How can I customize Prettier setting using WebStorm IDE without installing package - visual-studio-code

How can I export all Prettier linter setting from Visual Studio Code and using that in WebStorm?
I am the only person from team that use WebStorm as programming IDE and not Visual Studio Code. Lots of linter Prettier setting required from Visual Studio Code user setting json file.
How can I use that in WebStorm without installing Prettier package or change package.json from project?

You can't use Prettier in WebStorm without installing it, Prettier doesn't come bundled with the IDE. Once you install it per instructions at, you can create a prettier configuration file in the project root folder to set up Prettier according to your preferences


Can't find C/C++ extension in VS Code

I'm trying to install the C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code, but I can't find it in the extensions list. I'm running Arch Linux, but the extension website says it's crossplatform.
I also tried running ext install ms-vscode.cpptools to no avail.
Any idea why it might be missing/how to get it?
edit: I downloaded the .vsix extension bundle, and manually installed it and it seems to work. Any idea why it was missing in the extensions list?

VS Code editor intellisense doesn't work with UnityEngine.UIElements namespace

I can't get any types under UIElements to be picked up by Omnisharp when using VS Code or Vim. I've tried with a minimal project (clean 3d template) with Unity version 2020.3.20f1, Visual Studio Code Editor (Unity package) version 1.2.4, UI Toolkit version 1.0.0-preview.18. I've followed the guide here to get the correct compilation order of packages.
Build still works fine, but the editor's intellisense throws squiggles under all UIElements types (e.g. VisualElement, UIDocument).
Change the external script editor (Preferences > External Tools) from Visual Studio Code to Visual Studio Community 2019, then regenerate project files. This seems to work around whatever the issue with Unity is.
Downgrade to Visual Studio Code Editor v1.2.3. I have the same issue with .4

Visual Studio code does allow to search extentions from the market place

Visual Studio code does allow to search extensions from the market place.
Version installed is 1.35.1
Why installing version 1.35.1 while the latest version is 1.54. Btw, you can easily go to extensions for vs code, search for any extension you want, click on install and it should try to open the link in your vs code.
This should work.

Set common shortcut keys for Visual Studio, VS code and Eclipse

I have been using Visual Studio since last 5-7 years. Now I started using VS Code & Eclipse as well. I am very used to Visual Studio shortcuts.
Can I have same shortcut keys in Eclipse and VSCode as in Visual Studio. I am hopeful that both Eclipse and VS Code should provide setting up own shortcut keys for different operations. It would be difficult to set individual keys for Eclipse and VSCode.
Is there any plugin/file/setting by which I can set easily set most of the shortcuts keys in Eclipse/VS Code as in Visual Studio?
I don't know about eclipse, but in VS Code there is an extension called Visual Studio Keymap.
i do not think eclipse marketplace ( has any plugin for keymap of visual studio.
vscode though has a keymap plugin for eclipse,
Hope this helps.
You can add the Visual Studio key-map to Eclipse by installing the C++ devs tools from within Eclipse. Follow this post to set it up:
For VSCode simply install the Visual Studio key-map extension:

Intellisense does not work visual studio code in OSX Yosemite

The intellisense does not work visual studio code in OSX Yosemite. Are there any specific steps to debug this issue?
If you open a folder that contains multiple projects, such as the aspnet/Home repo, you would first need to pick a project: