MAMP: How to change UI language? - mamp

I am a German user, but I prefer English UI. I've found no setting for the language in MAMP. I can change the URL manually to ?language=English, but that is lame. How to change the language?

I renamed the resource directory de to de-off. MAMP control panel started in English, but the web page + tools were still in German. I patched MAMP\bin\mamp\php\functions.php to fix the $language:
$language = 'English';
Crude but works. Setting would be better.

In my case it was because my preference settings have german on the preferred language list. So I just change my language preference on my mac:
System Preferences from the Apple menu.
Click Language & Region.
Remove German from the list
Add english and Drag it to the second or first position of the Preferred languages list.

I've had the same problem. I set the language to English during installation and the UI is appropriately in English, but when I click on "Open WebStart page", the URL in the browser is http://localhost/MAMP/index.php?language=German.
I tried your method renaming the directory de to de-off and going to MAMP\bin\mamp\php\functions.php, but $language = 'English'; was already set, and I still had that problem.
So I used an even cruder method and copied the contents of MAMP\bin\mamp\translate\English.json into German.json. When that worked, I renamed the json file, just to see if it still worked, and it did ... :-)
But it's an awful method, and having that page synchronised by default with the language set during installation should be the professional way. I'll submit this as a request to MAMP.


Language problems associted with a new theme in sugarcrm

I have installed the latested version of sugarcrm and installed it suite crm theme. Every thing worked fine(in terms of design). Then, I installed russian langauge pack. Language was applied correctly except global controll links. I cleared caches(both browser and sugarcrm). If i enter crm(for example using English language) and logged out and enter using russian language, the global controll links are in English language(while all other elements in russian language). If I clear crm and browser from caches and enter the system(In reverse language order), Global controll links in Russian language while all other elements in english language. I suppose the error associted with caches and sesson. But, I do not know how to solve the issue. Please, help me. Where i need to change in order system work with a new them?
I found answer to the issue. I think that the problem was associted with ajaxheader. Therefore, I disabled them from admin->system settings->settings of ajax

WHM Language Changed to German

Hoping someone can help with this..
For some reason the default language in WHM is now German, instead of English.
I checked:
Home »Server Configuration »Tweak Settings
and the default language in English, however all of the icons are German and the sidebar text is German.
Any idea how this could happen?
Can you provide more information.
Have you installed any third-party applications such as RVSkin?
Note that a language can also be selected before logging into Web Host Manager, with a selection of languages below the login box.
You can also try deleting the german langauge from locale

Moodle translation doesn't work

I'm trying to translate file in moodle>>languages.
I changed english text for polish alternative text and it's not working , I already purged moodle cache , cache from browser and checked in database.mdl_tool_customlang . Everything looks ok but not working.
How to repair moodle to get languages from customlang sql database ?
I think you need to install the Polish language pack first
Then edit them via language customisation
Are you using the language customization tool (/admin/tool/customlang/index.php) to customize the translations? Because that's how it should be done. If you're changing it directly in the database or translation file (found in moodledata/lang/pl), it might not work correctly.
When using the customization tool, make sure you not only click on "Apply changes and continue editing" but also on "Save changes to the language pack".
One pitfall that I sometimes run into is editing the wrong text. Sometimes there are more than just one strings that contain the text to be edited and I'm changing the wrong one.
You'll need to purge the moodle cache.
Most versions have a link at the bottom that will allow you to do this. If not, look at:

vBulletin Language Manager

i've edited default(en) vBulletin language for my own language(Turkish), but when i want to use it for my other forums with the same version(4.2.0) / when i download vbulletin-language.xml for later use, then i'm reloading it , but some phrases turn into default style although i've edited them and translated it in my language.
1-Returns default style
2-Why its textarea is a litle long than edited ones?
Please help i have been trying to solve this problem for days
My problem may be seen on the image above
Go to : admincp -> Languages and Phrases -> Downloading and Uploading Languages
in download section choice your language and then there are 2 other options :
Include Custom Phrases AND Just fetch phrases (No language settings will be included if 'Yes' is selected)
By "language settings" we mean the settings you see when you click the [Edit Settings] link in the Language Manager. If this language is just translated phrases and no custom settings then you can select "Yes" here. Otherwise you should select "No" to keep the language whole as it is now.
in vbulletin main manual there are not good describe for this options : vbulettin manual

Content not being displayed in the correct language

I am trying to make this decision on what content (Messages) to be displayed based on the useragent. Everything works correctly when I user query param, or a meta tag. it also works correctly in Firefox. In firefox I change the language from english to french, reload the page and everything comes up correctly. This is baed on the useragent. If I load the page in chrome/IE I get the default (English) only. If I set my system language to French (my other language) everything seems to work as well. Any ideas why setting the language in chrome and IE have no affect no the content? I verified the headers and the requests are being made for French content? What am I missing?
My gwt.xml file is based on the one I found here
It was my understanding that all I needed to add was the following to my gwt.xml
set-configuration-property name="locale.useragent" value="Y"
Also I found the following Why does GWT ignore browser locale? which seems to indicate it won't work in IE but what about chrome?
TL;DR: there's no reliable way of getting the info you're looking at in JavaScript, the navigator object gives you the locale of the browser (i.e. the one used for the browser's own menus et al.), not the user's language preferences (except in Firefox).
Your best bet is to use a dynamic host page and generate the appropriate <meta> on the server depending on the request headers (i.e. content negotiation).