Why does Cumulative Layout Shift differ between PageSpeed Insights and Search Console? - google-search-console

Why does the Cumulative Layout Shift metric reported in Google's speed measurement tools, like Lighthouse/PageSpeed Insights differ from what is reported in Search Console?

There is some nuance to how PageSpeed Insights (PSI) and Search Console report on Cumulative Layout Shift. The lab portion (Lighthouse) of PSI measures CLS until Lighthouse considers a page fully loaded. It does not measure beyond page-load.
Search Console and the field portion of the PSI uses Chrome User Experience Report data and measures CLS until unload, stopping reporting after pagehidden (i.e this is inclusive of CLS beyond page-load). What this means is that the reporting you see in different tools can vary based on the window of time we are able to look at.
Lab tools like Lighthouse have to define a shorter window because they are focused on the experience during page load and optimize for delivering information about the experience quickly. Field data is able to take a more holistic view of the user-experience, which could include shifts caused after a page has loaded and the user has scrolled down to other interactions contributing to CLS.


Why is the number of mobile-friendly pages on Google Search Console Mobile Usability report less than the number of pages indexed?

The Mobile Usability report for one of the websites I maintain is currently showing 215 Valid (mobile-friendly pages). At the same time, the Coverage report shows that a total of 399 pages are Valid (have been indexed).
I downloaded a list of all the URLs that have been indexed and a list of all URLs that are currently considered mobile-friendly pages. Then I compared the two lists and started checking several of the URLs that are indexed but not shown as mobile-friendly using the URL Inspection tool.
The URL Inspection results for all of the URLs that I have checked show the page as mobile-friendly. An example is shown below:
The Mobile Usability report shows 5 URLs with Errors, so I have information about 220 of the total number of indexed URLS.
I would like to understand what does it mean that there are some URLs that are currently indexed, but are not considered mobile-friendly nor have important mobile usability issues.
Additional info:
Two months ago (around November 15), the number of mobile-friendly pages had increased to 248 with no pages showing Errors. That number started to decrease until it reached the current value, but a corresponding number of errors wasn't reported.
It is like some pages were simply removed from the Mobile Usability report, but for no explicit reason.
The number of indexed pages increased by 1 during that same period of time.
There was a Google Search Update on November 25 indicating that some reports will show data primarily from mobile-first indexing. Unfortunately is still not clear to me why indexed pages > ( mobile-friendly pages + pages with mobile issues).
Is it incorrect to expect errors to show for all indexed URLs that are not considered mobile-friendly?
Thank you for taking the time to review this question.
Same problem here across multiple sites. Zero errors yet initially a rise in pages then a decrease to current levels which represents roughly half my total indexed pages. I have spent many days researching and trying a variety of tests to see if I could figure it out. All to no avail. I have changed internal links, menus, footers, sitemaps, removed javascript etc... None of the data showed any changes related to anything I have done nor is there any correlation between websites. The only thing I can see is that they seem to be prioritizing roughly according to page value (amount of internal links and proximity of links to home page), as menu items and linked pages from home page do get represented more, but I could not trigger any changes by playing with those factors. I am not seeing any mobile SERP issues related to it so I have temporarily given up.
In the end, I can only reason that Google is prioritizing getting everyone on mobile first so they are only allocating resources (caching, indexing, crawling budget) to what it deems are important pages on each website until they finish mobile first indexing all websites.
I have also been searching for others with the same problem but you are the first that I have found that has posted about it.
Google is using mobile spiders and it seems that google spiders have difficulties distinguishing mobile and desktop pages, and if not properly set, it sees less mobile pages than actually exist

Does Facebook's personal ranking algorithm leak external profile data?

I recently came across this script that extracts friend rank data from the currently logged-in Facebook profile and presents it as a table.
After trying the script personally, I became puzzled as to why certain individuals were consistently ranked higher than others. The rank seems to refresh daily, so I have experimented with various user interaction, and this shifts many entries appropriately; however, the same 'certain individual(s)' would often (with no discernible interaction) arbitrarily move up in rank.
My question is this: is it possible that this rank is being affected by other, external profile's usage data/habits?
In the interests of privacy, it seems very unlikely that anything but personal habits would influence this ranking, but my own and other peoples' usage anecdotes seem to suggest 'arbitrary' movement that would only be explained by external data.
I cannot seem to find a definitive answer to this elsewhere.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Specifying oCPM Bid Geared for Actions (Offsite Conversions)

My question is regarding how to combine a campaign set for Optimized-CPM bidding and the conversion spec for an off-site pixel conversion to delivery impressions focused on generating more off-site conversions.
My secondary question is how to correctly set the maximum CPM cost for receiving impressions specifcally geared towards those actions.
I have gone back and forth with facebook, developers, co-workers and spent hours researching this issue online. According to the facebook developers guides, it appears like it is possible to use the API to process the requests above in a fairly simple manner. However, I am trying to figure out how to go about setting these values using either the Facebook Ads interface or the Power Editor. The issue I am experiencing is that even after I have set an advertisement to the oCPM setting and even after I have requested it to track and focus on generating off-site conversions I cannot edit the field for specifying the impression cost. Regardless of what I do on my end in the power editor, the action box remains grey and cannot be edited.
Can anyone let me know if they have experience with this issue and may have a solution?

What is the adoption of Web Form Autofill tools?

So I've been having a cordial debate with my coworkers (developers and designers) about the autofill tools for web forms. This is an important development question as it affects how forms might be built.
Q) What is the adoption of autofill tools, such as Google Toolbar or Chrome's built in feature?
Q) What are the most popular autofill tools?
Discussion appreciated. First answer with a reputable study gets the award.
Personally, I do not like auto-fill tools, and toolbars for that matter. Aside from the loss of screen real estate, there's too much bloat that comes with them. Also, with the way browsers versions are increasing, auto form fill applications are sometimes not supported in newer, more modern browsers.
I've worked in Government, Law enforcement, health care, and other public and private institutions and I have yet to see a good working form autofill tool, and if I did find a good one I can grantee that someone will be calling tech support because they submitted X amount of items with the exact same data.
HTML Forms can be built many ways, and forcing someone to build it a specific way is going to limit people, thus a form should be able to be built however someone wants, hopefully following W3C standards.
That being said, the most intuitive ones are those built into an application - where the developers/BA's create the auto-fill rules based on business cases and the correct algorithms, where users can define specific fields and parameters for data in those fields. Forcing an application to be built to match a 3rd party auto fill tool, which could change at any moment, or not be supported in the future, seems risky, I hear bells.
As far as revenue concerns, or a revenue stream for such a venture, you have to have an insight on the types of users that would use this software.
A form filler needs to be more than a generic: "This is a login page, let's put a username / password in". or a contact page "This is the previous data you used for a contact me page, fill it in".
A previous system I developed was an Action Item tracking system, with build in workflow / document management. Users asked for an auto fill for these items, which on the first request seemed utterly insane (demented is the word I wanted to say, but my manager helped me keep it bottled up). How would an auto-fill utility know exactly what to fill - but as I talked to the customer they expressed the following, which is valid for all autofill tools:
When I enter in a value say "Jane Smith" for "assign this task to", it would be nice if your system would automatically put "In Progress" for the item, as I always select "In Progress" as the status for this user.
As well, this worked for other users and fields as well. There was a specific flow on how this user entered data. "Jane Smith" items were always set to a specific department, status, and if the Item Type was say "correspondence" the Estimated Time was always 8 hours.
That type of auto-fill is what we custom made for them, and they payed well for it because it saved them a lot of time, mouse movements etc. AutoFill the way it is now is annoying at best for some people. But it's the pattern of the data that matters. It has to be intuitive and learn.
Once we developed this (it was easier because it was our application, we knew what was going on), about 90% of our customers jumped on board in the first week because of the time savings, sanity savings, and they didn't need to do ANYTHING to set it up - which was key.

Suggestions for a web-based streaming charting tool

Afternoon all,
I'm looking for a way of presenting near realtime data using line charts within my web application. Specifically, my requirements are as follows:
It should support zooming (with the mouse wheel too!), scrolling, selecting different time ranges, etc.
It should support presenting data at multiple resolutions within a single chart. The default view would be the past 24 hours (using data at one minute resolution), but if the user zoomed out or browsed back further in time then lower resolution data would be used. On the daily view, we'll have 1440 points per line (there'll be at least two). If we lower this to hourly averages when zoomed out further, we're looking at 720 points per month per line. We can lower the resolution further after that too.
Ideally, if the user zoomed into a historical date the graph would poll a server to see if high resolution data was available for that period, and if so, fetch it and update the graph area.
Streaming data support. Namely, the graph would fetch deltas every X minutes and append them to the graph.
We're open to using Flash, Java, Silverlight or pure Javascript for the presentation layer, although Flash would probably be the strongest preference.
I've spent a fair bit of time looking around for something that would fit the bill here and have (surprisingly) not found much. Here's some brief notes from my research:
a) Google Finance charts are pretty much exactly what I want to achieve, but it seems that their public version of these charts (the Annotated Timeline Chart) is comparatively very limited. It does not allow for streaming data, and if you want to redraw graph data (e.g. when changing the selected date range) you get a nasty flicker as the chart area reloads with the new data.
b) Timepedia Chronoscope charts sound promising at first glance, with support for incremental data loading. However, there seems to be no documentation or examples of this (all examples use a static dataset from .js files)
c) We've seen charts such as Open Flash Chart and others like this, but they don't have the "wow factor" that Google Finance charts do.
Any suggestions welcome!
I would suggest Highcharts - very neat SVG and javascript-based charts. There's also an example called Live Random Data which updates a spline ever second - this would be useful for your streaming requirements. The zooming and scrolling is available: Master Detail Chart, but everything depends on how much data you'll be pointing out.
In my experiments earlier this year, I managed to have around 20 graphs with over 40 plots each running smoothly in Firefox, but more than that could give out tiny delays, so in that sense yeah, you'll be better off with Flash, although I doubt that anybody would be able to read 20 splines at a time ;)
Hope that helped. Cheers!