Can't find C/C++ extension in VS Code - visual-studio-code

I'm trying to install the C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code, but I can't find it in the extensions list. I'm running Arch Linux, but the extension website says it's crossplatform.
I also tried running ext install ms-vscode.cpptools to no avail.
Any idea why it might be missing/how to get it?
edit: I downloaded the .vsix extension bundle, and manually installed it and it seems to work. Any idea why it was missing in the extensions list?


Vscode can't find the compiler, but I've already install it

I'm new to vscode,just gonna try it out until I bump into this problem
Can't find compiler
According to the pic, it said I didn't have any compiler, while I've already install c++ extension, which shouldn't be the case.
c++ extension installed
You need to also install a c++ compiler for vscode to compiler your code, along with the c++ compiler.
Mingw-x64 is one framework which will allow you to compile c/c++ code
CPP instructions on VSCode site
MinGW instructions on VSCode site

C/C++ extension not installing on vscode

I'm trying to download the C/C++ extension by Microsoft on VSCode, and it gets stuck on download.
It starts downloading packages and keeps failing and failing. All other extensions work properly, I tried restarting, using administrator, rebooting the PC, reinstalling VSCode, and nothing seems to work.
try downloading from Microsoft MarketPlace --> version history --> click on download (based on your system properties) then open VScode go to extensions click on three dot on top and select install from VSIX, import the extension and install
btw if you face the problem again try downloading previous versions of the extension
link to C/C++:

Visual Studio code does allow to search extentions from the market place

Visual Studio code does allow to search extensions from the market place.
Version installed is 1.35.1
Why installing version 1.35.1 while the latest version is 1.54. Btw, you can easily go to extensions for vs code, search for any extension you want, click on install and it should try to open the link in your vs code.
This should work.

Visual Studio Code (1.18) plugin install

Is anyone could confirm that is not possible to install offline .visx plugins on recent VSC?
I'cant do that on 1.18, but on 1.17.2 it works properly.
You should be able to use the cli code --install-extension <path to vsix file> to install any extension.
You obviously should have already downloaded the vsix before doing that and also have code in your path.

Intellisense does not work visual studio code in OSX Yosemite

The intellisense does not work visual studio code in OSX Yosemite. Are there any specific steps to debug this issue?
If you open a folder that contains multiple projects, such as the aspnet/Home repo, you would first need to pick a project: