How create a grafana plugin to previous version - plugins

I am following this tutorial to create my own plugin to grafana 6.7.3.
However, at the beginning I can see:
IMPORTANT: This tutorial is currently in beta and requires Grafana
7.0, which is scheduled for release in May. Some of the features mentioned may not work for earlier versions.
So, when I go to Configuration -> Plugins -> my-plugin, I get the following errors:
Error Loading Plugin
This template is a starting point for building Grafana Panel Plugins
in Grafana 7.0+
I think it is because #next param to create the plugin:
npx "#grafana/toolkit"#next plugin:create my-plugin
But, I have tried to use with no #next param and with #6.7.3 and nothing did work.
npx "#grafana/toolkit" plugin:create my-plugin
npx "#grafana/toolkit"#6.7.3 plugin:create my-plugin
Is there any way to create plugin to 6.7.3 version?


In k8s container run the jenkins and inside the container having issue "found cycle in plugin dependencies: Plugin:jackson2-api -> Plugin:jersey2-api

I upgraded the helm chart from 3.10.8 to 4.2.20 and the Jenkins app from 2.319.2-lts to 2.375.1 (do not change the plugin version in /var/jenkins_home/plugins after the upgrade).
jenkins container having this issue
#reactOnCycle: found cycle in plugin dependencies: (root=Plugin:jackson2-api, deactivating all involved) Plugin:jackson2-api -> Plugin:jersey2-api -> Plugin:jackson2-api
Failed to load: Credentials Plugin (credentials 1214.v1de940103927)
Update required: Configuration as Code Plugin (configuration-as-code 1.55.1) to be updated to 1559.v38a_b_2e3b_6b_b_7 or higher
Update required: Structs Plugin (structs 308.v852b473a2b8c) to be updated to 324.va_f5d6774f3a_d or higher
can you guys guide me how to resolue the jenkins plugin issue
jenkins plugin version not change the presistance volume /var/jenkins_home/plugins

I get this error running PMD from salesforce CLI, "ERROR running scanner:run: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager""

Can anyone help me with this. Im using Mac. I cant find the location of the rulemanager. Please see error below
Lxxxxxxx:pmd-bin-6.34.0 xxxxxx$ sfdx scanner:run pmd --target /usr/src --category rulesets/java/quickstart.xml -f sarif
(node:17810) [editions-autoloader-none-broadened] Error Plugin: sfdx-cli: editions-autoloader-none-broadened: Unable to determine a suitable edition, even after broadening.
module: #oclif/config#1.17.0
task: runHook init
plugin: sfdx-cli
root: /Users/xxxxxxx/.local/share/sfdx/client/7.100.0-9d243d8
See more details with DEBUG=*
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
ERROR running scanner:run: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager"
Kieran, this is an issue that we just discovered. It is related to an incompatibility with the version of Node.js that is bundled with the Salesforce CLI and a library that is used by sfdx-scanner.
A temporary workaround can be found at
You will need to use the npm installation instead of the pkg installer since you are interested in the Sarif output. Sarif output was added in version 2.6.0. The issue affects versions 2.6.0-2.8.0 when using the pkg installer on a Mac.
We hope to have a fix rolled out in the next couple of days. I will post here when version 2.9 has been released. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Kieran, this issue has been fixed in version 2.9.1. You can upgrade by executing the following commands in your shell.
sfdx plugins:uninstall #salesforce/sfdx-scanner
sfdx plugins:install #salesforce/sfdx-scanner

I am having this error in flutter while using google map through dependency map_view kindly help me

The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.3.10 and higher.
The following dependencies do not satisfy the required version:
project ':map_view' -> org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.2.50
Your gradle plugin version that is supported in your project is 1.3.10 and higher, the plugin you are trying to install is using gradle 1.2.50 there for not supported. I suggest you find another plugin since the only map view plugin i found states that is discontinued. I suggest when you pick a plugin to use to check how often it get updated and when the last update happent.

Redux-form-material-ui - Can't resolve 'material-ui/Radio'

I have migrated to the upcoming version (v1) of material-UI, and I installed v1 alongside the current version according to the recommendation:
yarn add material-ui#latest
yarn add material-ui-next#npm:material-ui#next
When I try to use redux-form and use the package redux-form-material-ui to connect the components, it searches for the material-UI components in "material-ui" folder, which gives an error:
Error: Can't resolve 'material-ui/Radio' in 'C:\path\to\redux-form-material-ui\lib'
But I import Radio from material-ui-next/Radio
So it looks for it in the wrong version.
How can I make this work? Should I uninstall the current version and install "next" as "material-ui" instead?
Here is what is installed:
"material-ui": "^0.20.0",
"material-ui-next": "npm:material-ui#next",
"redux-form-material-ui": "^5.0.0-beta.2",
"redux-form": "^7.3.0",
My way of getting around the problem was to uninstall both material UI packages and then install the v1 as "material-ui" , and the old one as "material-ui-old":
"material-ui": "npm:material-ui#next",
"material-ui-old": "npm:material-ui"
I had to change all the imports in the project.
But now it finds the 'material-ui/Radio'.

Ionic CLI: [ERROR] Gulpfile (or dependent module) not found: .\gulpfile.js

I recently upon running an Ionic 3 app, updated (well accidentally) the Ionic CLI version. Now upon running the build from command line, it produces the following error every time and halts the build:
In the error message it says to disable the gulp integration by running the command ionic config set gulp.enabled false which I did. But still getting the same error. I also tried to add the command to the start script of package.json to no avail (not needed though since it seems the config is set globally).
Any help would be appreciated.
Ionic CLI version: 3.9.2
Finally figured out what the problem was. Even if Gulp integration has been disabled with the command ionic config set gulp.enabled false, as long as Gulp is a Dev dependency (i.e. there is a reference to it in the package.json under devDependencies) the Ionic CLI would (well, logically) assume that the Ionic project has a dependency on Gulp, therefore would throw the error (see original post).
The solution for a case where you don't want Gulp integration, apart from disabling it by running the command ionic config set gulp.enabled false, is to also make sure Gulp is NOT under the devDependencies in the package.json file.
Hope this helps anyone else with a similar issue.
NOTE: Not sure from which version onwards Ionic requires integration with Cordova and Gulp in the shape of ionic.config.json file. Anyway, the above solution will be relevant for a similar case in any of those versions.