Iphone and Youtube api - iphone

I want to retrieve uploaded videos from a certain youtube channel and I want to display the list in a UITableView. Then when user clicks on a row the video will play. Is this possible to do with youtube API?
Im new to iPhone app development and I need to get this done asap. Can some one provide some code samples or point me in the right direction. I cant find much useful stuff on the net
Please Help

Maybe a good start is
Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library
Google Data APIs Examples


Using Youtube as video storage for my app

I am still relatively new to these topics.
I am programming my app in Flutter and I can already use Flutter to play a foreign video from Youtube in the app.
I want to upload in Youtube all my video resources as private to be able to display them in my app.
Is there any documentation on how to do this? What are the costs per request?
Is Youtube even right for such a mobile app?`
I was going to use Firebase cloud storage, but think that can get very expensive once I release the app.
What other options would I have?
This question isn't really suitable for StackOverflow, since it's basically just asking whether you can use YouTube.
That being said, as long as you don't violate the T&C of YouTube and you're fine with storing all your videos on their platform, yes, you can do this. Using YouTube this way is free as of now. But note that there is a difference between "private" and "unlisted".
You can create a profile on youtube, upload as many videos as you want and list them as unlisted, meaning you can only find the video if you have the link, then in your app link the vides to whatever selection method you have. so ex I have a button when clicked launches a specific unlisted youtube url link and plays the video.
It would be the same as if someone was searching your video publicly and playing it, both are free.

Flutter - Create Livestreaming Application that are shared realtime to Facebook and Youtube

I want to create a live streaming application but I don't know where to start.
I am using flutter and would like to know from you guys what do I need to consider when creating a livestreaming application?
Some questions:
1.) Is it possible to create livestream videos that will be directly (and in realtime) be shared to Facebook Live and Youtube Live while capturing it on the application?
2.) What about the comments in the application, as well as aggregating the comments from Facebook and Youtube, is it also possible get them all in the application?
3.) And all of this using flutter?
Thanks in advance, I am looking forward for your inputs.

Wanted to know favorite play list songs of end users, should be on server or client side(sqlite) iPhone sdk?

Actually i am developing an app like net flix and in that i need to save favorite songs of end user, i am playing http live streamed videos and also i need to save played time of an video so that end user would be able to play a song from where he has left this song rather then just play it again from beginning.
They are sending me url of streamed videos in following format
so my question is that
What should be the best option to save user's favorite songs according to streamed url, means net flix kind of app having favorite songs in client side or at server side.what should be the preferred one and i am using MPMediaPlayerController from apple MoviePlayer sample app code.
If some one has any idea and want to know any thing more from my side then i will be available. I am and will be highly obliged for your any help.
Sorry but my English is not good and i don't know how to play with words.
Any small help or suggestion would be much appreciated.
Preferably your best option here looks like server side;
Saving the Data When you are removed from the application should be ultimately dealt with on the execution of the app to close.
you have multiple options when doing server Side Calls, One i found to be the best is ASIHTTPRequestDelegate
this has worked wonders and is fairly easy to learn.
You may even want to look into a REST method of pulling Video Feeds, may be a Faster and more secure approach.
hope this Helped! :)

iOS photo gallery - flickr

I'm working on an app for a client and the client wants absolutely everything to be shareable (using sharekit). One of the views that the client wants is a photo gallery that can be easily updated and viewed. I've looked around at folks who have done this and I particularly like the way the Obama 2012 app does it using flickr. This brings me to the question, I'm trying to use the flickr api to display a photo gallery that will allow sharekit to share the url to the image but am hitting a brick wall. I've searched for a few days now and haven't found a tutorial that shows a working example in the way I need it, if anyone has done something similar or knows a good tutorial that would be greatly appreciated.
Download the list of images using the Flickr API, and asynchronously add them to a UIScrollView inside a UINavigationController with its back button as "back". Then add a UIToolBar which has the items 'Next' and 'Previous' (use images). That will give you the look of a photo gallery.
Also, I came across this which is basically what I told you to do, but open source: http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/fgallery
I wrote a tutorial on building a media gallery using a UICollectionView. It populates from the user's photo library, but is definitely more extensible than using a 3rd party.
iPhone Programming Tutorial: Creating An Image Gallery Like Over – Part 1
Hope that helps. Cheers!

Creating YouTube videos in iPhone app

I'm doing a project where we want to create a video inside an iPhone app and upload it to YouTube. I've seen the you upload the video using Google's Data API (http://code.google.com/p/gdata-objectivec-client/).
However it seems that you need to upload the movie as an actual movie. Has anyone got any experience on making a movie in a format that YouTube will accept via the Data API and care to give me a few pointers on what would work?
(Just a quick note, I cannot use hidden APIs for this project)
Many thanks
Youtube accepts a broad range of formats. Just try it yourself, use any free video editing software to create a short movie and upload that movie to youtube, you're almost guaranteed that youtube would be able to process that.
The second part of your question is whether ios is able to produce a movie from still frames, then the answer is - yes - and you want to look at AVFoundation, particularly at AVAssetWriter