How to set the priority for specific products in implicit als? - recommendation-engine

I have to update the recommendation system by setting certain products with highest priority. How can we achieve using implicit feedback data.


How to set service/delay time based on different source and parameter

I am modeling a scenario where say my source is incoming orders, but order may have different characteristics, such as lines, units # of SKUs on the orders. Based on different characteristics, my service/delay time my differ. For example, my service time may be 1slines+ 5sunits+30s*SKUs. How can I set up my source and delay block to model this scenario?
Create an agent type for orders, add parameters for #SKUs etc.
In your delay block's duration field, use agent.numSKU to refer to a parameter numSKU in your agent type Order.
In your source, make sure it creates Order agents (not the default agents).
Lots of example models do this, please follow some of the basic tutorials and check the example models :)

DDD, Event Sourcing, and the shape of the Aggregate state

I'm having a hard time understanding the shape of the state that's derived applying that entity's events vs a projection of that entity's data.
Is an Aggregate's state ONLY used for determining whether or not a command can successfully be applied? Or should that state be usable in other ways?
An example - I have a Post entity for a standard blog post. I might have events like postCreated, postPublished, postUnpublished, etc. For my projections that I'll be persisting in my read tables, I need a projection for the base posts (which will include all posts, regardless of status, with lots of detail) as well as published_posts projection (which will only represent posts that are currently published with only the information necessary for rendering.
In the situation above, is my aggregate state ONLY supposed to be used to determine, for example, if a post can be published or unpublished, etc? If this is the case, is the shape of my state within the aggregate purely defined by what's required for these validations? For example, in my base post projection, I want to have a list of all users that have made a change to the post. In terms of validation for the aggregate/commands, I couldn't care less about the list of users that have made changes. Does that mean that this list should not be a part of my state within my aggregate?
TL;DR: yes - limit the "state" in the aggregate to that data that you choose to cache in support of data change.
In my aggregates, I distinguish two different ideas:
the history , aka the sequence of events that describes the changes in the lifetime of the aggregate
the cache, aka the data values we tuck away because querying the event history every time kind of sucks.
There's not a lot of value in caching results that we are never going to use.
One of the underlying lessons of CQRS is that we don't need aggregates everywhere
An AGGREGATE is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes. -- Evans, 2003
If we aren't changing the data, then we can safely work directly with immutable copies of the data.
The only essential purpose of the aggregate is to determine what events, if any, need to be applied to bring the aggregate's state in line with a command (if the aggregate can be brought so in line). All state that's not needed for that purpose can be offloaded to a read-side, which can be thought of as a remix of the event stream (with each read-side only maintaining the state it needs).
That said, there are in practice, reasons to use the aggregate state directly, with the primary one being a desire for a stronger consistency for the aggregate: CQRS is inherently eventually consistent. As with all questions of consistent updates, it's important to recognize that consistency isn't free and very often isn't even cheap; I tend to think of a project as having a consistency budget and I'm pretty miserly about spending it.
In your case, there's probably no reason to include the list of users changing a post in the aggregate state, unless e.g. there's something like "no single user can modify a given post more than n times".

Is rule engine suitable for validating data against set of rules?

I am trying to design an application that allows users to create subscriptions based on different configurations - expressing their interest to receive alerts when those conditions are met.
While evaluating the options for achieving the same, I was thinking about utilizing a generic rule engine such as Drools to achieve the same. Which seemed to be a natural fit to this problem looking at an high-level. But digging deeper and giving it a bit more thought, I am doubting if Business Rule Engine is the right thing to use.
I see Rule engine as something that can select a Rule based on predefined condition and apply the Rule to that data to produce an outcome. Whereas, my requirement is to start with a data (the event that is generated) and identify based on Rules (subscriptions) configured by users to identify all the Rules (subscription) that would satisfy the event being handled. So that Alerts can be generated to all those Subscribers.
To give an example, an hypothetical subscription from an user could be, to be alerted when a product in Amazon drops below $10 in the next 7 days. Another user would have created a subscription to be notified when a product in Amazon drops below $15 within the next 30 days and also offers free one-day shipping for Prime members.
After a bit of thought, I have settled down to storing the Rules/Subscriptions in a relational DB and identifying which Subscriptions are to fire an Alert for an Event by querying against the DB.
My main reason for choosing this approach is because of the volume, as the number of Rules/Subscriptions I being with will be about 1000 complex rules, and will grow exponentially as more users are added to the system. With the query approach I can trigger a single query that can validate all Rules in one go, vs. the Rule engine approach which would require me to do multiple validations based on the number of Rules configured.
While, I know my DB approach would work (may not be efficient), I just wanted to understand if Rule Engine can be used for such purposes and be able to scale well as the number of rules increases. (Performance is of at most importance as the number of Events that are to be processed per minute will be about 1000+)
If rule engine is not the right way to approach it, what other options are there for me to explore rather than writing my own implementation.
You are getting it wrong. A standard rule engine selects rules to execute based on the data. The rules constraints are evaluated with the data you insert into the rule engine. If all constraints in a rule match the data, the rule is executed. I would suggest you to try Drools.

Validation using other models

What are the options to validate an event which uses another model?
Shopping cart example:
When adding a cart item to the shopping cart, there should be a check if the item isn't sold out yet.
You would usually validate a command rather than an event as an event should be something that cannot be changed
In answer to the question, typically it depends on what the business cost of the process is. In your example for instance, what is the cost to the business of ordering an item that is sold out? Probably very little - an email saying the item is out of stock, with an estimate of how long it will take.
In this type of scenario you could use an eventually consistent read model over the data, where you'd query the read model / cache for stock levels, but accept that some orders might go through for things that are out of stock.
If you have tighter constraints then you'll have to enforce them, ideally by remodelling your aggregates, or having transactional and/or blocking on the ordering process.
What are the options to validate an event which uses another model?
A domain event is an important happening from the point of view of the business. It's something that happen in the past, so it can't be changed.
In OO, it's commonly represented as a Value Object, that's say, an immutable object where the interesting part are their attributes.
Commonly, those Domain Events are yield from an operation in a Aggregate Root (DDD jargon). The client of the Aggregate Root is the Application Service (aka use case). The Application Service receive a Command object and base on that, executes operation in the Aggregate Root.
The validation could consist in primitive validation, object validation and/or composed object validation. Then the object in charge to perform this validation should be the Aggregate Root itself and/or some objects with the specific goal in validation.
When adding a cart item to the shopping cart, there should be a check
if the item isn't sold out yet
Following your example the objects woulb be:
Command: AddItemToShoppingCartCommand. Holds information about the item to be added, and shopping cart identifier for example.
Application Service: AddItemToShoppingCartService.
Aggregate Root: ShoppingCartInventory. I've used deliberately Inventory in the name to be explicit that this Aggregate Root satisfy the invariant "...if the item isn't sold out yet."
Note: In my opinion, the invariant that checks the inventory in the Aggregate Root, makes the Aggregate too big. My advice is relax this invariant and embrace eventual consistency if this "sold out" it's not happen normally.

how to categorize "tastekid" and "clerkdogs" recommender system

I wonder what category of recommender system do Tastekid and clerkdogs belong to? Both do not seem to require any rating from users.
I'm not sure about Clerkdogs but Tastekid seems to be a collaborative filtering system (see here). Even when users don't provide ratings you can still apply collaborative filtering techniques. For instance, you can use a binary representation where 1 means a user liked an item and 0 when they don't like it (or unknown).