how to start/stop weblogic set of managed servers from a given list using wlst - weblogic12c

First I will create a list of servers which are up and running and write them to a text file after that I want bring down all the servers in list at once and then restart all the servers at once

## connect the Admin server first
## if applications are running u can use this
## if you want to delete the applications u please follow below thing
####for servers starting follow reverse order.


Making nextcloud work on a prefixed path (using docker and caddy)

I'm trying to setup my own instance of nextcloud on my server but I'm running into a problem as I want nextcloud to be available under
Next cloud is running in a CoreOS virtual machine called let's say myvm.
So this is the way I setup my CaddyFile: {
proxy /cloud myvm:8080 {
without /cloud
I have other proxies that work fine for other services or VMs that are written similarily.
With this, and publishing port 8080 in my docker-compose file, I manage to connect to the nextcloud instance. But every time I go to it will redirect me to instead of
If I enter this last url manually, I can access to nextcloud, but also the page doesn't load properly because all the contents cannot be loaded because they are not prompted with the prefix cloud/.
Is there a way to explain nextcloud about this prefix through the configuration of docker-compose file? (It's the only configuration I created, it works with just that and no extra work, I use one similar to the one available here (the apache one).)
Or maybe I can improve the CaddyFile config? (By the way, if I don't use the without option, it will just not work at all and return 404 when I go to the url).

How do I configure a webserver for a collective in Bluemix?

I found doc that indicates I need to setup a webserver in my collective environment, however, I cannot determine the correct set of steps. Thoughts?
It would help to see what you've already tried, but consider the following:
Create two or more servers on one or more of the hosts and join them to the collective. Make sure your servers are clusterMembers and collectiveMembers. The following post should help with creating servers and joining them to the collective:
How can I setup a cell and collective in Bluemix
Update the controller's /etc/hosts file with the hostnames of all the hosts in the collective.
Download and follow this guide to generate the plugin-cfg.xml file on the controller:
Copy the generated plugin-cfg.xml file to /opt/IBM/WebSphere/HTTPServer/conf
Edit /opt/IBM/WebSphere/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf and uncomment these two lines at the bottom of the file:
LoadModule was_ap22_module /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/bin/64bits/
WebSpherePluginConfig /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/Liberty/servers/controller/pluginConfig/myLibertyCluster-plugin-cfg.xml
Change the WebSpherePluginConfig value to be /opt/IBM/WebSphere/HTTPServer/conf/plugin-cfg.xml
Stop and start the HTTP server
sudo ./apachectl stop
sudo ./apachectl start
Verify the application can be reached using the webserver <webserverIP>:80/appname
Generate the plugin again if the application is added or removed.

How to deploy with Release Management to remote datacenter

We are running TFS and Release Management on premises, and i want to deploy my applications to a remote datacenter.
Access is over the internet, so there is no windows shares available.
I am using the vNext templates, and afaik RM seems to only support unc paths over windows shares.
How can i use Release Management to deploy software to this datacenter?
Im working on this solution:
Use WebDav on a IIS located inside the datacenter.
RM server and Target can use the WebDav client built into windows and access it by an unc path.
I haven't gotten this to work yet, as RM won't use the correct credentials to logon to the webdav server.
Updated with my solution
This is only a proof of concept, and is not production tested.
Setup a WebDav site accessible from both RM server and Target server
Install the feature "Desktop experience" on both servers
Make the following DLL
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Common.Helpers;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Composition.Definitions;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Composition.Services;
namespace DoTheNetUse
public class DoTheNetUse : BaseThreadSafeService
public DoTheNetUse() : base("DoTheNetUse")
protected override void DoAction()
Logger.WriteInformation("DoAction: [DoTheNetUse]");
Logger.WriteInformation("# DoTheNetUse.Start #");
Logger.WriteInformation("{0}, {1}", Environment.UserDomainName, Environment.UserName);
Logger.WriteInformation("Net use std");
var si = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", #"/c ""net use \\sharedwebdavserver.somewhere\DavWWWRoot\ /user:webdavuser webdavuserpassword""");
si.UseShellExecute = false;
si.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
si.RedirectStandardError = true;
var p = Process.Start(si);
Logger.WriteInformation("Net use output std:" + p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd());
Logger.WriteInformation("Net use output err:" + p.StandardError.ReadToEnd());
Logger.WriteInformation("# Done #");
catch (Exception e)
Name it "ReleaseManagementMonitor2.dll"
Place it in the a subfolder to The service "ReleaseManagementMonitor"
Configure the shared path as the solution below states.
DO NOT OVERWITE THE EXISTING "ReleaseManagementMonitor2.dll"
The reason that this works is MEF.
The ReleaseManagementMonitor service tries to load the dll "ReleaseManagementMonitor2.dll" from all subfolders.
This dll implements a service interface that RM recognises.
It the runs "net use" to apply the credentials to the session that the service runs under, and thereby grants access to the otherwise inaccessible webdav server.
This solution is certified "Works on my machine"
RM does work only with UNC, you are right on that.
You can leverage that to make your scenario work -
In Theory
Create a boundary machine on the RM domain, where your drops can be copied.
The deploy action running on your datacenter can then copy bits from this boundary machine, using credentials that have access on that domain. (These credentials are provided by you in the WPF console)
How this works
1. Have a dedicated machine on the RM server domain (say D1) that will be used as a boundary machine.
2. Define this machine as a boundary machine in RM by specifying a shared path that will be used by your data centre. Go to settings tab in your WPF console, create a new variable - { Key = RMSharedUNCPath, Value = \\BoundaryMachine\DropsLocation }. RM now understands you want to use this machine as your boundary machine.
3. Make sure you take care of these permissions
RM Server should have write permissions on the \\BoundaryMachine\DropsLocation share.
Pass down credentials of domain D1 to the target machine in the data centre (Domain D2), that can be used to access the share.
4. Credentials can be passed down fron the WPF console, you will have to define the following two config variables in the settings tab again.
Key = RMSharedUNCPathUser ; Value = domain D1 user name
Key = RMSharedUNCPathPwd ; Value = password for the user defined above.
PS - Variable names are case sensitive.
Also, to let RM know that you want to use the SharedUNC mechanism, check the corresponding checkbox for the RM server and connect to it via IP and not DNS name as these must be in different domains, i.e.
Try to use Get-Content on local-server then Set-Content on the remote server passing the file contents over;
Could package everything into an archive of some kind.
The Release Management is copying VisualStudioRemoteDeployer.exe to C:\Windows\DtlDownloads\VisualStudioRemoteDeployer folder on the target server then is copying the scripts from the specified location to target server using robocopy.
So you have to give permissions from your target server to your scripts location.
Release Management update 4 supports "Build drops stored on TFS servers"

Query on DNS & connect to existing vm

In my current code base, when i create a VM, DNS name is being dynamically set as same as the instance name. For example, consider if my VM name is "anandInstance", DNS name of the name is being generated as "". Is there a way to change the DNS name like "" during the creation thru REST API??
"Connect to existing VM" , is it possible to achieve this option through REST call? In case "connect to existing.." option , we are getting a list of vms/services to choose and VM is getting created successfully. How to achieve the same using API.
In my current code base, when i create a VM, DNS name is being
dynamically set as same as the instance name. For example, consider if
my VM name is "anandInstance", DNS name of the name is being generated
as "". Is there a way to change the DNS name
like "" during the creation thru REST API??
I don't think it is possible. Imagine what a nightmare in the portal would become if you were able to do so? How would you link a Cloud Service ( to an actual deployment (MyDemoVm123). However you can use your own domain and have CNAME records pointing to your "" (frankly I surely think that soon we will use even longer names)
"Connect to existing VM" , is it possible to achieve this option
through REST call?
Connection to a VM is essentially opening a RDP session. If it a windows VM, you can try using the Download RDP file API call. Once you get the file, just start it with "process.start". If it is linux VM, just start SSH client on port 22 (or one you have defined) from the Cloud Service DNS name you have.
From the azure portal,for stand alone machineoption, we are able to give the dns name with deafult How to do the same
through the rest api call.any specfic paramter is there to specify the
When you are using the REST API, you first create a Cloud Service (still named hosted service in the REST API) where your machine will be hosted. Here you give the name for that hosted service (the dns name with deafult Then you call the Create Virtual Machine Deployment API action.
In case "connect to existing.." option , we are getting a list of vms/services to choose and VM is getting created successfully. How to
achieve the same using API.
When you want to get list of all VMs, just get a list of all Hosted Services, then get properties of each and make a guess whether it is a VM or a Cloud Service (maybe by querying for Properties of each service). I don't see a direct access to the list of Virtual Machines. But as this feature being PREVIEW, things might change in the future.
Hope my answer is clear?

How can I make chef restart a service with additional parameters passed in?

I have a template for a Rails site for Sphinx configuration. There can be multiple different Sphinx services on the same machine running on different ports, one per app. Therefore, I I only want to restart Sphinx for each site if their corresponding configuration template changes. I've created an /etc/init.d/sphinx script that restarts just one sphinx based on a parameter similar to:
/etc/init.d/sphinx restart /etc/sphinx/site1.conf
Where site1.conf is defined by a Chef template. I'd really love to use the notifies functionality for Chef Templates to pass in the correct site1.conf parameter if the template changes. Is this possible?
Alternatively, I suppose I could just register a different service for each site similar to:
However, I'd prefer to pass in the parameters to the script instead.
When defining a service resource, you can customize the start, stop, and restart commands that will be run. You can define a service resource for each site that you have using these customized commands and set up their corresponding notifications.
For example:
service "sphinx_site1" do
supports :restart => true
restart_command "/etc/init.d/sphinx restart /etc/sphinx/site1.conf"
action :nothing
template "/etc/sphinx/site1.conf" do
notifies :restart, "service[sphix_site1]"