In Firebird How to create a two dimensional char array domain - firebird

How do I create a two dimensional char array domain
eg: value
and and what is the insert/select/update statement if i use this domain in a table field or procedure input.

I would highly recommend to avoid arrays in Firebird. They are largely a holdover from pre-SQL features of InterBase, and are barely usable from the SQL language.
However, for the syntax of declaring an array domain, see the documentation on domains:
CREATE DOMAIN name [AS] <datatype>
[DEFAULT {<literal> | NULL | <context_var>}]
[NOT NULL] [CHECK (<dom_condition>)]
[COLLATE collation_name]
<datatype> ::=
{SMALLINT | INTEGER | BIGINT} [<array_dim>]
| {FLOAT | DOUBLE PRECISION} [<array_dim>]
| {DATE | TIME | TIMESTAMP} [<array_dim>]
| {DECIMAL | NUMERIC} [(precision [, scale])] [<array_dim>]
[<array_dim>] [CHARACTER SET charset_name]
[(size)] [<array_dim>]
| BLOB [SUB_TYPE {subtype_num | subtype_name}]
[SEGMENT SIZE seglen] [CHARACTER SET charset_name]
| BLOB [(seglen [, subtype_num])]
<array_dim> ::= '[' [m:]n [,[m:]n ...] ']'
The m:n refers to the lower and upper bounds of the array, so 500:2 would mean an array with a lower bound of 500 and an upper bound of 2, which of course doesn't make sense. If you want multi-dimensional arrays, then separate bounds by a comma (,). See also the documentation on the array type.
In other words, use:


create JSONB array grouped from column values with incrementing integers

For a PostgreSQL table, suppose the following data is in table A:
key_path | key | value
foo[1]__scrog | scrog | apple
foo[2]__scrog | scrog | orange
bar | bar | peach
baz[1]__biscuit | biscuit | watermelon
The goal is to group data when there is an incrementing number present for an otherwise identical value for column key_path.
For context, key_path is a JSON key path and key is the leaf key. The desired outcome would be:
key_path_group | key | values
[foo[1]__scrog, foo[2]__scrog] | scrog | [apple, orange]
bar | bar | peach
[baz[1]__biscuit] | biscuit | [watermelon]
Also noting that for key_path=baz[1]__biscuit even though there is only a single incrementing value, it still triggers casting to an array of length 1.
Any tips or suggestions much appreciated!
May have answered my own question (sometimes just typing it out helps). The following gets very close, if not exactly, what I'm looking for:
regexp_replace(key_path, '(.*)\[(\d+)\](.*)', '\1[x]\3') as key_path_group,
jsonb_agg(value) as values
from A
group by gp_key_path, key;

ST_Within does not return true

I have some data imported from a GeoPackage by using the ogr2ogr tool. I assume the import operation goes without any glitches since ST_IsValidReason() returns Valid Geometry for the imported multi-polygons (the geom column).
nzstat=# \d sa2_2020
Table "public.sa2_2020"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
gid | integer | | not null | nextval('sa2_2020_gid_seq'::regclass)
sa22018_v1_00 | character varying | | |
sa22018_v1_name | character varying | | |
land_area_sq_km | double precision | | |
area_sq_km | double precision | | |
shape_length | double precision | | |
geom | geometry(MultiPolygon,2193) | | |
"sa2_2020_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid)
"sa2_2020_geom_geom_idx" gist (geom)
nzstat=# select ST_IsValidReason(geom) from sa2_2020 where gid=4;
Valid Geometry
(1 row)
nzstat=# select ST_IsValidReason(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(174.77632, -41.28671), 2193));
Valid Geometry
(1 row)
nzstat=# select sa22018_v1_name from sa2_2020 where ST_Within(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(174.82726, -41.16671), 2193), geom);
(0 rows)
The coordinates I use for ST_MakePoint() are from another database which gives the x and y values in NZGD2000 coordinate system (SRID = 2193)
full_address_ascii | gd2000_xcoord | gd2000_ycoord
1 Willis Street, Wellington Central, Wellington | 174.77632 | -41.28671
The coordinate should be in one of the multi-polygons but my query returns no results. Is there anything I am missing here?
I use PostGIS 3.2 with PostgeSQL 13.5.
EPSG:2193 has coordinates in metres so it is unlikely that your values (174.82726, -41.16671) are in that projection, it is much more likely that they are in degrees (WGS84, EPGS:4326). So you need to transform your point to compare them to polygons in EPSG:2193, thus your SQL should be something like:
select sa22018_v1_name from sa2_2020 where ST_Within(ST_TRANSFORM(ST_MakePoint(174.82726, -41.16671), 2193), geom);
ST_SetSRID only changes the metadata of the point (setting the CRS), to actually change the values of a point's coordinates you need to reproject the point (transform it from one projection to another) and so must use ST_Transform.

Update telephone number format to include country identifier

Being a beginner in SQL, I am trying to do the telephone fields to be noted in the format: '"+" + country identifier + telephone number'.
SET phone_number = CASE WHEN (country_code ='FR')
AND phone_number NOT LIKE '+33%'
AND phone_number <> NULL
THEN CONCAT('+33', phone_number)
WHEN (country_code ='GB')and phone_number NOT LIKE '+44%'
AND phone_number <> NULL
THEN CONCAT('+44', phone_number)
I want to update telephone number format to include country identifier like : 0606080905-> +33606080905 if country_code='FR' . I am looking for a faster and less complex way than what I did.
You can do this with a regular expression using regexp_replace.
Imagine your data being:
Table 'numbers': | country | phone |
| FR | 0606080905 |
| FR | +33606080906 |
| GB | 0123456789 |
| GB | +44987654321 |
| GB | NULL |
Then the following update would replace the leading 0 with the country code +33 for all numbers that do not start with a +xx and have FR as country.
UPDATE numbers
SET phone = REGEXP_REPLACE(trim(phone), '^(0)', '+33')
WHERE country = 'FR'
the ^ means start of the string
the (0) is the match that gets replaced (leading zero)
the +33 is the string that is used to replace it
the trim() is just added for safety, in case there are leading spaces
NULL phone numbers won't be affected, as they do not match
You could do this now as you did before with a CASE WHEN or something similar for each of the different possibilities. But since the expression always is the same, an easier way would be to have your country codes and their numerical mapping in a separate table:
Table 'mapping': | country | prefix |
| FR | +33 |
| GB | +44 |
You could then do
UPDATE numbers n
SET phone = REGEXP_REPLACE(trim(phone), '^(0)', prefix)
FROM mapping m
and update all your numbers in one go:
| country | phone |
| FR | +33606080905 |
| FR | +33606080906 |
| GB | +44123456789 |
| GB | +44987654321 |
| GB | NULL |
EDIT: Previously, I had this needlessly complicated answer. You may need something like this if your phone number patterns are more diverse...
The following update would replace the leading 0 with the country code +33 for all numbers that do not start with a +xx and have FR as country.
UPDATE numbers
SET phone = REGEXP_REPLACE(trim(phone), '^(?<![+\d{2}])(0)', '+33')
WHERE country = 'FR'
the (?<![+]) is a negative lookbehind assertion that makes sure the regex only matches if there is no + followed by two digits before
the (0) is the match that gets replaced
the +33 is the string that is used to replace it
the trim() is just added for safety, in case there are leading spaces
NULL phone numbers won't be affected, as they do not match
That's about as simple as it gets.
The only way I can imagine to speed up processing is to add a WHERE condition that avoids updating the rows that don't have to be modified.
You could also run several such statements in parallel, where each modifies a different part of the table.
As mentioned in the comment, <> NULL is never true.

Querying partial value from a field - SQL SERVER 2008

I need to return only a portion of the value in a given field.
A given field returns something like 'AB-1X3.4567' but the desired value is only the '1X3.4567'portion. So for this example I need to remove anything that precedes the pattern of
What query could I write to do this?
using stuff() and patindex():
create table t (val varchar(32))
insert into t values
('AB-1X3.4567') -- given example
,('1X3.4567AB-1X3.4567') --extra junk on the end
,('1X3.4567') -- goldy locks
,('X3.4567') -- too short
,('AB-1X#.4567') -- # is not [0-9A-Z]
, str = stuff(val,1,patindex('%[0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][.][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]%',val)-1,'')
from t
rextester demo:
| val | str |
| AB-1X3.4567 | 1X3.4567 |
| 1X3.4567AB-1X3.4567 | 1X3.4567AB-1X3.4567 |
| 1X3.4567 | 1X3.4567 |
| X3.4567 | NULL |
| AB-1X#.4567 | NULL |
Your pattern alludes to anything which is XXX.XXXX where X = any single digit or letter. In that case we can use RIGHT() and LEN()
DECLARE #value VARCHAR(4000)='AB-1X3.4567'
SELECT RIGHT(#value,LEN(#value) - 3)

Sane way to store different data types within same column in postgres?

I'm currently attempting to modify an existing API that interacts with a postgres database. Long story short, it's essentially stores descriptors/metadata to determine where an actual 'asset' (typically this is a file of some sort) is storing on the server's hard disk.
Currently, its possible to 'tag' these 'assets' with any number of undefined key-value pairs (i.e. uploadedBy, addedOn, assetType, etc.) These tags are stored in a separate table with a structure similar to the following:
|assetid (text) | tagid(integer) | value(text) |
|someStringValue| 1234 | someValue |
|aDiffStringKey | 1235 | a username |
|aDiffStrKey | 1236 | Nov 5, 1605 |
assetid and tagid are foreign keys from other tables. Think of the assetid representing a file and the tagid/value pair is a map of descriptors.
Right now, the API (which is in Java) creates all these key-value pairs as a Map object. This includes things like timestamps/dates. What we'd like to do is to somehow be able to store different types of data for the value in the key-value pair. Or at least, storing it differently within the database, so that if we needed to, we could run queries checking date-ranges and the like on these tags. However, if they're stored as text items in the db, then we'd have to a.) Know that this is actually a date/time/timestamp item, and b.) convert into something that we could actually run such a query on.
There is only 1 idea I could think of thus far, without complete changing changing the layout of the db too much.
It is to expand the assettag table (shown above) to have additional columns for various types (numeric, text, timestamp), allow them to be null, and then on insert, checking the corresponding 'key' to figure out what type of data it really is. However, I can see a lot of problems with that sort of implementation.
Can any PostgreSQL-Ninjas out there offer a suggestion on how to approach this problem? I'm only recently getting thrown back into the deep-end of database interactions, so I admit I'm a bit rusty.
You've basically got two choices:
Option 1: A sparse table
Have one column for each data type, but only use the column that matches that data type you want to store. Of course this leads to most columns being null - a waste of space, but the purists like it because of the strong typing. It's a bit clunky having to check each column for null to figure out which datatype applies. Also, too bad if you actually want to store a null - then you must chose a specific value that "means null" - more clunkiness.
Option 2: Two columns - one for content, one for type
Everything can be expressed as text, so have a text column for the value, and another column (int or text) for the type, so your app code can restore the correct value in the correct type object. Good things are you don't have lots of nulls, but importantly you can easily extend the types to something beyond SQL data types to application classes by storing their value as json and their type as the class name.
I have used option 2 several times in my career and it was always very successful.
Another option, depending on what your doing, could be to just have one value column but store some json around the value...
This could look something like:
"type": "datetime",
"value": "2019-05-31 13:51:36"
That could even go a step further, using a Json or XML column.
I'm not in any way PostgreSQL ninja, but I think that instead of two columns (one for name and one for type) you could look at hstore data type:
data type for storing sets of key/value pairs within a single
PostgreSQL value. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as
rows with many attributes that are rarely examined, or semi-structured
data. Keys and values are simply text strings.
Of course, you have to check how date/timestamps converting into and from this type and see if it good for you.
You can use 2 different technics:
if you have floating type for every tagid
Define table and ID for every tagid-assetid combination and actual data tables:
|assetid (text) | tagid(integer) | tablename(text) | table_id(int) |
|someStringValue| 1234 | tablebool | 123 |
|aDiffStringKey | 1235 | tablefloat | 123 |
|aDiffStrKey | 1236 | tablestring | 123 |
| id(integer) | value(bool) |
| 123 | False |
| id(integer) | value(float) |
| 123 | 12.345 |
| id(integer) | value(string) |
| 123 | 'text' |
In case if every tagid has fixed type
create tagid description table
tag descriptors
|assetid (text) | tagid(integer) | tablename(text) |
|someStringValue| 1234 | tablebool |
|aDiffStringKey | 1235 | tablefloat |
|aDiffStrKey | 1236 | tablestring |
and correspodnding data tables
| id(integer) | tagid(integer) | value(bool) |
| 123 | 1234 | False |
| id(integer) | tagid(integer) | value(float) |
| 123 | 1235 | 12.345 |
| id(integer) | tagid(integer) | value(string) |
| 123 | 1236 | 'text' |
All this is just for general idea. You should adapt it for your needs.