Append specific caracter at the end of each line - sed

I have a file and I want to append a specific text, \0A, to the end of each of its lines.
I used this command,
sed -i s/$/\0A/ file.txt
but that didn't work with backslash \0A.

In its default operations, sed cyclically appends a line from input, less it's terminating <newline>-character, into the pattern space of sed.
The OP wants to use sed to append the character \0A at the end of a line. This is the hexadecimal representation of the <newline>-character (cfr. So from this perspective, the OP attempts to double space a files. This can be easilly done using:
sed G file
The G command, appends a newline followed by the content of the hold space to the pattern space. Since the hold space is always empty, it just appends a newline character to the pattern space. The default action of sed is to print the line. So this just double-spaces a file.

Your command should be fixed by simply enclosing s/$/\0A/ in single quotes (') and escaping the backslash (with another backslash):
sed -i 's/$/\\0A/' file.txt
Notice that the surrounding 's protect that string from being processed by the shell, but the bashslash still needed escape in order to protect it from SED itself.
Obviously, it's still possible to avoid the single quotes if you escape enough:
sed -i s/$/\\\\0A/ file.txt
In this case there are no single quotes to protect the string, so we need write \\ in the shell to get SED fed with \, but we need two of those \\, i.e. \\\\, so that SED is fed with \\, which is an escaped \.
Move obviously, I'd never ever suggest the second alternative.


Using sed -e to replace slash

I am trying to understand what this below command does with -e in sed and exclamatory marks in the command,
sed -e "s!VPC_CIDR!"$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)"!g" "templates/network-policies-${ns}.yaml"
This command helped to replace VPC_CIDR with\16.
Could someone through light on this please?
-e option just tells sed that the next argument is the script to execute. "s!VPC_CIDR!"$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)"!g" is the script.
The " usage is strange. I would just "s!VPC_CIDR!$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)!g". Because $(get_cluster_vpc_cidr) is not within " quotes, the result will undergo word splitting and filename expansion. Ie. it will fail on spaces and * or ? characters may work strangely.
The "s!VPC_CIDR!"$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)"!g" is a sed script. The s command does, from man 1 sed:
Attempt to match regexp against the pattern space. If successful, replace that portion matched with replacement. The replacement may con‐
tain the special character & to refer to that portion of the pattern space which matched, and the special escapes \1 through \9 to refer to
the corresponding matching sub-expressions in the regexp.
But you think - och ! is not /! But, as man 1 sed tells us This is just a brief synopsis of sed commands to serve as a reminder to those who already know sed. The POSIX sed or man 7 sed page will shed some more light:
Substitute the replacement string for instances of the BRE in the pattern space. Any character other than <backslash> or <newline> can be used instead of a to delimit the BRE and the replacement. Within the BRE and the replacement, the BRE delimiter itself can be used as a literal character if it is preceded by a <backslash>.
Any character. You can evey pass byte 0x01, like sed $'s\x01BRE\x01replacement\x01' and it's a valid script.
So s!VPC_CIDR!$(get_cluster_vpc_cidr)!g command replaces every occurence (ie. the g global flag) of the VPC_CIDR string (the string is literal, there are no special regex expressions there) for the output of $(get_cluster_vpc_cidr) (except that & and \1 and such are interpreted specially in replacement part).

gnu sed remove portion of line after pattern match with special characters

The goal is to use sed to return only the url from each line of FF extension Mining Blocker which uses this format for its regex lines:
{"baseurl":"*://*", "suburl":"*://*/*"},
{"baseurl":"*://*", "suburl":"*://*/*"},
the result should be:
One way would be to keep everything after suburl":"*://*/ then remove each occurrence of /*"},
I found but the special characters are a problem.
this won't work:
sed -n -e s#^.*suburl":"*://*/##g hosts
Would someone please show me how to mark the 2 asterisks in the string so they are seen by regex as literal characters, not wildcards?
sed -n 's#.*://\*/\([^/]\+\)/.*#\1#p' hosts
doesn't work, unfortunately.
regarding character substitution, thanks for directing me to the references.
I reduced the searched-for string to //*/ and used ASCII character codes like this:
sed -n -e s#^.*\d047\d047\d042\d047##g hosts
Unfortunately, that didn't output any changes to the lines.
My assumptions are:
^.*something specifies everything up to and including the last occurrence of "something" in a line
sed -n -e s#search##g deletes (replace with nothing) "search" within a line
So, this line:
sed -n -e s#^.*\d047\d047\d042\d047##g hosts
Should output everything after //*/ in each line...except it doesn't.
What is incorrect with that line?
Regarding deleting everything including and after the first / AFTER that first operation, yes, that's wanted too.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n 's#.*://\*/\([^/]\+\)/.*#\1#p' file
Match greedily (the longest string that matches) all characters up to ://*/, followed by a group of characters (which will be referred to as \1) that do not match a /, followed by the rest of the line and replace it by the group \1.
N.B. the sed substitution delimiters are arbitrary, in this case chosen to be # so as make pattern matching / easier. Also the character * on the left hand side of the substitution command may be interpreted as a meta character that means zero or more of the previous character/group and so is quoted \* so that it does not mistakenly exert this property. Finally, using the option -n toggles off the usual printing of every thing in the pattern space after all the sed commands have been executed. The p flag on the substitution command, prints the pattern space following a successful substitution, therefore only URL's will appear in the output or nothing.

SED - replace string newline anything with string newline varable

I have the following content in a file
- test.domain
And what I need to do is this:
whenever the value 'dhcp_option_domain:' followed by a newline and then ANY string, replace it with 'dhcp_option_domain:' followed by a newline and a variable.
ie if I set a variable of dhcp_domain="" then then string above would convert to:
Note that both lines have and need to maintain leading 2 spaces.
I do not want to just do a search and replace on 'test.domain' as I have a few cases to use this and the values could be different each time the sed command is run.
I have tried a few methods such as:
sed -i 's|dhcp_option_domain:\n.*|dhcp_option_domain:\n - $dhcp_domain|g' filename
however cannot get it to work.
As the manual explains:
sed operates by performing the following cycle on each line of input: first, sed reads one line from the input stream, removes any trailing newline, and places it in the pattern space. Then commands are executed
Your regex (dhcp_option_domain:\n.*) does not match because there is no \n in the pattern space in the first place.
A possible solution:
sed '/dhcp_option_domain:$/{n;c\
- '"$dhcp_domain"'
The /dhcp_option_domain:$/ part is an address. The following command is only executed on lines matching that pattern.
The { } command groups multiple commands into a single block.
The n command prints out the current pattern space and replaces it by the next line of input.
The c\ command replaces the current pattern space by whatever follows in the script. Here it gets a bit tricky. We have:
a literal newline in the sed program (required after c\), then
- (placing those characters in the pattern space literally, then
' (part of shell syntax, terminating the single-quoted part started by sed '...), then
" (starting a double-quoted part), then
$dhcp_domain (which, because it's in a double-quoted part, interpolates the contents of the dhcp_domain shell variable), then
" (terminating the double-quoted part), then
' (starting another single-quoted part), then
a literal newline again (terminating the text after c\), then
} (closing the block started by {).
By default, sed works line by line (using newline character to distinguish newlines)
$ cat ip.txt
foo baz
- test.domain
$ dhcp_domain=''
$ sed '/^ dhcp_option_domain:/{n; s/.*/ - '"$dhcp_domain"'/}' ip.txt
foo baz
/^ dhcp_option_domain:/ condition to match
{} to group more than one command to be executed when this condition is satisfied
n get next line
s/.*/ - '"$dhcp_domain"'/ replace it as required - note that shell variables won't be expanded inside single quotes, see sed substitution with bash variables
for details
note that last line in the file didn't trigger the change as there was no further line
tested on GNU sed, syntax might vary for other implementations
From GNU sed manual
If auto-print is not disabled, print the pattern space, then,
regardless, replace the pattern space with the next line of input. If
there is no more input then sed exits without processing any more
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/dhcp_option_domain:$/{p;s// - '"${var}"'/;n;d}' file
Match on dhcp_option_domain:, print it, substitute the new domain name (maintaining indent), print the current line and fetch the next (n) and delete it.

sed pattern negation with a comma separated line

I have a text file full of lines looking like:
Female,"$0 to $25,000",Arlington Heights,0,60462,ZD111326,9/18/13 0:21,Disk Drive
I am trying to change all of the commas , to pipes |, except for the commas within the quotes.
Trying to use sed (which I am new to)... and it is not working. Using:
sed '/".*"/!s/\,/|/g' textfile.csv
Any thoughts?
As a test case, consider this file:
Female,"$0 to $25,000",Arlington Heights,0,60462,ZD111326,9/18/13 0:21,Disk Drive
Here is a sed command to replace non-quoted commas with pipe symbols:
$ sed -r ':a; s/^([^"]*("[^"]*"[^"]*)*),/\1|/g; t a' file
Female|"$0 to $25,000"|Arlington Heights|0|60462|ZD111326|9/18/13 0:21|Disk Drive
This looks for commas that appear after pairs of double quotes and replaces them with pipe symbols.
This defines a label a.
If 0, 2, 4, or any an even number of quotes precede a comma on the line, then replace that comma with a pipe symbol.
This matches at the start of the line.
This starts the main grouping (\1).
This looks for zero or more non-quote characters.
The * outside the parens means that we are looking for zero or more of the pattern inside the parens. The pattern inside the parens consists of a quote, any number of non-quotes, a quote and then any number on non-quotes.
In other words, this grouping only matches pairs of quotes. Because of the * outside the parens, it can match any even number of quotes.
This closes the main grouping
This requires that the grouping be followed by a comma.
t a
If the previous s command successfully made a substitution, then the test command tells sed to jump back to label a and try again.
If no substitution was made, then we are done.
using awk could be eaiser:
kent$ cat f
Female,"$0 to $25,000",Arlington Heights,0,60462,ZD111326,9/18/13 0:21,Disk Drive
kent$ awk -F'"' -v OFS='"' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if(i%2)gsub(",","|",$i)}7' f
Female|"$0 to $25,000"|Arlington Heights|0|60462|ZD111326|9/18/13 0:21|Disk Drive
I suggest a language with a proper CSV parser. For example:
ruby -rcsv -ne 'puts CSV.generate_line(CSV.parse_line($_), :col_sep=>"|")' file
Female|$0 to $25,000|Arlington Heights|0|60462|ZD111326|9/18/13 0:21|Disk Drive
Here I would have used gnu awks FPAT. It define how a field looks like FS that tells what the separator is. Then you can just set the output separator to |
awk '{$1=$1}1' OFS=\| FPAT="([^,]+)|(\"[^\"]+\")" file
Female|"$0 to $25,000"|Arlington Heights|0|60462|ZD111326|9/18/13 0:21|Disk Drive
If your awk does not support FPAT, this can be used:
awk -F, '{for (i=1;i<NF;i++) {c+=gsub(/\"/,"&",$i);printf "%s"(c%2?FS:"|"),$i}print $NF}' file
Female|"$0 to $25,000"|Arlington Heights|0|60462|ZD111326|9/18/13 0:21|Disk Drive
sed 's/"\(.*\),\(.*\)"/"\1##HOLD##\2"/g;s/,/|/g;s/##HOLD##/,/g'
This will match the text in quotes and put a placeholder for the commas, then switch all the other commas to pipes and put the placeholder back to commas. You can change the ##HOLD## text to whatever you want.

What's the clearest way to replace trailing backslash \ with \n?

I want multi-line strings in java, so I seek a simple preprocessor to convert C-style multi-lines into single lines with a literal '\n'.
System.out.println("convert trailing backslashes\
this is on another line\
above are two blank lines\
But don't convert non-trailing backslashes, like: \"\t\" and \'\\\'");
System.out.println("convert trailing backslashes\nthis is on another line\n\n\nabove are two blank lines\nBut don't convert non-trailing backslashes, like: \"\t\" and \'\\\'");
I thought sed would do it well, but sed is line-based, so replacing the '\' and the newline that follows it (effectively joining the two lines) is not very natural in sed. I adapted sredden79's oneliner to the following - it works, it's clever, but it's not clear:
sed ':a { $!N; s/\\\n/\\n/; ta }'
The substitute is of escaped literal backslash, newline with escaped literal backslash, n. :a is a label and ta is goto label if the substitute found a match; $ means the last line, and $! is the opposite (i.e. all lines but the last). N means to append the next line to the pattern space (thus making the \n character visible.)
EDIT here's a variation to keep compiler error line numbers etc accurate: it turns each extended line into "..."+\n (and handles the first and last lines of the String correctly):
sed ':a { $!N; s/\\\n/\\n"+\n"/; ta }'
System.out.println("convert trailing backslashes\n"+
"this is on another line\n"+
"above are two blank lines\n"+
"But don't convert non-trailing backslashes, like: \"\t\" and \'\\\'");
EDIT Actually, it would be better have Perl/Python style multi-line, where it starts and ends with a special code on one line (""" for python, I think).
Is there a simpler, saner, clearer way (maybe not using sed)?
Is there a simpler, saner, clearer way.
Forget the pre-processor, live with the limitation, complain about it (so that it will maybe be fixed in Java 7 or 8), and use an IDE to ease the pain.
Other alternatives (too troublesome I suppose, but still better than messing with the compilation process):
use a JVM-based language that does support here-docs
externalize the string into a resource file
A perl one-liner:
perl -0777 -pe 's/\\\n/\\n/g'
This will read either stdin or the file(s) named after it on the command line and write the output to stdout.
If you're using an editor that supports filtering, like vi or emacs, just filter your text through the above command and you're done:
If you're using Windows and have to worry about \r :
C:\> perl -0777 -pe "s/\\\r?\n/\\n/g"
although I think win32 Perl handles \r itself so this may be unnecessary.
The -0777 option is a special case of the -0 (that's a zero) option that defines the line or record separator. In this case, it means that we don't want any separator so read the entire file in as a single string.
The -pe option is a combination of -p (process line-by-line and print the result) and -e (next argument is (a line of) the program to execute)
A perl script to what you asked for.
while (<>) {
print $_;
if (/\\$/) {
print "n";
} else {
print "\n";
sed 's/\x5c\x5c$/\x22\x5c\x5cn\x22/'
Hex for backslash and double quote is \x5c and \x22 respectively - it needs to be escaped so \x5c is doubled and the $ anchors to the end of the line.
Updated again per OP comment:
sed "{:a;N;\$!b a};s/\x5c\x5c\n/\x5c\x5cn/g"
The :a creates a label and the N appends a line to the pattern space, the b a branches back to the label :a except when its the last line $!;
After its all loaded - a single line substitution replaces all occurrences of a newline \n with a literal '\n' using the hex ascii code \x5c for the backslash.