Controlling the default language (localization) in MDriven - mdriven

I am using the MDriven wiki support but would like to control the default language. Now it will revert to the original value is used. My issue is that if a browser with setting of "french" will the UI be rendered in (design language, Swedish) and not in prefered English

You can force the default language with an EAL action like this :  
This was not mentioned in the wiki but it is updated now.


Restrict languages auto-detected by VSCode?

Currently, when I paste JSON into a new tab in VSCode, it will usually detect its Language Mode as something else (ex CoffeeScript, etc, etc). Usually these are languages that I never use and don't care about.
Can I restrict the list of possible languages that it auto-identifies, so that it has a better chance of realizing that what I pasted in was JSON?
The description of that setting, Workbench > Editor: Language Detection, says that it can be scoped to restrict which languages it is applied to:
// Controls whether the language in a text editor is automatically
detected unless the language has been explicitly set by the language
picker. This can also be scoped by language so you can specify which
languages you do not want to be switched off of. This is useful for
languages like Markdown that often contain other languages that might
trick language detection into thinking it's the embedded language and
not Markdown.
So you could try this setting (in your settings.json):
"[json, jsonc]": {
"workbench.editor.languageDetection": false
This may only apply to previously set json files so let me know if this makes any difference. I don't think there is any other option other than disabling all language detection - of which I assume you are aware.

Combine separate page with default culture

Is there any way I can combine separate page with default culture, means when I change to the other language than the US I will see the same not translated page.
I can do that for the whole site using the 'Combine with default culture' setting from the Multilingual content settings, but that is not what I need, as far as some pages should not be displayed for other languages than the US.
I am using the Kentico 11 version.
There are multiple ways to achieve that is you don't want to use the "Combine with default culture" setting:
While switching to other language choose copy content from default language, but you have then duplicated content so you need to edit it twice when needed
Specify the english version to have culture unique url/path (for example by configuring it in Properties -> Urls -> Path or pattern property) and then setup redirection on that other language page to redirect there (Properties -> Navigation -> URL redirection)

MAMP: How to change UI language?

I am a German user, but I prefer English UI. I've found no setting for the language in MAMP. I can change the URL manually to ?language=English, but that is lame. How to change the language?
I renamed the resource directory de to de-off. MAMP control panel started in English, but the web page + tools were still in German. I patched MAMP\bin\mamp\php\functions.php to fix the $language:
$language = 'English';
Crude but works. Setting would be better.
In my case it was because my preference settings have german on the preferred language list. So I just change my language preference on my mac:
System Preferences from the Apple menu.
Click Language & Region.
Remove German from the list
Add english and Drag it to the second or first position of the Preferred languages list.
I've had the same problem. I set the language to English during installation and the UI is appropriately in English, but when I click on "Open WebStart page", the URL in the browser is http://localhost/MAMP/index.php?language=German.
I tried your method renaming the directory de to de-off and going to MAMP\bin\mamp\php\functions.php, but $language = 'English'; was already set, and I still had that problem.
So I used an even cruder method and copied the contents of MAMP\bin\mamp\translate\English.json into German.json. When that worked, I renamed the json file, just to see if it still worked, and it did ... :-)
But it's an awful method, and having that page synchronised by default with the language set during installation should be the professional way. I'll submit this as a request to MAMP.

Change translation language programmatically

I've got a small problem with a TYPO3 extension.
The extension is translated in english and german (default is german) and I now need to switch the language programmatically.
Reason: We got some cronjobs running that create files using the language selected by the user for certain tasks (e.g. creating bills).
I am using TYPO3 6.x with Extbase and Fluid.
In your cronjob, change the language of the current backend user. You can use the $GLOBALS['BE_USER'] variable to access this. It has a property for the language. However, you might need to reinitialize the language service. How a look into the bootstrap to see how this is done.

vBulletin Language Manager

i've edited default(en) vBulletin language for my own language(Turkish), but when i want to use it for my other forums with the same version(4.2.0) / when i download vbulletin-language.xml for later use, then i'm reloading it , but some phrases turn into default style although i've edited them and translated it in my language.
1-Returns default style
2-Why its textarea is a litle long than edited ones?
Please help i have been trying to solve this problem for days
My problem may be seen on the image above
Go to : admincp -> Languages and Phrases -> Downloading and Uploading Languages
in download section choice your language and then there are 2 other options :
Include Custom Phrases AND Just fetch phrases (No language settings will be included if 'Yes' is selected)
By "language settings" we mean the settings you see when you click the [Edit Settings] link in the Language Manager. If this language is just translated phrases and no custom settings then you can select "Yes" here. Otherwise you should select "No" to keep the language whole as it is now.
in vbulletin main manual there are not good describe for this options : vbulettin manual