Unity2D Visual Problems - unity3d

I created a turret that auto-shoots bullets , fairly simple and not complex, but I have some visual problems. Like in the Editor while Play mode is active the bullet spawn and is visible , but when I go in that place in play mode the bullet is invisible (the bullet applies the damage to the Player but it is not here).
Some footage of the problem: https://gyazo.com/899f4c60f7d3e0fc943c104bba7c2831

There are 2 possible answers:
set the canvas to Screen Space - Camera, and set the Render Camera to Main Camera.
linke to the full artical
fix the possition of the srite and the canvas
link to the full artical

Thank you for all the help!
I find out that , my turret Z's was like -68 and the camera was like -10, and i randomly entered the 3D View of my scene and i noticed that my Turret was like 10 kilometers away from the actual position from the editor!


Move player in all directions with touch?, Unity

I was creating a basic scenario in Unity. Thi scene have 1 cube in the center of the room, and 1 camera(player).
I need to move the player around the cube like if was flying ( with movements at the top, bottom, left, right, inside and outside), very similar to when we move freely with the mouse on the development screen.
I need make this movement with the touch.
How can i to do?
You can achieve almost all movements you want using a standard fps mobile controller: 1 joystick and a slide area for rotation. Your forward movement will be your player's forward direction(with W in unity you move always forward) and of course transform's left/right for strafe.
The tricky part is move up/down part(even in Unity editor you have to use 2 extra keys, Q&E) but you can always move up/down just looking in that direction.
if u use the unity standard asset 'cross platform input' (which is available in the standard asset pack for free,) then anything you program with a mouse event or click, will automatically call the corresponding touch event if use on a phone.

Unity 2D - Camera isn't where it's supposed to be

In Unity 2D, I am working on a game that uses a square shaped camera that hovers over a tilemap (Zelda NES style). In the camera preview in the game view, it shows what it's supposed to:
But when I switch to the game view, this is what it shows:
Here are my camera settings in case it helps.
Does anybody know why this is happening and how I can fix it?
I finally figured out how to fix it. All I needed to do was set "Depth" on the camera settings to 0 (it was at -1 before).
You scene must have multiple cameras and one of those camera's depth would be > -1 hence its showing that camera and not your maincamera, if you just have one camera the depth does not matter

Adding Google Street View Images to Unity Project

I'm completely new to Unity and I'm starting to work on a little game for my class. The scenario says that the main character should be placed in my home town.
Since I'm not capable of modeling my town, I tried making skybox from google street view images using free plugin I found. It looks ok, so I tried adding an avatar, and that's where I'm having troubles.
When adding an avatar, he falls trough the floor, I suppose because its only image underneath him. Then I tried adding box below his feet, and now he levitates in squat position abowe it.
Has anyone any suggestions or ideas on how to fix this? Or maybe some suggestions on different vay of doing this would also be apprechiated.
Here is a photo of what it looks like now:
The reason your character falls is because there is no "floor" yet. The skybox is nothing but a special cube that wraps infinitely around your scene. With the street view images it may appear like the character is standing on solid ground based on the optical illusion of the skybox, but they're actually floating in space. When you press play, the physics engine starts, gravity takes hold, and your character falls.
There are a number of ways to prevent them from falling.
Disable Gravity on Character
This is only a good idea if you're not planning to use physics in your game.
Select your character's root node in the Hierarchy
In the inspector, find the RigidBody component
Uncheck Use Gravity
Add Floors
Add something with a collider on it that doesn't have a RigidBody. The collider will prevent the character from passing through it and the lack of RigidBody will ensure it doesn't also get affected by physics or gravity.
Create > Plane
Set its transform position to 0, 0, 0 so it's centered in the world
Scale it up big enough for your character to land on
Uncheck the Mesh Renderer in the inspector to make the plane invisible

Unity coordinates doesn't work

I'm very beginner in Unity so please forgive if, this questions isn't so hard to answer:)
So, I have a text on a Canvas in the editor, it is okay, it's showing well on Scene editor and In Game as well.
But, when I added two Sprites, which going to be the player and the enemy, the positions of these sprites are behave a bit weird.
The text position is: x: -293 y: 195, when I'm modifying the position of the text it works fine.
When I add the sprites to x:0 y:0 and x:1 y:1, in the scene editor they appear in the left bottom corner, but when I check in the game, they placed in the middle of the screen.
My question is why the coordinates and the positions are so different on Scene (grey) and on Game (blue) ?
Because initialized render mode of Canvas in Unity is "ScreenSpace - Overlay". So it is shown on too big area in scene. If you want to work only in view field of camera, in inspector just change render mode of Canvas to "ScreenSpace-Camera" and drag your MainCamera to RenderCamera in inspector. Even if you use ScreenSpace-Camera, coordinate system of RectTransform (UI Objects transform) is different than Transform (Normal game objects transform)
in this view, if you get closer to the left-down corner of your scene, you will see your main camera area and Sprites that are in correct positions.
I hope this helps.

Unity Particle System cannot appear in game scene

I have problems with my unity particle system. It is appearing in the scene but it does not appear in the game scene after it is being played. What do you think the problem lies in?
1.ParticleSystem is not loop, not enable or not play...
2.Your particles are too small.
3.Particles are not in the camera's view.
4.If you are using Unity's 2D tool, maybe sprite's sorting order is above your particle. <- Change ParticleSystem's sortingLayerName and sortingOrder.
There's also a bug where the particle's origin (usually the centre) is well outside the camera's frustum they can be incorrectly culled. I found this with giant sunbeams.
I had a similar issue. The problem for me ended up being related to the Renderer Module's "Render Alignment" being set to "World". Pair this with -90 rotation on X and it made my particles disappear (2D game with an orthographic camera probably didn't help). Switching Render Alignment to "Facing" fixed my issue.