JBoss Drools and Mule integration - drools

Has anyone had any experience integrating JBoss Drools with Mule ESB?
While Apache ServiceMix appears to have good Drools support (http://servicemix.apache.org/servicemix-drools.html), the web based monitoring and tooling in Mule make it particularly useful for us as we often have non-technical service workers needing access to information around messaging.

One of the Mule committers has recently been working to update the Drools support in Mule. You can ask this question on the Mule user mailing list and probably get an up to date answer and a pointer to the work in progress code.


REST Api documentation for Apache CXF application

We use Apache CXF in our application with jax-rs to build REST Api. As of now, there is no documentation about the various endpoints available and is deployed on Tomcat 8.5 server.
I have done some R&D on how to find a solution. I understand that Swagger can be used.
But, I did not find enough documentation to user swagger with Apache CXF.
I understand that these type of questions are prohibited in the site. At the same time, I am not sure which chat room to use for this purpose.
Any information on this would help me a lot.
Depending on the CXF version that you are using, I would suggest to use OpenApiFeature (OpenAPI is newer than Swagger) as described here: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/openapifeature.html
You can also find multiple sample projects with Swagger or OpenAPI here: https://github.com/apache/cxf/tree/master/distribution/src/main/release/samples/jax_rs

ISO8583 middleware with JBoss

I want to ask about JBoss Middleware for ISO8583.
So, I kinda new on ISO8583, from what I know is we could use JPOS framework for this one. Then my supervisor ask me to research about JBoss Middleware that could be used to develop middleware application for send, receive, and parse ISO8583 message.
I have read on JBoss Middleware website, unfortunately I'm still not sure which JBoss technology should I use to develop such application.
Here is my questions:
1. In order develop enterprise application that capable to send, receive, and parse ISO8583, should I combine JPOS with JBoss Middleware? or JBoss Middleware has a complete capability to handle it?
2. Does anyone has/know good material/tutorial for me to learn about building ISO8583 middleware with JBoss technology?
Thank you.
JBoss Middleware is a family of products and its components alone do not provide ISO8583 capabilities out of the box.
jPOS is one of the most popular Java frameworks that provide complete capabilities to handle sending and receiving ISO8583 messages. There are other alternatives such as j8583 and IsoTypes.
You can combine any of these ISO8583 libraries together with JBoss Fuse (part of the JBoss Middleware family) to build a solution capable of sending, receiving and parsing ISO8583 messages.
I'm not aware of a definitive guide about building such solutions. If you need to use JBoss Middleware, you can follow this route:
Look into IsoTypes, which provides an ISO8583 marshalling library for Apache Camel (used by JBoss Fuse).
Start by building a Camel route that implements the IsoType library functions. Look into this sample project.
Please, be aware that building a production ready ISO8583 server and/or client from open source solutions require significant work in terms of scalability, information security and compatibility with multiple financial hosts and switches.
My answer only refers to the first basic steps to understand your problem/solution fit a bit better.
As a side note, you may be interested in looking at jreactive-8583, an ISO8583 connector that handles message parsing and the network layer out of the box. You may build your application using this and deploy it into JBoss Application Server (part of the JBoss Middleware family too). I use it in production.
You can take advantage of JPos Q2 and create a servlet deployable to JBoss container.
In the service init method you can do this:
Q2 q2 = new Q2();

Differences between connectors Mule ESB and WSO2 ESB

Using Mule ESB I noticed that you can connect (via anypoint connectors) applications, databases, web services etc.
Since I am making a comparison between different ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) I ran into WSO2 ESB and reading the documentation it seems that allows to interact only web services (through SOAP communications).
Someone confirms what I wrote? Or WSO2 ESB is flexible as Mule ESB and I'm wrong (if so what are the differences)?
WSO2 ESB also has the concept of connectors which you can use to connect to external applications, databases, file systems and web services hosted in cloud or in internal networks. Here is a webinar which you can follow to get more information.
I can't help as my knowledge of WSO2 is limited. What I could do is to recommend you the book open source ESB in action, although outdated its data, the introduction is amazing and the comparison methodology is also good. You could follow the same approach with the state of the art today.
Most of the connectivity to applications, databases, different protocols are already available with wso2 ESB and wso2 product stack out of the box. However there are some connectors that will support integration with on-premises legacy systems and additional protocols. eg: ejb, is08583, kafka, etc.

Glassfish and JBI support, (SOA APPLICATION SERVERS)

We could see JBI in Glassfish V2 but it is not in V3, what's happening? Which application server is useful for SOA development?
can I deploy WSO2 on Glassfish or JBoss?
I'm not sure this answer is definitive, just based on my own experience with these systems.
JBI isn't a Glassfish feature (if it ever was its news to me). Its a (kinda/sorta) Sun community standard which has many implementations (ServiceMix to name one of several) that can be installed on any J2EE container (such as Glassfish to name one). Although it was once very popular it seems to have fallen on hard times of late, perhaps simply because ESB hype got swamped by the new wave of cloud hype.
WSO2 is much larger and includes JBI as one of its many options. By default its based on its own embedded Tomcat, but WSO2 claims its possible to run it on an external Tomcat (I never managed to make this work). To my knowledge no one has tried or succeeded to make it work on Glassfish.

Websphere application server VS Jboss

I am looking for a kind of java ee application server. My company is using Websphere application server and I am reviewing jboss. I am not familiar with WAS, would anybody like to tell me which outstanding features provided by IBM WAS? And what the common features between WAS and JBOSS.
I write down my understanding firstly.
IBM WAS Outstanding(Specified) features:
2. Monitor Tool
3. IDE(RAD) --- not sure is it free?
4. Integration with IBM portal(since we are using this product as well)
5. Integration with IBM MQ(above reason)
6. Webservice extension support(WS_*)
7. .....cool websphere library??? no idea, who would give me a sample?
Common features in WAS and JBOSS
1. Vendor service support
2. Java EE and EJB 3.0
3. Clustering
4. Any reasonable features for web2.0 application?
I don' think you should make comparison this way. Get the IBM team to provide you their list and speak to RedHat and get their list and then make the comparison.
RAD is not free by any means.
WAS is a good stack as it has a good track record in high volume sites and is the foundation of a number of IBM products (e.g Process Server, Portal Server etc).
The flipside of WAS is the learning curve is steep and the machine requirements are steep too.
Historically WAS was lagging in the support for latest versions of Java EE. Things are improving these days though