pick image from internet in flutter - flutter

I wonder whether is any way to pick images from web in a flutter app??
I'm looking for something like whats app image picker
something like that
I've looked for many libraries but I didn't get what I'm looking for.

You can use available APIs such as Google Images API, which will provide images based on search request. Google Search API There are plenty of it available.


Spotify iPhone API search by BPM

I am implementing Spotify in my iPhone app. I want to search tracks by BPM. In Spotify, is there any API to search by BPM. Please help.
Sorry, but I don't believe that Spotify's search interface supports searching by tempo directly. You can add a "kudos" on this community thread:
The easiest way to do what you want might to be to use another metadata service to search by BPM and then cross-match your results against Spotify.

iPhone - Cover Flow

I want to integrate the Cover Flow for the images display in my iPhone Application can anyone guide me how can i do this. I found lot of tutorials on Google but not a single one is helpful
Cover flow is a private apple api so you cannot use it.
There are, however, open source alternatives like FlowCover.

iOS photo gallery - flickr

I'm working on an app for a client and the client wants absolutely everything to be shareable (using sharekit). One of the views that the client wants is a photo gallery that can be easily updated and viewed. I've looked around at folks who have done this and I particularly like the way the Obama 2012 app does it using flickr. This brings me to the question, I'm trying to use the flickr api to display a photo gallery that will allow sharekit to share the url to the image but am hitting a brick wall. I've searched for a few days now and haven't found a tutorial that shows a working example in the way I need it, if anyone has done something similar or knows a good tutorial that would be greatly appreciated.
Download the list of images using the Flickr API, and asynchronously add them to a UIScrollView inside a UINavigationController with its back button as "back". Then add a UIToolBar which has the items 'Next' and 'Previous' (use images). That will give you the look of a photo gallery.
Also, I came across this which is basically what I told you to do, but open source: http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/fgallery
I wrote a tutorial on building a media gallery using a UICollectionView. It populates from the user's photo library, but is definitely more extensible than using a 3rd party.
iPhone Programming Tutorial: Creating An Image Gallery Like Over – Part 1
Hope that helps. Cheers!

Adding photo upload to an iPhone App that's mostly HTML5/JS

I'm working on an iPhone App that's HTML5/JS displayed in a single UI Webview. I'd like to add photo upload capabilities, and I'm wondering what the best approach would be to extend the iPhone app with the necessary classes to pick a photo and upload via an API. I'd also like to trigger the display of the photo picker via JS if that's possible.
I know it's possible to use a framework like PhoneGap to do this, but I don't want to migrate the whole app to a new framework yet. Also, sorry for the "how to" type question - I normally ask about specific problems after I've exhausted my efforts, but I'm pretty new to Objective C, so I'd appreciate some guidance, even if it's just a simple design explanation.
the image picker (UIImagePicker) is fairly straightforward to work with: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIImagePickerController_Class/UIImagePickerController/UIImagePickerController.html
and for an API, are you sending it to an existing system? or creating your own. You just need to craft an NSMutableURLRequest with POSTED data in a multi-part format, and then handle the image portion appropriately in your server.
this might help: upload image from iPhone application

Iphone and Youtube api

I want to retrieve uploaded videos from a certain youtube channel and I want to display the list in a UITableView. Then when user clicks on a row the video will play. Is this possible to do with youtube API?
Im new to iPhone app development and I need to get this done asap. Can some one provide some code samples or point me in the right direction. I cant find much useful stuff on the net
Please Help
Maybe a good start is
Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library
Google Data APIs Examples