advance.
Take UIButtons, On selection change buttons image accordingly. I used the same trick in my earlier project.
I implemented a tab view as seen on Safari on iPad. It allows reordering/deletion/addition of tabs (but this behavior can be turned off). The API is similar to UITableView delegate and data source.

how to customize the "Delete" button on swipe

How can I customize the "Delete" Button on swipe. I want to use the small button instead of using this Red Delete Button. I know how to change the title but I want to change the size and image of button.Is it possible?
As I am new, I am not allowed to upload images.
Please help!
This is probably not recommended. Apple likes consistency between all of its apps, so you should consider keeping it that way.

how to make radio button and checkbox button in iphone?

Can anybody tell me the code to make radio button and checkbox button in iphone.
Thanks in advance.
Unless you really want to provide the users with a non-standard experience and invent your own controls (which are likely to not be so fine-tuned as those provided out-of-the-box), i would go with UISwitch instead of checkbox and UIPickerView instead of a radiobutton(s)
You have to do it manually by using UIButtons:
Checkbox: create two images, assign one via setImage:forState: with state UIControlStateNormal, the other with state UIControlStateSelected. Then you can toggle the images simply by setting the button's selected property to NO or YES.
Radiobox: same as with checkbox, but you have to keep track of the other radioboxes (e.g. via an array) and set foo.selected = NO for all the not-selected checkboxes.
#Nitin in these cases you have to use the images in UIImageView for checked or unchecked....basically they are images or one more procedure is to use the custom UIButton and give them images accordingly to situation

in iphone how to write code for radio button

while i am doing program i got dbt how to write the code for radio button
As Ranjeet says, there is no radio button.
You can used segmented control, switch or button depending on the aim.
iphone does not support radiobutton...
I mean this feature has not present here...
You have to make your tricks(alternates)...
like show and hide images...and some more