How to resize a texture for meters in ARKit - arkit

I need to tile a texture across a plane with updating geometry (floor fill), and I need the texture to be scaled to fit real-world dimensions in centimeters. It is a square floor tile of 50cm, and the texture size is 1024 pixels. How do I convert pixels to meters in ARKit? i know that I have to use SCNMatrix4MakeScale on the SCNMaterial diffuse.contentsTransform but not sure what properties to set to get it accurate.

What you might do is use the physical size of SCNNode that you are working with and determine how much squares of 50x50cm could it fit. After you get this coefficient, use it inside the contentsTransform to achieve needed behavior. Please refer to this answer for code snippets and more hints that you might find useful.


ARKit use Lidar mesh to smooth estimated planes

I'm trying to use ARKit's mesh scene reconstruction (with lidar) data to improve detected plane/geometry detection.
Right now, when pointing to a surface, ARKit gives me a very rough rectangle (far from actual surface's dimension). It happens almost instantly, but still far from the actual shape.
I'm trying to use this plane info, hit detection, and mesh data, to actually draw a smoothed rectangle around the detected surface. I don't expect full code, but rather just some hints of what to do.
Note: I'm using SceneKit (not RealityKit).
This is what I have so far for visualization:
Basically, I want the blue rectangle to better adjust to the real world shape by using the already available mesh data.
instead of using plane extents, use anchor.geometry

Drawing a shape with dimensions in millimeters

I have dimensions in millimeters (mostly rectangles and squares) and I'm trying to draw them to their size.
Something like so 6.70 x 4.98 x 3.33 mm.
I really won't be using the depth in the object but just threw it in.
New to drawing shapes with my hands ;)
Screens are typically measured in pixels (android) or points (ios). Both amount to the old standard of 72 pts/in. Though, now we have devices with different pixel ratios. To figure out an exact size would mean you need to determine the current device's screen size and it's pixel ratio. Both can be done with WidgetsBinding.instance.window... Then you just do the math from there to convert those measurements to mm.
However, this seems like an odd requirement so you may just be asking how to draw a square of an exact size. You may want to look into the Canvas/Paint API which can be used in conjunction with a CustomPainter. Another option is a Stack with some Position.fromRect or .fromRelativeRect and draw them using that setup.

Fix material with no texture?

I made a new diffused material for grass in unity5 when applied it to a somrthing small in size it has all the details of the texture grass image but when applied the same material to a much larger objects only solid color is visible with no details of the texture.
refer the down given image.
both the cube and the floor has same material.
Increase the tiling. The image will stretch to be 1 x 1 on a huge object the way you have it in your image. The higher the tile count the more the image will be repeated across the object.
Be aware the x and y values may be different to one another depending on the dimensions of the gameobject it is attached to.

pixel to pixel transformation

I am having a problem transferring the position of some objects in still image (RGB image ) into 2D view of the room where the image had been taken.I have the coordinates of about 3 objects in the image (i mean X,y coordinate ) as well as the distance between them and I want to transfer the position of these 3 objects into the plan view .
Any help is much appreciated
You will probably need to clarify your question, but if I'm reading it the right way, it coult be as simple as taking the ratio from one object to another.
For example, if your sensor is 640px wide, and that covers a horizontal length of 10 meters, then you know that every 64 pixels represents one meter in the real world.
Bare in mind that this assumes the objects in the real world are at in the same plane, orthogonal to the lens vector. If objects are in different planes (depths), then you have a bigger problem in your hands.

Is there a way to figure out 3D distance/view angle from a 2D environment using the iPhone/iPad camera?

Maybe I'm asking this too soon in my research, but I'd better know if this is possible sooner than later.
Imagine I have the following square printed on a paper on top of a table:
The table is brown, so it does not match with any of the colors in the square. Is there a way for me, from a common iPhone camera (non-stereo view), to figure out the distance and angle from which Im looking at the square in the table?
In the end what I'm looking for is being able to draw a 3D square on top of this one using the camera image, but I'm not sure if I am going to be able to figure out the distance and position of the object in space using only a 2D image. Any hints are well appreciated.
Short answer:
Big answer:
First posterize, Then vectorize, With the vectors in your power you may need to do some math tricks to define, based on the vectors position, the perspective and then the camera position.
Maybe this help:
Oughta be possible. Scan the image for the red/blue/yellow pattern, then do edge detection to figure out how warped the squares are (they'll be parallelograms in anything but straight-on view). Distance would depend on the camera's zoom setting and scan resolution. But basically you'd count how many pixels are visible in each of the squares, run that past the camera's specs and you should be able to determine a rough distance.