Flutter keyboard animation background - flutter

I have a popup box and once you click it so you can type in it. The background of the keyboard in animation turns gray and it doesn't look nice on the way up.
This is how it looks before:
And this is how it looks on the way up.
Do you have any ideas why it would do this? (The popup box is just a showDialog)

Have you tried to run your app on a real device to see what happens ? Sometimes that could be just an emulator miss display


How can I implement the native macOS screenshot mouse behavior?

I'm implementing a screenshotting app that captures a portion of the screen. I'm currently:
listening for a keyboard shortcut
drawing a transparent view on top of the entire screen
having the user click and drag to select an area inside of that view
screenshotting the coordinates inside of that bounding area.
Here's an example of what it looks like (the transparent view is tinted blue):
This works, but it causes the mouse to stop focusing on whatever it was previously focusing on. In other words, if I'm hovering over a tooltip and I hit the screenshot shortcut, the tooltip vanishes before I have a chance to screenshot it.
It looks like macOS's own screenshot command does not have this problem. If I hover over a date in StackOverflow in order to see the time tooltip, I can press Cmd+Shift+4 and screenshot it pretty easily:
If I try and do the same thing with my own code, the tooltip vanishes after I render my transparent view, even if I haven't moved my mouse.
Is Apple doing something specific to maintain the focus state of the mouse that I could be doing? Alternatively, should I somehow take advantage of Apple's own screenshotting flow myself inside of this app? If it helps, I'm currently using CGWindowListCreateImage to actually take the screenshot.

White background shows when keyboard closes on Android

I am testing my app on HTC One M8 running Android version 5.0.2. When an input field in the app loses focus, a white background is shown after the keyboard closes.
My background image is set on .scroll-content, so I don't understand why it acts like this on Android.
Check your ionic pane colour and view colour. You have different background colour so in the keyboard adjust pane mode the view gets resized (height-keyboard height) so when the keyboard goes off it shows the ionic-pane colour. So override the '.pane' background colour and see will it make any difference.
keyboard adjustment will work only if '.scroll-content' is present. By default ionic-content will enable this
The issue is that when we open a keyboard in our current application the app gets resized to the area that is left after opening the keyboard and the Cordova webview is too slow in resizing the app back to its normal size after the user closes the keyboard. There is no proper solution to this problem.
The most elegant working workaround for is to stop resizing the application on keyboard open. The keyboard will just slide up and down on the form as an overlay and there will be no resizing required.
In AndroidManifest.xml file try to set windowSoftInputMode attribute to adjustNothing:
This is not a solution and can be considered as an option for small forms but it is not suitable for big forms.

android Soft keyboard cover the input box in the webview

I use Webview to load some url ,there is a input box in the webview .when I click the input box ,the soft keyboard conver the input box ,how can i do to solve
If you are saying that you are making an application for android and that the soft keyboard is covering an input box when you are testing your application and you would like to fix this issue, you should try the following:
to the the tag in the manifest and to all your webviews/views. This should fix it and adjust the screen so that the input box isn't covered.
I had a similar issue and I remember looking up on SO and somebody was suggesting this fix and it worked for me. I don't remember the link to that fix :(

How to do a clean app restart (iOS 6.1)?

I realized an app for iOS. It all goes well, works like a charm... until the device is restarted! When I manually close the app (for example, on my iPad I slide four fingers upwards, visualize the menu showing the app "alive", hold the icon of the app and press the red badge, terminating the app) and I try to open it again this is what happens to me:
First the app remains stuck on the last page visited before closing the app (I cannot tap buttons on the tab bar or do anything else)
Then, the only thing I can do is tap the Home button and try to open the app again
At this point all I get is a perfectly black screen
The restart seems to be not a real restart, or not to be clean. This is totally meaningless to me. Am I missing something?
Remove your application by press Hold down Application iCon From simulator/device
And then re-install app. and check it worked or not ???
If your view display with black screen then give it backGround Color redColor or as u wish.
Its iOS app natural behavior only.
When you press Home button on device, While running any iOS app it goes in background but the The app is still in background and its save application's state.
So if you Tap agin app's icon you will get the last screen where did you leave it.
Now, if you want to Restart the app from initial you need to clear it.
Go this way.
Just double press device's Home button you can see running apps on bottom like this
For delete particular app, you simply press and hold, you can see red (-) icon on app
just click on that and you are on way.
Now press Home button and Go to Start app!!
The problem is that Xcode, when it runs an app, attach to it a debbuger which prevents it to close normally and causes problems in the reopening. Thank you very much to this guy who pointed out the problem: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15176137/1272105

Any iOS UI control similar to the volume change popup?

I'd like to notify my users when something like a request failure occurs. However, I don't want to interrupt the user by using a popup style alert. I'm looking for something like when you change the volume on the device and that translucent icon pops up and fades away after a second or two. During the time the icon is showing, the user can still interact with the app as if it weren't there.
I looked in the HIG, but I couldn't find any such UI control that is native to iOS. Are there any good open source controls that do this?
There's an excellent control for a HUD-style popup called SVStatusHUD. I belive it does exactly what you're looking for: