Ionic emulate android --livereload don't take the changes - ionic-framework

i have compiled successfully in the console but i can't see changes in the emulator

eventually this entry helps:
Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xm
Add this to your AndroidManifest.xml in the tag (Tag application already exists)
"< application android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" >"
Sometimes the livereload doesn't work because of an error which exists. Then first correct the errors. Also you can try to create an empty source.ts file and save it. After this he should recompile...


Unverified breakpoint in VSCode in Flutter

My debug mode does not work as I see the unverified breakpoint notice in VSCode in debug mode.
I already checked the Launch json file and it is fine, but something else is wrong which I do not see what it is. Maybe something related to paths, etc.
I tried to make a new project in VSCode using the command and the new default Flutter project is OK.
So it seems like, if I can make a fresh project from my current project then my problem could be solved. But how? I tried to move my files from my current project to the newly made Default Flutter project but I do not think this is the way. Because I guess some of the files in my project are the source of issues...
I already deleted .vs file but no help.
Do you have any good idea how to fix this issue?
First try cleaning the project files using flutter clean then flutter pub get, try running the app without debugging and if you are down for making a new one just move the lib and assets folders and copy the content of pubspec.yaml file.

Appium in windows

I am new in appium automation. When I open appium and selecting .apk file the packagename and acticity is showing as empty. Please help me to solve the issue .Running appium in windows. Appium version
In my experience, the Appactivity and apppackages aren't populated until you actually launch a session with that .apk (via inspector is the easiest way). In addition, if you just want to know those values of the app, you can check it via monitor.bat, filtering "com" in the console log, and looking for the appropriate activites
Maybe your apk file is incorrect? You may try to decompile it, using apktool.
apktool.bat d path-to-apk-file.apk
Apktool will generate folder, open it and go to Manifest file. Look for tag named "activity" and "package". Example manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="">
<activity android:name="com.example.activity">
Please check "aapt.exe" is available under SDK 'tools' or 'platform-tools' section, Appium uses "aapt dump badging apkpath" to get APK information.
If yes then set path variable.
You can also receive all information about.Apk using above command.
I hope it helps.
Please use
aapt.exe dump badging (In Windows)
./aapt dump badging (In Linux/MAC)
for getting relevant package and activity from the app.
Or better use "app" property in DesiredCapability to directly specify app's URL or absolute path.
Hello you must select the button of Application Path in first.
And make empty the fields of the application path.
And put again the path to your apk file.
Best regards.
Solution for Android
Good way to get AppPackage and AppActivity is to use the apkInfo App.
To do so
Download the apkinfo app from playstore on the same mobile on which you have installed the app under test.
Open apk info app and select the app under test from the list ( You can also search for the app).
Once you got the app, long press on the app and select "detailed information" which shows the app package and all the Activities.
I have listed all of these steps with screenshots here on my blog:
#prasanth, Please upgrade the version of your appium because newer version have this feature. try appium and onwards. It will work.

Error on publishing Android project

It shows unable to open file for read: no such file or directory
(the directory shown in the error message should be linking to the Android SDK folder, the directory shown in the error message is wrong and i tried to rename the folders to make the directory correct but it doesn't work as the directory shown in error message change every time...)
Is there any way to fix it? i have reinstalled it but still doesn't work. Thanks guys
You shouldn't change the name of the SDK Folders.
I suggest you to install a fresh Android SDK from
After that, set the path again from File -> Project Details -> Android SDK tab.

MonkeyTalk-While recording not recognizing the recorded script in MonkeyTalk,is any problems with me?

We tried to Implement two types of scenarios on Monkey Talk
One is recording through Source Code and Converting Eclipse Project to Aspect J project-Its working fine.
Second scenario we tried to use the .APK file for same project we are unable to record the apk formatted set up
Clarifications needed for Below points:
Can we record .APK file setups in Monkey talk or not
As per My Observation from Web we can use .APK file but I am
Unable to Find out the Solution for my Problem.
Looking forward to assist with you if you have any concerns & Waiting or your Informative reply..
Best Regards,
Uday Reddy.S
I was able to record using .apk when the device was connected by the option Android Device(USB). You will have to wait for 10-15 secs for the record button to be enabled.
You first have to make your app source code compatible with Monkeytalk by below steps and after than you can automate it
steps are :
1)Download MonkeyTalk for gorilla logic website and unzip it.
2)Open Eclipse and convert your project on "Aspectj" (need a plugin aspectj - for eclipse)- Once it get downloaded right click on your app,configure,Convert to aspectj.
3)Then under your project folder structure search for "libs" folder if it's exist then ok else create it.
4)Once it get done go to monkeytalk,agents,android,Monkeytalkjar file. Copy it and paste it under libs folder.
5)Once it done click on "jar" file and right click on it,Aspectjtools,Add to aspectpath.
6)Then go to Androidmanifest.xml file where we have to add some permissions;
<Uses-permissions android:name="android.Permission.INTERNET/>
<Uses-permissions android:name="android.Permission.Get_TASKS/>
and save it.
7)Go to project click on it,Right click,properties,JavaBuild Path,Check the "Aspectj Runtime Library,Ok.
8)Run your application as a Android application.
9) Open monkey talk.
10) Create new project,Create new script.
11)Then set the android sdk path under prefences; MonkeyTalk,MonketTalkPrefences,Android SDK path,ok.
12) Connect to emulator on monkeytalk.
Now you will be able to record and play in MonkeyTalk.
Some start up code for your reference eg; if we have two textfield username and password and one button submit.

BB10 android runtime push notification

I have followed this tutorial to enable push notification on android runtime but
I am getting failure 830 android/android.cfg: unknown asset error when i try to deploy bar package into alpa device.
What can be the reason of that?
The solution is to change the way of importing android.cfg file into the android project.
First of all,
add android.cfg file into root of the android project folder and
rename it as projectname.cfg. For example, if the application name
is SamplePushApp, the name of your cfg file must be SamplePushApp.cfg.
Secondly, sign your application using eclipse bar signer.
After that, check out if the android.cfg file is created under bar