wasm-bindgen: command not found even though wasm-pack is installed (0.8.1) - wasm-bindgen

From this article https://asquera.de/blog/2018-10-01/webassembly-and-wasm-bindgen/ I found we can run wasm-bindgen target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/qr_wasm.wasm --out-dir ./dist --no-modules --no-typescript to create wasm and js files without running wasm-pack build (it would install wasm-bindgen regardless if I have previously installed one, making it a bit slow) which seems more flexible to me but when I ran wasm-bindgen xxx it says: zsh: command not found: wasm-bindgen
I googled it but no one seems to have encountered this issue. I also have cargo install wasm-bindgen and wasm-bindgen-cli in my project.

Make sure $HOME/.cargo/bin is in your PATH.
If not:
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin"
or edit your .bashrc or some other way

I got here from google with the same problem.
My fix was cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli, per here: https://docs.rs/crate/wasm-bindgen/0.2.8

I installed wasm-bindgen using cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli command, however I wasn't able to execute it.
On Arch, I fixed it with yay -S wasm-bindgen-bin


How I can open pgadmin4 in fedora 36?

Good evening people, I am trying to install pgadmin4 on fedora 36, I followed all the steps in the documentation and pgadmin4 and its dependencies were installed correctly but I do not know how to start it, or open it and it does not let me configure it on the web because I do not create the directory described in the final step to configure the web version.
I had the same problem. I solved it installing pgadmin4 from linux-pachages
I followed the same instructions but mistakenly changing "yum" to "dnf" out of force of habit. I found I got an install out of it which seemed OK at a glance, but it was just documentation and not an executable, and there was no shortcut added to run pgAdmin. Perhaps you might have inadvertently done something similar? After uninstalling, I tried again using "yum" exactly as documented and the latest executable installed without any issue. So the steps to install that would work for me were as follows. (Desktop version in my case.)
sudo rpm -e pgadmin4-fedora-repo
sudo rpm -i https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/yum/pgadmin4-fedora-repo-2-1.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install pgadmin4-desktop
The QT workaround also mentioned as an answer worked for me, but I wanted to avoid that since it is an earlier release (6.9) than the current 6.11, isn't officially supported and fires a warning about that every time on start up saying some functionality may be missing, which is not good for clients to see potentially in my case.
Same problem - couldn't open it after installing. You have to install pgadmin4-desktop not pgadmin4.

Cannot use Swift on Ubuntu 18.04

After conscientiously following the install instructions on Linux from swift.org, I encounter an issue where it is not possible to compile anything on a Ubuntu 18.04 machine. The REPL seems to work but during compilation (when calling swift build) the following error appears:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
There are more details in the full bug report [SR-9093]. I don't know at all what to do to solve this issue, there are similar problems already mentioned in other bug reports, for instance on this really old one [SR-35].
What should I do?
Thank you
I am assuming that you had already installed the libstdc++ successfully and you have set the permissions properly. But I really doubt that it was installed correctly but it was installed with corruption of some sort. The corruption occurred because you didn't install libstdc++ via a package manager. Result was some form of weirdness in the package manager database which effected the overall functioning system. Exactly why adding something to a folder should change anything at all. I don't know why this happens, unless the folder is hot i.e symbolically linked to a program which doesn't have any tolerance for hacks like simply copying a file into the folder. So for now try to install the libstdc++ again. Below is the link to the file to again download the correct program and this is compatible with amd64.
And below are some link to help
Install libstdc++
sudo apt install libstdc++6
It seems possible that the apt install did not run the ldconfig program, which should be run to add the library to the list of those which ld.so knows about.
It looks like you can do it manually:
sudo ldconfig
IMPORTANT CAVEAT: I don't have Ubuntu and haven't been able to test this. And it's a sudo command. Run at your own risk, YMMV, etc.
If this does not work, it's possible that a file called /etc/ld.so.conf is not set up to search the directory where libstdc++ ended up. I wouldn't dare try to describe how to fix that.
sudo apt install -f
The command above should install any missing dependencies.

flexjs install produces 4K mxmlc.jar?

I tried to install FlexJS using the Download the binary package and use Ant described here.
After running ant -f install.xml the mxmlc.jar that gets created is only 4KB without any class files in it.
Appreciate any hints on this.
I re-tried the "npm install flexjs" and it installed v0.7.1 fine. After installing to c:\try_flexjs I set
and FLEX_HOME=c:\try_flexjs\node_modules\flexjs
I can then run the HelloWorld example as described.

collectd-how to install write_riemann plugin

I'm new to collectd and Riemann. Im essentially trying to direct collectd logs to a riemann server instance. I understand that I need write_riemann plugin installed. I tried compiling the source files for write_riemann available online, but it includes a file called "riemann.pb-c.h", which is no where to be found. Please help!
Download the binary. After running the build script, while running the configure script include "--enable-write_riemann", this should install it. I had a lot of dependencies missing on CentOS, which threw a lot of errors. Once they were installed, write_riemann plugin was compiled and installed. Another issue you might face while installing the dependency is not able to find the right packages for protobuf-c.I was using yum package installer. Go to sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo and change enabled from 0 to 1. After this, the protobuf-c processor was recognised while running the configure script. This solved my issue. Hope it does yours too!

how to uninstall doxygen using make file on Ubuntu (12.04)?

I am using Ubuntu 12.04. I have installed doxygen using make install.
I would like to uninstall the doxygen built by make, but I don't find any way to do it using make (uninstall or clean...).
In the Makefile there is no reference to uninstall it the software. :(
Unfortunately I can't use the sudo apt-get remove doxygen because it wasn't an installed. :(
I don't find anything related on the internet.
Can anyone help me, please?
Thank you in advance,
There is no "uninstall" target. You need to do a "rm" be hand. If you used the standard prefix path "/usr/local" then
rm /usr/local/bin/doxygen
rm /usr/local/man/man.1/doxygen.1
(more if you install the docs are wizard). Depend on the user used for install, you need sudo to do it.
I know this question is old, but since it is the first result in google I would like to share another way of uninstalling Doxygen built from source. In the build directory where you've ran make there should by a file name install_manifest.txt. That file contains paths to files that were installed using make install command. All you need to do is to run the following command:
sudo xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
Of course this assumes that you've kept the build directory or at least the install_manifest.txt file. If not you need to remove the files by hand as somebody already suggested.