How To integrate jBoss Drools with Wso2 Micro Integrator to use Drools as Business Rules Mgmt System - jboss

I have wso2 micro-integrator project implemented in hand, where the project has few hard-coded values & conditions in the business logic, so i want to make them as separate and implement those as rules using Drools(BRMS).
Then, how i could apply the Drools created rules on wso2 micro-integrated carbon applications.
Thanks for the help in advance,


Can I test rule using Drools (KIE) Workbench?

I am new to Drools so my question could be obvious but I cannot find an answer.
I defined Data Model and Rule, built and deployed to my Drools server. Is any way to test it using Drools Workbench or I need to implement java client application or manually simulated call from web client like Postmen or SoapUI to Drools server? Thank you!
I figured out that I cannot test my rule from Drools Workbench and need to use either web client or application.

.NET application remotely invoke drools workbench 6.1 to execute rule

Is it possible that the drools workbench provide REST/SOAP API for .NET/python applications to execute rules.
There is a REST API, but it would be of no use to you. The rules don't get executed in Workbench. It's really just a repository for them. The REST API would let you download the rules, but you wouldn't be able to execute them in a .NET application.
Instead you would need to run up a rules service of your own. You could create a minimal Java web application, with REST/SOAP operations.
However, there is also the Drools Camel Server, which can be configured to load rules from your Workbench and expose them through a REST API. See the docs here:

How to deploy rules from Drools Guvnor

I want to execute Drools rules via REST or SOAP.
I'm already using Drools Guvnor as facts, rules designer/repository. And it works just fine, but I haven't found any clear guidance on how to deploy these rules for execution.
I would be grateful if anyone points to tutorial.
Is it achievable without Eclipse?
If you're looking to execute Drools rules via REST or SOAP, look into Drools Server.
In this setup, your rules are actually executed on the remote server.
If you just want to use the built rule package from Guvnor in a standalone Java application, there is plenty of information in the Guvnor documentation that will show you how to use the URL where guvnor exposes your compiled package. See Chapter 9 for Knowledge Agent configuration.

Jboss BPEL and BPMN

I want to expose my business model as a webservice like there is webservice which is controlled by business structure. I am using JBoss as AS. I searched on net and found BPMN and BPEL and couldn't figure out which should be best for my idea to expose the business idea as web service. Can anybody help me out.
When you want to expose your process model as a WSDL Web service and the other orchestration parties are also rendered as Web services or REST services, BPEL is definitely the right and best choice.
There are a couple of open source BPEL engine available, most notably Apache ODE and its derivatives. If you plan to stick on pure BPEL (which is more technical and less business'ish than BPMN), I suggest to use Apache ODE, WSO2 BPS or JBoss Riftsaw. The latter is interesting because it AFAIK seamlessly integrates with JBoss AS.
If you prefer to use BPMN (which is then translated to BPEL), have a look at Intalio|BPMS. It comes with a BPMN designer that allows you to annotate BPMN models with technical, web service related information. There are also native BPMN (2.0) solutions like Activiti, jBPM and Drools Flow, but they don't really support Web service messaging.

JBoss Drools and Mule integration

Has anyone had any experience integrating JBoss Drools with Mule ESB?
While Apache ServiceMix appears to have good Drools support (, the web based monitoring and tooling in Mule make it particularly useful for us as we often have non-technical service workers needing access to information around messaging.
One of the Mule committers has recently been working to update the Drools support in Mule. You can ask this question on the Mule user mailing list and probably get an up to date answer and a pointer to the work in progress code.