I get this error running PMD from salesforce CLI, "ERROR running scanner:run: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager"" - pmd

Can anyone help me with this. Im using Mac. I cant find the location of the rulemanager. Please see error below
Lxxxxxxx:pmd-bin-6.34.0 xxxxxx$ sfdx scanner:run pmd --target /usr/src --category rulesets/java/quickstart.xml -f sarif
(node:17810) [editions-autoloader-none-broadened] Error Plugin: sfdx-cli: editions-autoloader-none-broadened: Unable to determine a suitable edition, even after broadening.
module: #oclif/config#1.17.0
task: runHook init
plugin: sfdx-cli
root: /Users/xxxxxxx/.local/share/sfdx/client/7.100.0-9d243d8
See more details with DEBUG=*
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
ERROR running scanner:run: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager"

Kieran, this is an issue that we just discovered. It is related to an incompatibility with the version of Node.js that is bundled with the Salesforce CLI and a library that is used by sfdx-scanner.
A temporary workaround can be found at https://github.com/forcedotcom/sfdx-scanner/issues/412
You will need to use the npm installation instead of the pkg installer since you are interested in the Sarif output. Sarif output was added in version 2.6.0. The issue affects versions 2.6.0-2.8.0 when using the pkg installer on a Mac.
We hope to have a fix rolled out in the next couple of days. I will post here when version 2.9 has been released. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Kieran, this issue has been fixed in version 2.9.1. You can upgrade by executing the following commands in your shell.
sfdx plugins:uninstall #salesforce/sfdx-scanner
sfdx plugins:install #salesforce/sfdx-scanner


Building package glib:x64-osx failed with: BUILD_FAILED

I am trying to install GTK on my Mac (running Catalina) using vcpkg.
I get the following error message on running ./vcpkg install gtk
How can I fix this?
Error: Building package glib:x64-osx failed with: BUILD_FAILED
Please ensure you're using the latest portfiles with .\vcpkg update, then
submit an issue at https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/issues including:
Package: glib:x64-osx
Vcpkg version: 2019.09.12-unknownhash
Additionally, attach any relevant sections from the log files above.
I used --keep-going while running the install command, and it installed all the packages that do not require glib to build.
I've added the log file outputs:

An unexpected errors occured with Yarn 1.13.0 on Xubuntu 16

I managed to get the latest Yarn v1.13.0 installed on Xubuntu 16 with their curl installation instruction.
Now I'm getting this errors trying to install a project's dependencies.
An expected error occurred:
Request failed \"404 Not Found\
Same 'Not Found' message is displayed by the error url.
Seems to be caused by the security issue https://github.com/dominictarr/event-stream/issues/116?utm_content=educational&utm_campaign=2018-11-28&utm_source=email-sendgrid&utm_term=13952972&utm_medium=833442
How do I fix it? How do I find the project deps that use the corrupted version of event-stream?
Seemingly was caused by an older version of Nodemon prolly affected by the security issue above. Updating it to the latest version in package.json seemed to have helped.

Error mvn gcloud:run JAVA

I've been trying hard to run & deploy my java project in google compute vm. I followed this tutorial: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-java-vm-guestbook-extras but always receiving this error:
[INFO] params['tls'] = docker.docker.tls.TLSConfig(
[INFO] AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'docker'
[ERROR] Error: gcloud app xxx exit code is: 1
[ERROR] org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Error: gcloud app xxx exit code is: 1
I'm running MacOS Yosemite 10.10.3. Last versions of docker, virtual box, etc.
Any ideas?
I don't have the reputation to comment, so I'm adding this as an answer. I'll edit once I have a real answer for you.
What version of gcloud do you have? Can you post the output of gcloud info? I think this may be fixed in the latest version of gcloud.
Once you have that information, try running gcloud components update and see if that helps.
Try to run this command in a shell, dollar symbol included
$(boot2docker shellinit)
You may find this useful
I had encountered the same error recently. You seem to be using an outdated plugin version for gcloud-maven-plugin (most probably 1.9.17 or 1.9.17a). Update the version to a version equal to or after 0.9.57 from here Gcloud Maven PLugin versions.

Unity - Failed to compile resources with the following parameters:

I'm working on adding Google Play Game Services to a Unity project.
Started getting these errors recently, however not sure if it is because of the Game Services, or could be I updated my machine.
The following in Console output:
Failed to compile resources with the following parameters:
-bootclasspath "/Users/alex/development/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030/sdk/platforms/android-21/android.jar"
-d "/Users/alex/Documents/development/unity/Maze/Maze/Temp/StagingArea/bin/classes"
-source 1.6 -target 1.6 -encoding UTF-8 "com/facebook/android/R.java" "com/google/android/gms/R.java"
"com/mildspring/maze/R.java" warning:
java/lang/Object.class(java/lang:Object.class): major version 51 is
newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded. 1 warning
Error building Player: UnityException: Resource compilation failed!
Failed to recompile android resource files. See the Console for
Got my answer, the issue was that "major version 51" is java 1.7, "version 50" is java 1.6. The solution was to install Java 1.7 and set path accordingly with the following command.
sudo ln -nsf /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_71.jdk/Contents /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK
For me, changing the JDK path at Preferences => External Tools => JDK finally resolved this issue. Creating the symbolic link wasn't enough or possibly not even needed.
I would just re-install or update JDK , And its work

Where can I get a Xerces-C compatible with XML::XERCES 2.7.0?

This question is in continuation of this post, I have tried installing Xerces-C but the thing is Xerces-C version is 2.8.0 and 3.0.0 and XML::XERCES latest version is 2.7.0 and so am getting following error message:
Update2: Here is the error which am getting, it says there is somekind of version mismatch.
Using XERCES_LIB = /home/adoshi/XML-Parser/Parser2/
Using XERCES_INCLUDE = /home/adoshi/XML-Parser/Parser2/
You have defined the XERCESCROOT variable, but the file:
does not seem to point to the config.status file that was used to
build your Xerces-C library. Without that file, I may not be able to
properly build the C++ glue files that come with Xerces.pm.
Proceeding anyway ...
Using Xerces-C version info from /home/adoshi/XML-Parser/Parser2/xerces
*** Version Mismatch ***
You are attempt to build XML::Xerces-2.7.0-0 using Xerces-C-2.8.0,
this will most likely fail, so I am aborting.
You must use Xerces-C-2.7.0
Any guidance would be highly appreciated.
Did you read the download page that clearly says "Older releases are available from the archive download site."? Perhaps you can find a 2.7.0 release there.