Querying partial value from a field - SQL SERVER 2008 - sql-server-2008-r2

I need to return only a portion of the value in a given field.
A given field returns something like 'AB-1X3.4567' but the desired value is only the '1X3.4567'portion. So for this example I need to remove anything that precedes the pattern of
What query could I write to do this?

using stuff() and patindex():
create table t (val varchar(32))
insert into t values
('AB-1X3.4567') -- given example
,('1X3.4567AB-1X3.4567') --extra junk on the end
,('1X3.4567') -- goldy locks
,('X3.4567') -- too short
,('AB-1X#.4567') -- # is not [0-9A-Z]
, str = stuff(val,1,patindex('%[0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][.][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]%',val)-1,'')
from t
rextester demo: http://rextester.com/ITUJ68634
| val | str |
| AB-1X3.4567 | 1X3.4567 |
| 1X3.4567AB-1X3.4567 | 1X3.4567AB-1X3.4567 |
| 1X3.4567 | 1X3.4567 |
| X3.4567 | NULL |
| AB-1X#.4567 | NULL |

Your pattern alludes to anything which is XXX.XXXX where X = any single digit or letter. In that case we can use RIGHT() and LEN()
DECLARE #value VARCHAR(4000)='AB-1X3.4567'
SELECT RIGHT(#value,LEN(#value) - 3)


Are there different flavors of null in a PostgreSQL plpgsql variable of type jsonb?

Following up on a question I asked here...
#Bergi provided a helpful fiddle which produces the following table...
| val | -> | ->> | ->> :: |
| {"prop": "null"} | "null" | null | null |
| {"prop": null} | null * | | ** |
| {"prop": 42} | 42 | 42 | 42 |
| {"prop": []} | [] | [] | [] |
| {"prop": {}} | {} | {} | {} |
| {} | | | |
The fiddle link is more clear, but some returns are grey nulls and some are black. And there is clearly meaning in the difference. Anyway, note in particular the * and ** cells.
Note now two snippets from my OP code...
SELECT (_main_jsonb->'i_am_null') INTO _sub_jsonb; -- *
SELECT (_main_jsonb->>'i_am_null')::jsonb INTO _sub_jsonb; -- **
So first question is -- what precisely is being stored in _sub_jsonb in the * case? I understand that _sub_jsonb is being initialized by a different sequences of casts, but I do not understand what is actually being stored in _sub_jsonb in the first case. Clearly something different... a null that's not a null, somehow.
My second question is a re-ask of best practices, because I think I gleaned from a passing comment from Bergi (" Commenting in the first line demonstrates why casting string fields back to jsonb is a bad idea. ") that I should probably stick with this (below) approach to discovering nulls, as best practice:
_main_jsonb jsonb = '{"i_am_null": null}';
_sub_jsonb jsonb;
SELECT (_main_jsonb->'i_am_null') INTO _sub_jsonb;
IF _sub_jsonb = 'null'::jsonb THEN
RAISE INFO 'Best practice to identify a jsonb null. I think.';
Did I read your guidance rightly, Bergi?
Thx again, Bergi and Schwern!

Hbase shell Filter with Prefix

I have to get all the entries from a HBASE table which have values substring of the given input.
For example if my table is like below:
Table | Family | ColumnQualifier | Value
exp | family | column | 1000xyz
exp | family | column1 | 1000abc
exp | family | column2 | 1001abc
I need to get the entries 1000xyz and 1000abc by value filter with input - 1000
I tried the value filter :
scan 'exp', { FILTER => "ValueFilter( =, 'binary:1000')" }
which gives me the exact value 1000.
Thanks in advance!!!!
Use binaryprefix instead of binary as value comparator,
scan 'exp', { FILTER => "ValueFilter( =, 'binaryprefix:1000' )" }

Spark Scala Dataframe - replace/join column values with values from another dataframe (but is transposed)

I have a table with ~300 columns filled with characters (stored as String):
| FavouriteBeer | FavouriteCheese | ...
| U | C | ...
| U | E | ...
| I | B | ...
| C | U | ...
| ... | ... | ...
I have a Data Summary, which maps the characters onto their actual meaning. It is in this form:
| Field | Value | ValueDesc |
| FavouriteBeer | U | Unknown |
| FavouriteBeer | C | Carlsberg |
| FavouriteBeer | I | InnisAndGunn |
| FavouriteBeer | D | DoomBar |
| FavouriteCheese | C | Cheddar |
| FavouriteCheese | E | Emmental |
| FavouriteCheese | B | Brie |
| FavouriteCheese | U | Unknown |
| ... | ... | ... |
I want to programmatically replace the character values of each column in valuesDF with the Value Descriptions from summaryDF. This is the result I'm looking for:
| FavouriteBeer | FavouriteCheese | ...
| Unknown | Cheddar | ...
| Unknown | Emmental | ...
| InnisAndGunn | Brie | ...
| Carlsberg | Unknown | ...
| ... | ... | ...
As there are ~300 columns, I'm not keen to type out withColumn methods for each one.
Unfortunately I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to programming for Spark, although I've picked up enough to get by over the last 2 months.
What I'm pretty sure I need to do is something along the lines of:
valuesDF.columns.foreach { col => ...... } to iterate over each column
Filter summaryDF on Field using col String value
Left join summaryDF onto valuesDF based on current column
withColumn to replace the original character code column from valuesDF with new description column
Assign new DF as a var
Continue loop
However, trying this gave me Cartesian product error (I made sure to define the join as "left").
I tried and failed to pivot summaryDF (as there are no aggregations to do??) then join both dataframes together.
This is the sort of thing I've tried, and always getting a NullPointerException. I know this is really not the right way to do this, and can see why I'm getting Null Pointer... but I'm really stuck and reverting back to old, silly & bad Python habits in desperation.
var valuesDF = sourceDF
// I converted summaryDF to a broadcasted RDD
// because its small and a "constant" lookup table
.foreach{ x =>
// searchValue = Value (e.g. `U`),
// replaceValue = ValueDescription (e.g. `Unknown`),
val field = x(0).toString
val searchValue = x(1).toString
val replaceValue = x(2).toString
// error catching as summary data does not exactly mapping onto field names
// the joys of business people working in Excel...
try {
// I'm using regexp_replace because I'm lazy
valuesDF = valuesDF
.withColumn( attribute, regexp_replace(col(attribute), searchValue, replaceValue ))
catch {case _: Exception =>
Any ideas? Advice? Thanks.
First, we'll need a function that executes a join of valuesDf with summaryDf by Value and the respective pair of Favourite* and Field:
private def joinByColumn(colName: String, sourceDf: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
sourceDf.as("src") // alias it to help selecting appropriate columns in the result
// the join
.join(summaryDf, $"Value" === col(colName) && $"Field" === colName, "left")
// we do not need the original `Favourite*` column, so drop it
// select all previous columns, plus the one that contains the match
.select("src.*", "ValueDesc")
// rename the resulting column to have the name of the source one
.withColumnRenamed("ValueDesc", colName)
Now, to produce the target result we can iterate on the names of the columns to match:
val result = Seq("FavouriteBeer",
"FavouriteCheese").foldLeft(valuesDF) {
case(df, colName) => joinByColumn(colName, df)
| Unknown| Cheddar|
| Unknown| Emmental|
| InnisAndGunn| Brie|
| Carlsberg| Unknown|
In case a value from valuesDf does not match with anything in summaryDf, the resulting cell in this solution will contain null. If you want just to replace it with Unknown value, instead of .select and .withColumnRenamed lines above use:
.withColumn(colName, when($"ValueDesc".isNotNull, $"ValueDesc").otherwise(lit("Unknown")))
.select("src.*", colName)

Column-wise autocomplete

I have a table in a PostgreSQL database with four columns that contain increasingly more detailed information (think state->city->street->number), along with a column where everything is concatenated according to some simple formatting rules. Example:
| kommun | trakt | block | enhet | beteckning |
| Mora | Gislövs Läge | 9 | 16 | Mora Gislövs Läge 9:16 |
| Mora | Gisslaved | * | 8 | Mora Gisslaved 8 |
| Mora | Gisslaved | * | 9 | Mora Gisslaved 9 |
| Lilla Edet | Sanda | GA | 1 | Lilla Edet Sanda GA:1 |
A web service uses this table to implement a word-wise autocomplete, where the user gets input suggestions as they drill down. An input of mora gis will result in
["Mora Gislövs", "Mora Gisslaved"]
Currently, this is done by splitting the concatenated column by word in this query:
select distinct trim(substring(beteckning from '(^(\S+\s?){NUMPARTS})')) as bet
from beteckning_ac
where upper(beteckning) like upper('mora gis%')
order by bet
Where NUMPARTS is the number of words in the input - 2 in this case.
Now I want the autocomplete to be done column-wise rather than word-wise, so mora gis would now result in this instead:
["Mora Gislövs Läge", "Mora Gisslaved"]
Since the first two columns can contain an arbitrary number of words, I can no longer use the input to determine how many columns to include in the response. Is there a way to do this, or have I maybe gone about this autocomplete business all wrong?
--$1 is here your input
RETURNS setof text
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
NUMPARTS int := array_length(regexp_split_to_array($1,' '), 1);
return query
when (NUMPARTS = 1) then kommun
when (NUMPARTS = 2) then kommun||' '||trakt
when (NUMPARTS = 3) then kommun||' '||trakt||' '||block
when (NUMPARTS = 4) then kommun||' '||trakt||' '||block||' '||enhet
--alter if you want to
auto_complete --your tablename here
beteckning like $1||'%';

How do you do a "where in" sql query with an array data type?

I have a field:
dtype ==> character varying(3)[]
... but it's an array. So I have for example:
ID | name | dtype
1 | one | {'D10', 'D20', 'D30'}
2 | sam | {'D20'}
3 | jax | {'D10', 'D20'}
4 | pam | {'D10', 'D30'}
5 | pot | {'D10'}
I want to be able to do something like this:
select * from table where dtype in ('D20', 'D30')
This syntax doesnt work, but the goal is to then return fields 1,2,3,4 but not 5.
Is this possible?
Use the && operator as shown in the PostgreSQL manual under "array operators".
select * from table where dtype && ARRAY['D20', 'D30']