Fix material with no texture? - unity3d

I made a new diffused material for grass in unity5 when applied it to a somrthing small in size it has all the details of the texture grass image but when applied the same material to a much larger objects only solid color is visible with no details of the texture.
refer the down given image.
both the cube and the floor has same material.

Increase the tiling. The image will stretch to be 1 x 1 on a huge object the way you have it in your image. The higher the tile count the more the image will be repeated across the object.
Be aware the x and y values may be different to one another depending on the dimensions of the gameobject it is attached to.


Why is my Unity plane seemingly 10 times too big

I'm a relative Unity noob. I have a fairly simple scene. Currently in the following you will see a plane (object WorldTilemapGfx) and 2 sprites (Tile C: 0 R: 0, and Tile C: 1 R: 0).
In the following picture you see I've selected one of the sprites. Its scale is 1 x 1, and its at position 1, 0.
Now I select the other sprite.
So far the positions and sizes seem ok.
Now if I select the game object with a "plane" mesh it shows in the inspector as scale 2, 1. This is the scale I expect since it is supposed to be as wide as two of the tiles above, and as high as only 1 of them.
However its visually 10 times too big.
If I increase the X scale of one of my tiles by 10, then the relative sizes between tile and plane look ok
Also the image used for my tile is 256 x 256.
Can someone suggest what I am missing? Thanks.
See Unity Mesh Primitives
This is a flat square with edges ten units long oriented in the XZ plane of the local coordinate space. It is textured so that the whole image appears exactly once within the square. A plane is useful for most kinds of flat surface, such as floors and walls. A surface is also needed sometimes for showing images or movies in GUI and special effects. Although a plane can be used for things like this, the simpler quad primitive is often a more natural fit to the task.
The quad primitive resembles the plane but its edges are only one unit long and the surface is oriented in the XY plane of the local coordinate space. Also, a quad is divided into just two triangles whereas the plane contains two hundred. A quad is useful in cases where a scene object must be used simply as a display screen for an image or movie. Simple GUI and information displays can be implemented with quads, as can particles, sprites
and “impostor” images that substitute for solid objects viewed at a distance.
Ok.. confirmed using a Quad gave me what I expected in scale.. I now understand that the underlying plane mesh is actually 10 x 10 in size.,The%20plane%20is%20a%2010x10%20unit%20mesh.,a%20quick%20floor%20or%20wall.

How to create a large terrain with tile-level properties?

I need to create a 3D large terrain (say 2000x2000) where I need to track properties of the terrain surface at 1x1 resolution. For example, I want to keep track of how much grass or stones is in 1x1 area, which may change as game progresses depending on resource consumption. Based on that I want change visual appearance of that 1x1 area. What are my options?
While I have created a 1x1 tile that tracks above properties, I have read it may not scale for the size of my terrain. Also, aligning each title with varying terrain heights (I expect terrain to have smooth height changes but it may not exceed a few 10s of units) using projection is not easy.
I see placing a grid over terrain as another option to place objects. But not sure how to track properties at each grid cell or update 1x1 terrain area at that point.

How to feed a transform.position into shader graph?

I am trying to mask a sprite by using shader graph.
Here is a picture of what I have so far:
my problem is that when I feed the mask texture into the shader it centers itself on the main texture, as you see in this image.
See the slightly transparent checkerboard to the right side of the character? I only want this operation to affect the parts where the checkerboard intercepts with the character.
For this I would need someway to displace and scale(?) the mask texture so that it detaches from the center of the main texture.
What nodes do I have to add to accomplish this, and where to connect them? Thanks.
As I commended I do not fully understand the question, but I will give it a try!
You want to move the UV of the texture to only make it apply to part of the image, and disable wrapping!
This can be done by using UV node while using the same channel you have on the overlapping texture and then adding the offset to it.
In order to disable wrapping you need to disable it on texture itself
Change Wrap Mode to Clamp
Set offset to values below 1. Now you need to just calculate what offset value for you will be as 1 is the full width of the image.
Instead of manually changing the UV texture you should use Tiling and Offset node which has easy scaling by changing tiling values.
Good luck :)

How to resize a texture for meters in ARKit

I need to tile a texture across a plane with updating geometry (floor fill), and I need the texture to be scaled to fit real-world dimensions in centimeters. It is a square floor tile of 50cm, and the texture size is 1024 pixels. How do I convert pixels to meters in ARKit? i know that I have to use SCNMatrix4MakeScale on the SCNMaterial diffuse.contentsTransform but not sure what properties to set to get it accurate.
What you might do is use the physical size of SCNNode that you are working with and determine how much squares of 50x50cm could it fit. After you get this coefficient, use it inside the contentsTransform to achieve needed behavior. Please refer to this answer for code snippets and more hints that you might find useful.

Unity, GameObject Sprite(2D) how to remove transparent part?

I had join few pieces image to be a Map, and i make it able to click also.
but the problem is the image itself had transparent part, so when i click "Section A", maybe will trigger "Section B". Because "Section B" had transparent part is overlap on the Section A area.
So my question is, is that possible had any properties can adjust like it will auto remove transparent part?
or is must manual to adjust the Collider area? because my images had a lot, if manual adjust one by one, then is really take a lot of time.
And i using Box Collider for additional information.
Option 1. Pick some layered sprites. Access the texture of each sprite and read pixel from it, providing coordinates sophisticatedly extracted from mouse position, sprite position on screen and texture bounds provided by sprite. Supposing that opaque parts of sprites are not intersected, any sprite that have opaque pixel at given coordinates will be the result of picking.
Option 2. Replace box colliders with procedurally generated mesh colliders. The procedure will receive the same texture of sprite as an input and generate outline(s) using, say, marching squares algorithm. To convert outline vertices into mesh the procedure may use any trianulation algorithm that works well with concave polygons.