iPhone - Cover Flow - iphone

I want to integrate the Cover Flow for the images display in my iPhone Application can anyone guide me how can i do this. I found lot of tutorials on Google but not a single one is helpful

Cover flow is a private apple api so you cannot use it.
There are, however, open source alternatives like FlowCover.


pick image from internet in flutter

I wonder whether is any way to pick images from web in a flutter app??
I'm looking for something like whats app image picker
something like that
I've looked for many libraries but I didn't get what I'm looking for.
You can use available APIs such as Google Images API, which will provide images based on search request. Google Search API There are plenty of it available.

iPhone User Interface steps online demo

I've designed the User Interface of an iPhone app and I wish to show an online demo of that consisting for the moment of a series of static images representing the main steps of the app.
According to you what is the best way to do this simulation?
You know, something like a series of single webpage, optimized for mobile, containing a single image linking to the next step, but I was wondering if exists a much elegant and sophisticated solution, with a transition effect for example or other features.
I hope I was clear enough :)
Any help will be sincerely appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
This sounds like a good use for Briefs Briefs App Website. This pretty much allows you to create an interface and step through it as if it were an application. I believe you'll need to have a developer account to run the app that will read the brief on your phone (since it wasn't able to be released in the app store).
An alternative to static images would be to make a video. I use the iShowU video screen capture tool and set it to record the iPhone/iPad simulator window. I then run through the screens, type inputs, etc. In addition to recording the video, the program records my voice as I narrate the app's features.
As to transition effects, the video will capture whatever transition animations are in your program.
In the end you have a video that you could give your user, put on YouTube, or whatever.
You can do this easily and for free on AppDemoStore. You just have to upload the app screenshots and then add hotspots which are used for the navigation through the demo.
AppDemoStore offers also the sophisticated features you are asking for:
iPhone specific transition effects such as slide up/down/left/right, fade and flip
gestures icons for the hotspots
text boxes and callouts
multiple hotspots on a screen in order to create a simulation of the app (and not just a linear demo)
Here's a sample demo: http://www.appdemostore.com/demo?id=1699008
Moreover, the demos created on AppDemoStore run in any browser and mobile device and can be embedded in your webpage or blog (like you do it with a YouTube video). With the FREE account, you can create up to 10 demos with unlimited screenshots and all the features specified above.

iphone learn to design and create own GUI

I want to know what is good start point to work on creating own GUI on iphone/objective-c. I've never done this part before, and I know I'm kinda attracted to make my own slick GUI, something like convertbot, which I really love :)
Any suggestion would be appreciated! Thanks
You might want to check out the Design Then Code tutorials written by Mike Rundle. I've heard good things about them.
Also, Tapworthy is a good read for those wanting to learn about designing interfaces for iPhone.
Interface builder is quite powerful to build UI. However you could start creating custom views in objective-c and that would mean learing how to write code in objective-c.
To be a little more complete, you could have included Fireworks among the apps that can be used to design for iPhone. I hope you won’t mind me plugging it here :)
Adobe Fireworks (http://www.adobe.com/fireworks) is also an excellent application for designing and prototyping for the iPhone. With this vector toolkit from MetaSpark (http://blog.metaspark.com/2009/02/fireworks-toolkit-for-creating-iphone-ui-mockups/), you can use the iPhone interface elements in Fireworks to quickly create prototypes. Fireworks has a nice feature called Pages, that allows designing each of the screens of your iPhone app. Then you can use the Hotspots feature to link buttons to the various Pages/screens in your app. Very quick and easy.
Luke Kilpatrick shows Robert Scoble how this is done in this video: http://www.building43.com/videos/2009/06/23/mockup-iphone-app-adobe-fireworks/
When your design is complete, you have several options for sharing it with clients and other stakeholders:
+ Export to PDF from Fireworks, which you can send to clients to review using the commenting features in the PDF
+ Export to HTML and Images from Fireworks to view your prototype in the Browser
+ Export to AIR from Fireworks to create an AIR prototype
+ Export to HTML and a Dreamweaver Library from Fireworks and use this jQuery trick (http://unitid.nl/2009/04/prototyping-for-the-iphone-using-fireworks-cs3/) to get the app running on your iPhone without learning Objective C. The jQuery hides the Safari Chrome so it looks and feels like a native app, but ti is running in the Safari browser on the iPhone.
+ Use jQTouch (http://www.jqtouch.com/) which uses a similar method to the above
I’m hearing of people using Fireworks to design and prototype for all kinds of mobile devices such as the ,iPhone 4, iPhone 4 Cases, Palm webOS (Pre and Pixi), BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile, etc. In fact, people use it for other screen design too, set-top boxes like the TiVo, PS3, Xbox, interactive kiosks, proprietary medical devices, in car interface screens – really any device with a screen.
Pat Siregar
Read Apple's Human Interface Guidelines:
There is a lot of useful information there about how to design good UI's.
Once you are familiar and have practiced the things mentioned there, then you can think about designing more complex UI elements.

how would i implement the image processing technology within this iphone application?

Just a quick question on the iphone technology within this business card reader
as we can see this video allows users to take a photo of a business card, i have an idea where i would take a photo of some text , and that photo could then be turned into text on the iphone. how would i be able to implement this using the iOS API ?
cheers guys
The camera stuff is all standard-- use the UIImagePickerController for this.
Text recognition (OCR) is not a built in part of the iOS API, though, so that part really isn't trivial. There are multiple open-source projects that can handle this sort of thing if you want to go after them.
Tesseract is an older but possibly viable one. Check out this post which has info on cross compiling it for iOS.
Other users here might have more current recommendations.

UIImagePickerController with my images

I'm developing an app and I wish use the UIImagePickerController but I wish let the user to choose some images saved into my app, not the photolibrary.. it's possible to do this??
thanks in advance!!
The short answer is that that's not the way UIImagePickerController is designed, unfortunately. I've seen several projects have to reimplement this feature in their own (different) ways before moving forwards.
As a good first pass tutorial at this problem I would recommend this site
It relies on a simple UIScrollView and custom views to do the job. I've also seen solutions to the problem that use custom UITableViews as well as a couple other solutions.
No you can't. You can either select from the photo library or take a new picture. This is probably one of the most annoying things I've come across in the API. If you have to have this functionality, you will have to find an open source version or develop your own UIImagePickerController. I have used this with some success.