Is there a way to handle a mouseover event on React-Vis Crosshair? - react-vis

I tried applying a handler to the object directly, without effect:
<Crosshair values{...} onMouseOver={() => {console.log("hello world")}} />
Is this perhaps harder than I expected...?


Use Template on Invisible Table for inserting into existing bound sap.m.Table

Excuse the confusing language but hopefully this makes sense: (see code for more clear explanation)
I have a requirement to display a list of "spare parts" in an sap.m.Table but there is the ability if one of these "spare parts" has a related "spare part" (e.g. A heavy duty version, a light version, etc) , that you can click a button on the row and display these related "spare parts" by inserting them immediately below the "spare part" in question.
While I can get the sap.m.Table doing what I want to do, I would like to take advantage of templates and binding to create a temporary sap.m.Table; bind it to the relationship that returns these alternate spare parts; and reuse the template for a row to give me an array of ColumnListItems which I can insert into the Table at the right place.
Unfortunately, doing this, a sap.m.Table has a feature that if it is not displayed, it doesn't actually make the Odata call and leverage the template function.
To explain possibly much clearer, refer to this jsbin:,js,output
Any better ideas on how to generate template output for a binding without using a sap.m.Table; or alternative, getting the sap.m.Table to make the call without placing it on the screen visible (temporarily)?
The specific code to look at is as follows:
var oTable2 = new sap.m.Table();
oTable2.attachUpdateFinished(function() {
console.log("But this one doesn't");
// What I'm trying to do here is insert these entries below Key 1
oTable2.bindAggregation("items", {
path: "/ExampleSecondaryValues",
template: oTemplate,
Back from Holidays now and solved this problem with a bit of brute force by simply enhancing/extending the sap.m.table control slightly.
The problem was if the control was invisible, nothing was rendered, and some optimisation within UI5 core means that in the case nothing is rendered, the AfterRender event is not called on the control and this event is what fires the UpdateFinished event.
I won't debate whether that optimisation is appropriate or not, but to fix this I simply extended the table control with a new control which looks like as follows:
sap.m.Table.extend("my.InvisibleTable", {
renderer: function(oRm, oControl) {
e.g. Simply always rendering something in the render function, causes the AfterRender event to be called; which in turns allows the sap.m.Table to fire the UpdateFinished event which allows me to then safely get the rendered template items to insert in my visible table.
Would love to know a much better way of doing this (possibly using the template control or similar), but this works okay to solve the problem.

Why is `this` binded to window?

I need to get a href value after click. My code looks like this:
$('.menu a').click (event) =>
console.log($(this).attr('href')) # it returns 'undefined'
What am I doing wrong?
My html code:
<div class="menu">
This is because of the subtle difference in Coffeescript between => and ->
In JavaScript, the this keyword is dynamically scoped to mean the
object that the current function is attached to. If you pass a
function as a callback or attach it to a different object, the
original value of this will be lost. If you're not familiar with this
behavior, this Digital Web article gives a good overview of the
The fat arrow => can be used to both define a function, and to bind it
to the current value of this, right on the spot. This is helpful when
using callback-based libraries like Prototype or jQuery, for creating
iterator functions to pass to each, or event-handler functions to use
with bind. Functions created with the fat arrow are able to access
properties of the this where they're defined.
This is why this is binded to window.
You should use:
$('.menu a').click (event) ->
console.log($(this).attr('href')) # it returns the link !

How to handle UI animation events with knockout

So right now I have a table that displays some values and I have an indicator for conflicts. When the user clicks the indicator a new div appears with some animation to list all the conflicts.
Here is my HTML:
<span data-bind="if: hasConflict, click: $parent.selectProperty" class="conflictWarn"><i style="color: darkorange; cursor:pointer;" class="icon-warning-sign"></i></span>
The data might look something like this:
name:Property 1,
id: 1,
hasConflicts: no,
name:Property 2,
id: 2,
hasConflicts: yes,
conflicts: {
name: conflict1,
name: conflict2
name:Property 3,
id: 3,
hasConflicts: yes,
conflicts: {
name: conflicta,
name: conflictb
So the first table is going to look like this:
Property 1
Property 2 !
Property 3 !
Where ! is a conflict indicator. Clicking on the ! would display the conflicts div and also display conflict1 and conflict2 or conflicta and conflictb depending on which was clicked.
Here is the model we are working with. It's a bit complex because of the mapping for the properties from signalr. the "selectProperty" and "selectedProperty" was our way of saying which one to display conflicts for, but I'm not convinced this is the best way to do it.
function ItemViewModel() {
var self = this; = ko.observable("");
self.itemType = ko.observable("");
self.propertiesArray = ko.observableArray([]); = ko.mapping.fromJS({});
self.selectedPropertyName = ko.observable("");
self.getItem = function (name) {
$.connection.mainHub.server.getItem(name).then(function (item) {
self.selectProperty = function (a, b) {
Originally the click event directly called a javascript function that did all the animation, but my coworker thought that might violate best practices for separating data and viewmodel in MVVM. Does it? Should we leave it calling the viewmodel function of "selectProperty" which allows us to pass context for the "conflicts popup" div? If so, do I just call the javascript function to do the animation from within the selectProperty function?
p.s. I've edited this about 800 times so I apologize if it's impossible to follow.
update I have the bindings working now, so I really just want to know what is best practice when it comes to UI animations and Knockout. Change the viewmodel from the javascript function or call the javascript function from the viewmodel function?
Regarding UI animations in my opinion it is best practice to implement custom bindings. This way code is encapsulated and it is easy to find where it is used. Check Animated transitions example on knockout website.
i'm going to extends Thomas answer with one point, custom bindings don't work when you want to animate the rendering / unrendering of the 'if' or 'with' bindings. an animation binding that tries to run at the same time as an 'if' or 'with' won't be able to complete the animation before the other binding alters the DOM, possibly removing the elements being animated from the page. there is no way to defer the binding processing until after the event completes.
for these cases animations should be implemented via the 'afterAdd' and 'beforeRemove' callbacks of the 'foreach' binding when the desire is to animate an element being added and removed from the page. 'if' and 'with' bindings can be rewritten as 'foreach' with little effort, as 'foreach' can take a single argument instead of a list. i really wish the animation tutorial would be extended to include this workaround.

autocomplete select listener

I would like to use a method in rich:autocomplete component much the same way like ValueChangeListener, the problem is that I cannot submit the form in order for the Listener to get fired, that's why I wanted to ask you how could I intercept an event in order to execute a Listener in my backing bean. I have tried this:
<rich:autocomplete id="autocompleteOficina"
value="#{agenciaDM.oficinaSeleccionada}" converter="entityConverter"
var="oficina" fetchValue="#{oficina.label}" showButton="true">
<a4j:ajax event="change" listener="#{oficinaController.empresaSearchSelectedListener}"></a4j:ajax>
<h:outputText value="#{oficina.label}" />
I have also tried the select event, but no one executed the Listener, why is it not fired?.
Could you please enclose it inside
Also please check the listener method signature in the backing bean

Eclipse RCP: how to observe the states of the cut/copy/paste commands?

I'm currently struggling with the following Eclipse RCP commands:
I'm using them as command contributions in the toolbar, but the UIElements (toolbar items) are not updated when the 'handled' state of those commands changes.
For testing I used a polling mechanism to verify that the state of those commands really changes depending on the currently focussed element, and I found out that the handler remains the same but the handler's 'handled' state changes properly, causing the commands 'handled' state to also change properly.
The only problem is, that neither one of those state changes causes a notification (neither on the command's ICommandListener, nor on the handler's IHandlerListener), so the UIElements won't get updated.
Here's some testing code to observe the states of a Command:
ICommandService commandService = (ICommandService) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(ICommandService.class);
final String commandId="org.eclipse.ui.edit.copy";
Command command = commandService.getCommand(commandId);
command.addCommandListener(new ICommandListener() {
public void commandChanged (CommandEvent commandEvent) {
System.out.println(">> Command changed: " + commandId);
Am I missing something, or is this an bug in the cut/copy/paste handler implementations?
Any insights?
The commands are enabled all the time, and the handler is never exchanged, only the handler's 'handled' state (and thus also the commmand's 'handled' state) changes depending on which ui element has the focus. There is however no notification when this state changes.
This results in the toolbar buttons always being enabled, and pressing them will cause a org.eclipse.core.commands.NotHandledException: There is no handler to execute for command.
The handler which is registered for the cut/copy/paste commands is org.eclipse.ui.internal.handlers.WidgetMethodHandler. This handler checks if a given method is declared on the current display's focus control. When executed, that handler will invoke the method using reflection.
Snippet from WidgetMethodHandler:
public final boolean isHandled() {
return getMethodToExecute() != null;
The getMethodToExecute() will locate the current focus control using Display.getCurrent().getFocusControl(), and then check if the given trigger method is declared on it.
Widgets such as org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text have cut(), copy() and paste() methods, so when the focus is on such a widget, the handler will return 'true' for isHandled().
This handler is however not aware when the current focus control changes (I think there isn't even a way to observe this on the Display), and thus can't notify about changes on its dynamic 'isHandled' state.
This results in the cut/copy/paste commands being fine for popup menus, but they're quite problematic when used in toolbars, as their UI elements can't be updated properly when the handler does no notifications.
This leaves me with either not using those commands in the toolbar, or having a polling mechansim to update the ui elements (which is also bad and error prone). :-(
Your problem is that you need to register a handler for anything that is not a text because Eclipse needs to know how to copy the currently selected "something" to the clipboard. That's what a handler does. This article in the Eclipse wiki will get you started how to create and register a handler.
I could be wrong, but the source of the problem is that the handler is always enabled.
See Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Programmer's Guide > Plugging into the workbench > Basic workbench extension points using commands > Handlers.
The <activeWhen/> expressions in the
plugin.xml and programmatic core
expressions are used to help determine
the scope of a handlers activation.
For example, a specific window, a
specific Shell, an active part type or
active part.