Why can't reset IFS variable? - reset

Show the current variable IFS:
echo $IFS |xxd
00000000: 0a
I want to reset IFS as default value \t\n.
IFS=$' \t\n'
echo $IFS |xxd
00000000: 0a
Why can't reset IFS variable?

You are resetting IFS correctly. The problem is in your echo. You should use echo -n "$IFS" | xxd.
Taking a look at man bash (emphasis mine):
Word Splitting
The shell scans the results of parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion that did not occur within double quotes for word splitting.
The shell treats each character of IFS as a delimiter, and splits the results of the other expansions into words on these characters. If IFS is unset, or its value is exactly <space><tab><newline>, the default, then sequences of <space>, <tab>, and <newline> at the beginning and end of the results of the previous expansions are ignored, and any sequence of IFS characters not at the beginning or end serves to delimit words. If IFS has a value other than the default, then sequences of the whitespace characters space and tab are ignored at the beginning and end of the word, as long as the whitespace character is in the value of IFS (an IFS whitespace character). Any character in IFS that is not IFS whitespace, along with any adjacent IFS whitespace characters, delimits a field. A sequence of IFS whitespace characters is also treated as a delimiter. If the value of IFS is null, no word splitting occurs.
Since you did not double-quote IFS, it goes through the shell's word-splitting logic. Since IFS by definition contains the IFS characters within itself, they are ignored by the shell. Double-quoting prevents this.


Append specific caracter at the end of each line

I have a file and I want to append a specific text, \0A, to the end of each of its lines.
I used this command,
sed -i s/$/\0A/ file.txt
but that didn't work with backslash \0A.
In its default operations, sed cyclically appends a line from input, less it's terminating <newline>-character, into the pattern space of sed.
The OP wants to use sed to append the character \0A at the end of a line. This is the hexadecimal representation of the <newline>-character (cfr. http://www.asciitable.com/). So from this perspective, the OP attempts to double space a files. This can be easilly done using:
sed G file
The G command, appends a newline followed by the content of the hold space to the pattern space. Since the hold space is always empty, it just appends a newline character to the pattern space. The default action of sed is to print the line. So this just double-spaces a file.
Your command should be fixed by simply enclosing s/$/\0A/ in single quotes (') and escaping the backslash (with another backslash):
sed -i 's/$/\\0A/' file.txt
Notice that the surrounding 's protect that string from being processed by the shell, but the bashslash still needed escape in order to protect it from SED itself.
Obviously, it's still possible to avoid the single quotes if you escape enough:
sed -i s/$/\\\\0A/ file.txt
In this case there are no single quotes to protect the string, so we need write \\ in the shell to get SED fed with \, but we need two of those \\, i.e. \\\\, so that SED is fed with \\, which is an escaped \.
Move obviously, I'd never ever suggest the second alternative.

Using sed -e to replace slash

I am trying to understand what this below command does with -e in sed and exclamatory marks in the command,
sed -e "s!VPC_CIDR!"$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)"!g" "templates/network-policies-${ns}.yaml"
This command helped to replace VPC_CIDR with\16.
Could someone through light on this please?
-e option just tells sed that the next argument is the script to execute. "s!VPC_CIDR!"$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)"!g" is the script.
The " usage is strange. I would just "s!VPC_CIDR!$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)!g". Because $(get_cluster_vpc_cidr) is not within " quotes, the result will undergo word splitting and filename expansion. Ie. it will fail on spaces and * or ? characters may work strangely.
The "s!VPC_CIDR!"$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)"!g" is a sed script. The s command does, from man 1 sed:
Attempt to match regexp against the pattern space. If successful, replace that portion matched with replacement. The replacement may con‐
tain the special character & to refer to that portion of the pattern space which matched, and the special escapes \1 through \9 to refer to
the corresponding matching sub-expressions in the regexp.
But you think - och ! is not /! But, as man 1 sed tells us This is just a brief synopsis of sed commands to serve as a reminder to those who already know sed. The POSIX sed or man 7 sed page will shed some more light:
Substitute the replacement string for instances of the BRE in the pattern space. Any character other than <backslash> or <newline> can be used instead of a to delimit the BRE and the replacement. Within the BRE and the replacement, the BRE delimiter itself can be used as a literal character if it is preceded by a <backslash>.
Any character. You can evey pass byte 0x01, like sed $'s\x01BRE\x01replacement\x01' and it's a valid script.
So s!VPC_CIDR!$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)!g command replaces every occurence (ie. the g global flag) of the VPC_CIDR string (the string is literal, there are no special regex expressions there) for the output of $(get_cluster_vpc_cidr) (except that & and \1 and such are interpreted specially in replacement part).

Why does sed command contain at symbols

I don't understand why the following sed command contains an # symbol:
sed 's#session\s*required\s*pam_loginuid.so#session optional pam_loginuid.so#g' -i /etc/pam.d/sshd
I've looked at /etc/pam.d/sshd for the before/after effects of this command:
# Set the loginuid process attribute.
session required pam_loginuid.so
# Set the loginuid process attribute.
session optional pam_loginuid.so
Is the # symbol possibly part of regex or sed syntax?
Could not find any doco on this.
Note: The above sed command is actually part of a Dockerfile RUN command in tutorial:
These are alternate delimiters for the regular expressions and replacement string. Handy when your regex or replacement string includes '/'.
From the sed manual
The syntax of the s (as in substitute) command is ‘s/regexp/replacement/flags’. The / characters may be uniformly replaced by any other single character within any given s command. The / character (or whatever other character is used in its stead) can appear in the regexp or replacement only if it is preceded by a \ character.
From the POSIX specification:
Substitute the replacement string for instances of the BRE in the pattern space. Any character other than <backslash> or <newline> can be used instead of a to delimit the BRE and the replacement. Within the BRE and the replacement, the BRE delimiter itself can be used as a literal character if it is preceded by a <backslash>.
as other says, it is another delimiter than traditionnal / in the s///action. This is usually used when / is found/part of the pattern like searching (or replacing by) a unix path that need to escape the /
# same as
You often use a character that is not alpha numeric (but you can). The only (logical) constraint is to avoid a special character (aka special meaning like ^$[]{}()+\*.) for regex that make it difficult to read (but functionnal) and without the feature of this character in the pattern
echo "b(a)l" | sed 's(.)()('

meaning of the following regular expressions written in perl

Here is a piece of code
while($l=~/(\\\s*)$/) {
$l contains a line of text taken form file, in effect this code is for go through lines in file.
I don't clearly understand what the condition in while is doing. I think it is trying to match group of \ followed by some number of white spaces at the end of line and loop should stop whenever a line ends with \ and may be some white spaces. I am not sure of it.
I came across statement $a ~= s/^(.*$)/$1/ . What I understand that ^ will force matching at the beginning of string, but in (.*$) would mean match all the characters at the end of string . Dose it mean that the statement is trying to find if any group of character at the end is same as group of character in the beginning of text ?
It is interesting to note that this statement:
while ( $l =~ /(\\\s*)$/ ) {
Is an infinite loop unless $l is altered inside the loop so that the regex no longer matches. As has already been mentioned by others, this is what it matches:
( ... ) a capture group, captures string to $1 (that's the number one, not lower case L)
\\ matches a literal backslash
\s* matches 0 or more whitespace characters.
$ matches end of line with optional newline.
Since you do not have the /g modifier, this regex will not iterate through matches, it will simply check if there is a match, resetting the regex each iteration, thereby causing an endless loop.
The statement
$a ~= s/^(.*$)/$1/
Looks rather pointless. It captures a string of characters up until end of string, then replaces it with itself. The captured text is stored in $1 and is simply replaced. The only marginally useful thing about this regex is that:
It matches up until newline \n, and nothing further, which may be of some use to a parser. A period . matches any character except newline, unless the /s modifier is present on the regex.
It captures the line in $1 for future use. However, a simple /^(.*$)/ would do the same.
1. the while
Usually while (regex) is used with the /g modifier, otherwise, if it matches, you get an infinite loop (unless you exit the loop, like using last).
statements would be executed continuously in an infinite loop.
In your case, adding the g
will have the while make only one loop, due to the $ - making a match unique (whatever matches up to the end of string is unique, as $ marks the end, and there is nothing after...).
2. $a ~= s/^(.*$)/$1/
This is a substitution. If the string ^.*$ matches (and it will, since ^.*$ matches (almost, see comment) anything) it is replaced with... $1 or what's inside the (), ie itself, since the match occurs from 1st char to the end of string
^ means beginning of string
(.*) means all chars
$ end of string
so that will replace $a with itself - probably not what you want.
it matches a literal backslash followed by 0 or more spaces followed by the end of the line.
it executes statements for all the lines in that text file that contain a \, followed by zero or more spaces ( \s* ), at the end of the line ($).
It matches lines that end with a backslash character, ignoring any trailing whitespace characters.
Ending a line with a backslash is used in some languages and data files to indicate that the line is being continued on the next line. So I suspect this is part of a parser that merges these continuation lines.
If you enter a regular expression at RegExr and hover your mouse over the pieces, it displays the meaning of each piece in a tooltip.
(\\\s*)$ this regex means --- a \ followed by zero or more number of white space characters which is followed by end of the line. Since you have your regex in (...), you can extract what you matched using $1, if you need.
EDIT -- based on your update
$a ~= s/^(.$)/$1/ --- this is search and replace. So your regex matches a line which contains exactly one character (since you use . http://www.regular-expressions.info/dot.html), except a new-line character. Since you use (...), the character which matched the regex is extracted and stored in variable a
EDIT -- you changed your regex so here is the updated answer
$a ~= s/^(.*$)/$1/ -- same as above except now it matches zero or more characters (except new-line)

What do these various pieces of syntax mean?

I'm trying to figure out the syntax of both the sed command and perl script:
sed 's/^EOR:$//' INPUTFILE |
perl -00 -ne '/
# and so on
/xs && print "$1 $2\n"'
Why is there a circumflex ^ in the sed command? The third slash / will replace all instances of EOR: with a blank line, correct?
I understand some of the Perl script. Looking at perlrun, -00 will slurp the stream in paragraph mode and -n starts a while <> loop.
Why is there the first slash / next to the apostrophe? The command searches for TAGXXXX:, but I am not sure what \s+(.*?) does. Does that put whatever is after the tag into a variable? How about the .* in the between tag searches? What does /ns do? What do the $1 and $2 refer to in the print line?
This was tough to find online, and if someone could kick me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
The circumflex ^ is regex for "start of line", and $ is regex for "end of line"; so sed will only remove lines which contain exactly "EOR:" and nothing else.
The Perl script is basically perl -00 -ne '/(re)g(ex)/ && print "re ex\n"' with a big ole regex instead of the simple placeholder I put here. In particular, the /x modifier allows you to split the regex over several lines. So the first / is the start of the regex and the final / is the end of the regex and the lines in between form the regex together.
The /s modifier changes how Perl interprets . in a regex; normally it will match any character except newline, but with this option, it includes newlines as well. This means that .* can match multiple lines.
\s matches a single whitespace character; \s+ matches as many whitespace characters as possible, but there has to be at least one.
(.*?) matches an arbitrary length of string; the dot matches any character, the asterisk says zero or more of any character, and the question mark modifies the asterisk repetition operator to match as short a string as possible instead of as long a string as possible. The parentheses cause the skipped expression to be captured in a back reference; the backrefs are named $1, $2, etc, as many as there are backreferences; the numbers correspond to the order of the opening parenthesis (so if you apply (a(b)) to the string "ab", $1 will be "ab" and $2 will be "b").
Finally, \n matches a literal newline. So the (.*?) non-greedy match will match up to the first newline, i.e. the tail of the line on which the TAGsomething was found. (I
imagine these are gene sequences, not "tags"?)
It doesn't really make sense to run sed separately; Perl would be quite capable of removing the EOR: lines before attempting to match the regex.
Let's see...
Yes, sed will empty the lines with EOR:
The first / in the Perl script means a regexp pattern. Concretely, it is searching for a pattern in the form below
The regex ends with "xs", which means that the regex will match multiple lines of the input
The script also will print as output the strings found in the tags (see below). The $1 and $2 mean the elements contained in the first pair of parentheses ($1) and in the second ($2).
. The form is this one:
<whatever here>
In this case, $1 is <string1> and $2 is <string2>.